Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Be Extravagant!

Recently, I have experienced the receiving side of extravagance. It has been something I have received throughout my life but this time I have experienced it through my granddaughter. She is headed to Kenya this summer to work with orphans who are hearing impaired. She has achieved a level of mastery in signing and so she believes she is on a mission she was born to experience. The only problem is money. It is going to be an expensive summer for someone who is still a college student. And, that is where this story of extravagance begins.

She sent letters out to about seventy-five families asking them to consider supporting her on this mission. She really asked for their partnership in prayer but she clearly noted she needed their help in getting to Kenya and back. Most of the people are people who have known her since she was born. Many are clients of mine who have become friends and who have heard about Savannah through me. Almost immediately, the support began to arrive. It is hard to explain what it has meant to her to receive such extravagant expressions of love and support. It has changed her life.

Today, I got to spend the entire day with my grandson. It doesn't happen often. At fifteen, he has a lot going on and, for most of it, a grandfather would not fit. Today was different. I had the opportunity to enjoy taking him into my world some. I was also able to gift him, not only with my time, but with things he never expected. There clearly was expense involved. Most people would call it extravagant and they would be right. The impact on my grandson and the impact upon me really can't be put into word. I loved it.

My message is this, be extravagant to someone. Do something they could not possibly expect. Make it special. It will change their lives and it will transform you. Think about it. You have a God who has been extravagant upon you. Think about the ways He provides. Think about His love, His forgiveness, and His companionship. I hope you are experiencing His extravagance. Believe me, it is there for you. He is there for you. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Make Somebody's Day

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. There is a human tendency to be self-centered. In fact, it is human nature. So, when you get outside of yourself, it is really counter cultural. Allen shares a few thoughts this week on how the world changes for you when you get outside of yourself long enough to make someone's day.
  1. It Defeats Depression
  2. It Makes a Difference
  3. It Changes Life Rhythms
  4. It is Fun!

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Play Ball!

Opening day is just around the corner. Pre-season is coming to an end. America's national pastime is about to begin a new season. My grandson is reaching for his ball and bat. He has his batting helmet on and his batting gloves in hand. There is something fresh and unique about this time of the year. The cold days of winter are over and the dog days of summer have yet to begin. Spring time is here.

Seeds are being planted and new growth is anticipated. Nature is dependable and consistent. Farmers depend upon it for the results they hope to achieve. We depend upon it as well. While there might be unexpected tragedy, they put there plans into action with confidence and consistence. It is what they do and it is time.

I really believe we should follow their lead. It is time to begin, again. It is time for seeds to be planted. Confidence should be felt. Great expectations should characterize our vision. We should feel some childlike excitement. We need to get our equipment ready because the season is about to begin. The chill of winter is past. The dog days have yet to come. Maybe they won't.

I hope you are ready. It would be a shame to miss such a unique opportunity. You will never be able to get this time back. The time is now. Seize it. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

It Is Time!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. We have had a lot of things to distract us but a sense of freshness is in the air. So, here are a few suggestions for going forward...
  • Get Your Mind Right.
  • Reconnect
  • Check Your Credentials
  • Ask More. Talk Less.
  • Reinvent Yourself.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribeTo comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't Stretch To Far!

Today, I went out to play softball with a few guys from the church I attend. They are all younger than I am. I know it is probably not smart but I am doing it anyway. During practice, I stretched out to catch a ball and I lost my balance and fell. I made the play but I paid the price. The bloody knee does not hurt nearly as badly as what might be a cracked rib. While I am nursing my wounds, I am thinking about what I might have learned.

The truth is I stretched beyond my ability to perform. I found myself off balance and I fell. Life is like that. Staying centered and not reaching beyond yourself is critical to living a healthy and successful life. Take note of the fact that I am not saying don't stretch. I am just saying don't over reach and lose your sense of balance.

Knowing who you are and what your capacity is keeps you prepared to live a responsive life. Tying to impress others will not serve you well. Neither will allowing others to define you. Being at peace with where you are in life provides you with great freedom. You are free to be who you are, right where you are, because you are.

So, keep your feet on the ground and live the life you have been given to live. Stay thankful for the life you are prepared to live. It is enough and you are enough. Be aware of those who would tell you otherwise. They probably would enjoy watching you fall. I hope I am learning it. Do well, my friends

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. It seems that we spend too much time dissatisfied about who we are and about what we are doing. As a result, we are unable to do either of them really well. Life is entirely too short to spend any more time in the throws of dissatisfaction and indecision. It is time for a break out. It is Time to begin again.
  • Get Clarity About Who and Why You Are...
  • Get Committed To A Plan...
  • Get Accountable to Your commitment to You...
  • Get Determined to Continue Learning and Growing...

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

To comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Representing Yourself

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Wrap your mind around this thought: "How you represent you is a presentation that must be worthy of who you are." Allen shares a few thoughts for you to keep in mind as you continue to travel through life.
  • The world only knows you through what you represent yourself to be.
  • Without your explanation, they will have to define you for themselves.
  • You were purposed for this life.
  • Choose to take your place.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

To comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Give it Up!

How much time do you spend trying to change other people? How is that working for you? These two questions are rhetorical because I know the answer to both questions. “Too much” answers the first and “It is not” takes care of the second. From personal experience with myself and with others, I know. If you have not given up on the temptation to play God then I hope you will take my advice and give it up. If you have already seen the light then I want to give you some insight you might find valuable.

Giving it up and carrying with you an attitude and heart of resentment toward the one you cannot change will not work. You have to let go of the resentment and replace it with respect. The difference between resentment and respect is important to recognize and explore. Resentment is a reaction to your failure. Respect is a response to your values. The former continues to judge. The latter becomes the product of personal alignment and integrity. Resentment destroys. Respect develops.

I offer this counsel to you because it can be the difference maker. Resentment is a form of manipulation. It is the environment you create because of your frustration with not being able to get your way. Respect is your recognition of the other person as being distinctive and responsible. Respect is not agreement. Respect is acceptance. There is a difference.

So, make the choice today to become a champion for the people in your world and not their critic. “Who are you to judge the servant of another?” Your responsibility in this life is to lead through love. I have that on good authority. Trust me, it takes a lot of pressure off of the relationships you have in this life, beginning with you. Do well, my friends.