Monday, July 6, 2009

How Are We Handling Freedom?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This past week we celebrated freedom as a country. A freedom that was birthed over 230 years ago. How are you handling your freedom? Allen shares a few thoughts on how we need to look at our freedom, personally.
  1. Do you recognize freedom for the opportunity it really is and are you making the most of it?
  2. Are you as thankful for the gift of freedom on a regular basis as you need to be?
  3. Are you doing your part to keep us free?

  4. Are you doing your part to keep you free?
  5. Do you live life as though you are free?
  6. Do you look like your free?
  7. What disciplines hav e you chosen to embrace in your life to insure your freedom?
  8. Do you celebrate your freedom more than once a year?

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