Wednesday, January 27, 2010


In a time when "more with less" is the battle cry for most organizations, accountability is a word that is actively being tossed around. In most cases, it is found in expressions like "We have to hold people accountable" or "You are going to be held accountable". It appears as though most of marketplace America continues to see accountability as something that can successfully be done to people. I am afraid we are continuing to operate out of a performance paradigm that is flawed.
People simply cannot be held accountable anymore than they can be successfully motivated. Certainly, performance can, and should, be monitored. It is a vital performance process. However, to the degree monitoring becomes synonymous with policing, greater productivity simply will not result. Forced performance will actually become a limiting strategy in the long run.

Accountability must be recognized as the responsibility of people. While it cannot be done to them successfully, it is an ability they must be challenged to accept and develop within themselves. Those who are leading people must master the art of helping people choose to maximize their potential. Attempts to do it to them will be resisted and, most often, resented. Thus, the management/employee gaps continue to flourish.

It really boils down to the matter of respect. Leaders who want to evoke greater performance and productivity in people must become students of their motive for living. They must learn to inspire deeper conviction within. Responsibility and resulting accountability are the internal choices motive driven people embrace. Help people choose. Don't choose for them. Do well, my friends!

Monday, January 25, 2010

One Story at a Time

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. What large challenges do you have that need to be broken down into "bite sizes"? Allen spends some time this week to help us breakdown those challenges:

Prayer and Thankfulness...Start Right!
Affirming and Enlightening Words...Think Right!
Coming Alive... Exercise/Breathe!
Reflect and Prepare...Remember!
Choose and Respond...Execute!
Engage and Learn...Connect!
Learn, Love and Lead...Influence!
Recognize and Reward...Encourage!
Help People Choose...Sell!
Stay Thankful...End Right!

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Is Your Motive?

What is your motive for doing the things you do? I believe your daily performance is in reality whatever your motive is set in motion. In the work that I do in the marketplace of America, when I ask that question, most often the answer is money. What if I told you that money negatively impacts your performance? Well, that is essentially what Daniel Pink says in his new book Drive.
Up until the twentieth century, behavioral scientists believed that motivation was the product of our base instincts coupled with the desire to receive reward. The promise of reward for certain behavior and rebuke for non-behavior was the ruling word concerning the motivation of people. The industrial world created work that essentially required little to no thought or creativity. Even then, he suggests, people would do more if you didn't demotivate them by reducing what they do to dollars and cents. For activities requiring thought and creativity, people have to be managed differently in order to encourage their internal desire to make a difference. And, that is the marketplace we live in today.

Pink's new book, Drive is excellent. However, I want to distill it down to its simplest form. Your reason why is your motivation. If you are for sale and if money is your only reason why, whatever you do you will ultimately be something you resent. We were never meant to be for sale. Even if it is respect or even recognition you live for, you will always be disappointed because you will never get what you need. Positioned people in your life will always let you down. No, your motivation is your responsibility. It is within you.

You and I have been created with an internal need to create and to make a difference. We have also been created with the internal need to love and serve. The truth is every single day calls for the most creative, the most influential, the most empathetic, and the most contributive we can be. It cannot be contingent upon how we are priced by others. It cannot even be limited by however our job description tries to define us. We will always be more than the definition of the world around us. And, we will always be more motivated by what lies within us than what we experience without.

So, create something this week whether you are challenged to or not. Challenge yourself. Do it for you and because of you. Motivated living is the healthiest form of living. Choose a motivated lifestyle for yourself. It will ultimately be recognized, respected, and maybe even rewarded. Who knows these days? Do it anyway. The integrity of walking out your potential will make it worth it all. Do well, my friends!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Clarifying Questions

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. It's a new year with new challenges. This past year has been a redefining year for people, families, and organizations. So, what adjustments have you made to your game? Allen asks some questions he believes could help you get clarity:

  1. What are you selling?
  2. What makes people choose you?
  3. What is your distinction?
  4. What is your reason "why"?
  5. Who is on your team?
  6. What role do you play?
  7. How do you stay accountable?

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How Customers Choose

For years, I have communicated a definition of selling that I believe best represents this noble profession. Selling is mastering the art and the science of influencing the thinking of people in such a way as to help them choose. I stand by this definition, and many have chosen to embrace it for themselves. This past week I have given additional thought to how people choose. My thought has been prompted by a new book from Kevin Maney called Trade Off.

Maney suggests that customers make a choice by making a "trade off" between the fidelity or unique quality of the product, and convenience, the unique delivery of the product. His insights have allowed me to explore the trade off customers have to make in order to choose my products and services. It has been a really healthy exercise for me because of his definition of fidelity, a unique product carrying an "aura" and "dynamic" about it that sets it apart from other offerings and which causes people to trade off the convenience factor for the experience. I realized in a fresh way that I really am asking for people to make that trade off for much of what I do.

In my case, it translates to representing an experience for my clients through speaking, training, and/or coaching services that far outreaches the convenience of distance training through some technological means. That is not to suggest that I am free to ignore convenience in the process. It is my conviction that people will not receive the same effect if they don't have the personal experience I provide. Maney is suggesting thay you simply will not be able to master and represent them both as some kind of unique value proposition. And, I think I agree with him.

He proposes that those who try to master both fall into what he calls the "fidelity belly" and will eventually be lost in the process. In thinking back to many examples of business failings that I can personally relate to, I think he has a point. If you do not represent a unique mastery on one side or the other, the customer will simply not value your presentation enough to hang around.

I recommend the read to you. I also encourage you to give some honest thought to your uniqueness as a professional, personally. I really believe customers, however you define them, are looking for something impressive to buy into. Employers stand as customers when they are shopping for employees. You will have to impress them with your uniqueness and with your convenience, availability wise. However, I believe people pay more for what impresses them most. Make your own application. Do well, my friends!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Listen Well

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. As a professional speaker and trainer, Allen has people who listen to him all of the time. Some may feel life they are being made to. This week he realized again that great listeners make me a much better, maybe even great speaker, in their presence. This week he shares a few thoughts about what is involved in great listening.

  1. Be actively present.
  2. Listen with your eyes.
  3. Stay focused.
  4. Ask good and well timed questions.
  5. Remember your non-verbals.
  6. Smiles are good.
  7. Make them know you are interested.
  8. Don't talk over them.
  9. Keep it about them.
  10. Affirm them.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "tappe talk" and then subscribe

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How Will You Think?

Why do we think the way we think? We think the way we think because of what we have experienced in life up to this point in time. So, as we begin this new year, we all have the opportunity to think new things because we are all about to experience the unknown of tomorrow. A few weeks ago, I suggested that there is one thing you can depend upon during the year to come, and that is the unexpected. You have a life waiting for you over which you have no control except for the way you will respond to it. Your thinking will be changed forever because of the reality of the unexpected.

What will you do, on purpose, to influence new thought for yourself? I mean knowing that you will have things happen, over which you will have no control, what will you do, on purpose, to influence yourself? I want to encourage you to begin this new year with a determination to change your own thinking. It is going to happen to you anyway. Why not approach it with specific intention?

Begin by meeting new people...on purpose. Make the decision to spend time with people you admire. Contact them and ask for the opportunity to interview them. Ask them questions that make a difference. What motivates them? How do they handle disappointment or failure? How do they deal with conflict? Who has influenced them the most? How have they gone about maintaining some kind of balance in their lives? If they had anything they could change, professionally speaking, what would they do? Keep the time short but make it meaningful.

Read something you have never read before. Read a different genre of book or material to wrap your mind around. Think about reading Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Read Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss or Harold and the Purpose Crayon by Crockett. Read The Traveller's Gift by Andy Andrews and think through unique eyes of history. Pick a classic. Choose some poetry. Read Scripture again for the first time. If you want a suggestion as to where you might begin then read Stephen Covey's, The 8th Habit. If you get into it then read, or reread, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey. I would personally encourage you to begin with The Arbinger Institute's, Leadership and Self-Deception. Just read something.

Ask new questions. Change old habits and choose some new ones. Spend time looking through the eyes of children. Get up earlier and watch the sun rise. Choose to specifically pay attention to more sunsets. Take dance lessons. Learn a new language or at least study a new culture. Watch the Discovery channel. Spend some time alone just for thinking purposes. Maybe use the time for listening to God.

I just want to encourage you to begin this year with new intention. Intend to think, on purpose. To a measured degree, what you think will determine how 2010 will go. Do well my friends living a purposed new year!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Getting Over the Holiday

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. It is now officially over - the holidays that is. Reality is here with us. Allen shares a few suggestions to start our new year:

  1. Get up early
  2. Get outside to exercise
  3. Read something
  4. Get to work early
  5. Review your plan
  6. Remember your reason why
  7. Make your most important call(s) first
  8. Ready, fire, aim
  9. Embrace the urgency of timing ... work a full day
  10. Go home and do home well

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "tappe talk" and then subscribe

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