Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Choose Your Culture

Where do you spend most of the time in your life? My guess is for most it will be in the workplace. Each week, we have 168 hours to live. If you sleep like most average Americans, you probably don't get much more than six hours of sleep per night. Which means, you would have 126 waking hours to experience. If you approach your work like most of us do then, one way or another, you probably spend somewhere close to 50 hours either in or traveling to your place of work. I would suggest most Americans spend over half of their lives at work.

Here is the point. If you are going to spend over half of your life in a place with people who aren't the people you love most or to whom you have the most commitment, why would you not want to do your part to make it the most positive, productive, and powerful experience of your life? Yet, the culture experience at work being produced by most of us is toxic to say the very least. We live it and then go home completely wasted. Then, we get to take on the hard part of living. Is there any wonder family life in this country has and is being ravaged.

I believe we need to create workplace cultures where we receive energy to live the rest of our lives. Before you think it, I know it is work. I also know work done well in the midst of others who are equally committed to creating a special, if not protected, professional environment in which to work can be an experience that is both healthy and positive.

Here is your reality. You are going to have to choose to create it. You cannot wait for others to produce it. You can encourage others to join you in producing it. You can't wait for management or ownership to produce it. They can't do it for you, and in many cases, they won't. You can, however, manage up and influence them toward the difference it will make in company productivity, morale, and ultimately, profitability.

Start a movement in your workplace. Begin as you travel toward it. Listen to something instructive and positive. Choose to represent the culture you want to experience. Respect others. Recognize the kind of behavior in others, management included, you want to continue to experience. Determin to grow and develop. Learn something even if it does help "the man" make more money. Do it for you. Learn to communicate clearly and with power. Engage conflict and learn to produce through the opportunity it represents. Then, go home. Take home with you the energy you will have created. Do well, my friends!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week Allen encourages you to make a choice. Choose to make a positive difference in your working culture. Here is the course:
  1. Get your mind right each day before you get there.
  2. Recognize, and greet positively, the people on your team.
  3. Do the things you have said you will do.
  4. Catch people doing good things and praise them.
  5. Refuse to participate in negative conversation. Lead it.
  6. Get honest.
  7. Be flexible.
  8. Learn something.
  9. Stay humble.
  10. Be thankful.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life's Limiting Factor

Life is difficult and fear is the complicating factor. In fact, it is the limiting factor in all of our lives. It complicates life because it limits the relationships we were meant to know and enjoy. Fear serves to limit us on several levels, however, it does its primary work in the area of intimacy in relationships.

Fear of someone really coming to know us is one of fear's most limiting factors. The best definition I have ever heard for intimacy is "the ability to share our most present fear with absolute confidence". It is our lack of confidence in who we are that serves to defeat us. Because we are insecure in ourselves, we hide from others.

We are afraid to get too close to others because of our fear of losing them. Once again, fear tends to limit the very thing we were meant to enjoy. We stay afraid of losing something we were never meant to own. Relationships are not possessions. They are privilege. They are meant to be a life experience where we can love and be loved.

Fear keeps us afraid of exposing ourselves and all of our weaknesses. We don't want to look, or feel, foolish. In fact, we work overtime to keep from being seen as we are. We disguise ourselves. We wear masks to hide our weakness. We want to avoid being vulnerable at all cost.

We will only come to know true relationship with others when we allow them to know us as we really are. It is when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable to another person that we begin to know and be known. It is by engaging our fears that we conquer them. The work begins within. We have to find peace. Our identity issues need to be settled. It really is a spiritual matter. Knowing others begins with knowing ourselves. Make peace with self and know peace with others. Do well, my friends.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Building Client Loyalty

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week Allen spends time reflecting upon the most important challenge most of us face as selling and serving professionals. How do we get and keep loyal clients?

  1. Be honest with them.
  2. Be consistent with them
  3. Stay honest with them.
  4. Do the little things.
  5. Recognize and praise them.
  6. Be the resource they value.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


It is interesting for me to think about words that weren’t really words when I was growing up. Here is one of them: branding. I mean the word existed with reference to horses and cattle but not really for business as far as I remember. Maybe it was in principle but not really as a marketing priority and power. Things have really changed. It seems like everything you read with regard to business growth and development has something to say about branding. It has even become a personal essential for those of us who want to find a place in our world.

I recently heard something with regard to branding I found to be interesting. This recognized authority suggested that “brand awareness is not really important”. He went on to say “brand preference is better”. And, he concluded by saying “brand insistence” is the goal. I think he is right. People being aware of who you are and of what you do guarantees you nothing. Even their having a preference toward you does not assure you of their commitment. It is only when they are willing to fight for what you represent that you have really created branding power and value.

Here are some thoughts I want you to think about concerning you and your brand. While awareness, in and of itself, is not enough. Consistent recognition of your distinction and value is. Helping people recognize and remember you is your challenge. You have to help them remember that you are the answer and resource they seek. When they think of their need they need to be simultaneously thinking of you.

Consistent creativity must characterize your offering. Just making a contact or a presentation does not get it done for today’s consumer. Just sending a resume will not get it done for today’s employer. They have too many choices. There is something you must bring before them with carefully paced consistency that position’s you as really being distinctive. Coca Cola once helped us remember and recognize their distinction by taking it away. Remember the “new” Coca Cola? We insisted they bring back our drink. I love it.

Consistent experience is an essential. Once you have been chosen, it is showtime. You can never assume anything. You have to help people choose you and what you represent over and over again. Every time they experience you they must be impressed again with the wisdom of their decision.

Branding can be a powerful thing as long as you don’t become a legend in your own mind. Begin every day with the determination to place a fresh offering before your world. Help people, choose you. It is the best thing you can do for them. You have to believe it. Do well, my friends!

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Monday, April 12, 2010

What's in a Brand?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Having a logo and a website won't get it done. the challenge is in positioning your brand personally and powerfully in your world. The challenge for you this week is to recognize yourself and what you represent as someone and something worth branding.
  1. You are unique, distinctive, and purposed.
  2. You are the one who can best represent you.
  3. You are the answer to the question others are asking.
  4. You represent the energy that will drive your brand.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Go For It!

Over the years, I have asked audiences across America this question, "Are you the kind of person who, if you really believe something needs to be done, will get it done?" The audiences I address tend to be people who are serious about learning and growing. They are generally pretty motivated people. So, their answers may not be a surprise. With very few exceptions, they say they would.

It is the next question I find most interesting. To each group, I follow my initial qualifying question with this one, "How many of you have at least one thing you believe needs to get done in your life that you aren't getting done?" Once again, almost all of them say they do.

What's up with that? People who see themselves as "getting it done" kind of people are living with things they simply aren't getting done? Maybe you can relate. I know I can. So, what is going on?

I think we have to begin with the premise. Do you really believe something needs to get done? I don't think so. You may think it would be good if it got done. You may even have a desire that it get done. But, you don't really believe it is something that absolutely must get done. If and when you do, you will. You won't quit smoking because others think you should. It has to be something you become absolutely committed to getting done. The same is true for losing weight, cleaning a room, or getting a job. Commitment will only come with conviction. Even then it is never easy. Your conviction will be challenged by you every day.

So, quit saying things need to be done when you have no real conviction about doing them. It is like putting things on your daily list of things you intend to do but don't get done. Intention without execution creates depression. Don't say it if you don't mean it. Get it off of your list if you are not committed to doing it.

One final word. If you wait until you feel like doing things before you do them, you will never get the challenging and difficult things done. Choose to "act as if". Do it whether you feel like it or not because you need to do it. Your feelings will come around. Believe it. Do well, my friends.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Doing Things We Don't Feel Like Doing Because We Know We Need to Do Them?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. How often do you find yourself thinking about things you know you need to do, but you're not getting them done? Is there something about that reality in our lives that needs to change? Allen share some person and direct thoughts.
  1. Quit saying you are going to do something you never intend to get done.
  2. If you really believe something needs to get done, do it.
  3. A wish list is different than a will do list.
  4. Distinguish those things you will get done from those things you will have done for you.
  5. Keep expectations high but integrity based.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe

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