Wednesday, April 14, 2010


It is interesting for me to think about words that weren’t really words when I was growing up. Here is one of them: branding. I mean the word existed with reference to horses and cattle but not really for business as far as I remember. Maybe it was in principle but not really as a marketing priority and power. Things have really changed. It seems like everything you read with regard to business growth and development has something to say about branding. It has even become a personal essential for those of us who want to find a place in our world.

I recently heard something with regard to branding I found to be interesting. This recognized authority suggested that “brand awareness is not really important”. He went on to say “brand preference is better”. And, he concluded by saying “brand insistence” is the goal. I think he is right. People being aware of who you are and of what you do guarantees you nothing. Even their having a preference toward you does not assure you of their commitment. It is only when they are willing to fight for what you represent that you have really created branding power and value.

Here are some thoughts I want you to think about concerning you and your brand. While awareness, in and of itself, is not enough. Consistent recognition of your distinction and value is. Helping people recognize and remember you is your challenge. You have to help them remember that you are the answer and resource they seek. When they think of their need they need to be simultaneously thinking of you.

Consistent creativity must characterize your offering. Just making a contact or a presentation does not get it done for today’s consumer. Just sending a resume will not get it done for today’s employer. They have too many choices. There is something you must bring before them with carefully paced consistency that position’s you as really being distinctive. Coca Cola once helped us remember and recognize their distinction by taking it away. Remember the “new” Coca Cola? We insisted they bring back our drink. I love it.

Consistent experience is an essential. Once you have been chosen, it is showtime. You can never assume anything. You have to help people choose you and what you represent over and over again. Every time they experience you they must be impressed again with the wisdom of their decision.

Branding can be a powerful thing as long as you don’t become a legend in your own mind. Begin every day with the determination to place a fresh offering before your world. Help people, choose you. It is the best thing you can do for them. You have to believe it. Do well, my friends!

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