Monday, May 31, 2010

Making Peace

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week, Allen spends time on the subject of peace. There is no question choices we make, or those we don't make, greatly influence the level of peace we experience in life. So, here are some thoughts concerning the creation of that environment

  • Clarify your boundaries in life
  • Accept responsibility for your part
  • Let things go that don't really matter
  • Focus on the needs of others
  • Engage conflict
  • Be prepared to forgive (Knowing personal forgiveness is a prerequisite)
  • Value peace

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Waste Not, Want Not"

It is an old proverb. "Waste not, want not." It's truth seems pretty clear. To the degree your life is filled with waste, you will leave areas of your life in need. Choosing to manage the waste in your life can solve a lot of problems. The truth is none of us waste on purpose. It is reactive behavior. So, you have to begin with a waste examination.

Time might be a great place to begin. How much time do you waste? Time wasted is time not purposed. To not waste time, does not mean constant "busyness". It simply means you don't allow life to happen to you. It means you are not "counter punching" with life as it comes at you. Rather, you happen to life. You prioritize. You simplify. You say no. Time is life's most significantly endangered species. It must be valued and protected.

Conviction becomes an essential companion for effective time management. What is your belief system? To the degree you have no real conviction about life, to that degree, there will always be waste. Conviction produces priority. You will get the things done you believe are most important. Get clear about it.

Simplifying life is an important time management step. You cannot get it all done. There are choices you must make everyday between really good things. You will always have the natural tendency to do them all. Waste begins when you are unrealistic about your capacity. Life has only so many hours. One hundred and sixty-eight hours per week to be specific. Choice is the essential tool for managing waste. Exercise it wisely.

While managing time might be the starting point for waste management, managing energy would be the next. Taking responsibility for your choices is an essential. Allowing others to establish your priorities creates waste. It will result in resentment and depression. You will ultimately resent others for the choices they make for you. You will begin to use them as your excuse for wasting life. Playing the victim results in depression. Waste.

So, it is time get rid of the waste in your life. At least, begin to manage it more effectively. To some degree, waste is a product of our humanness. At the same time, life is the gift you have been created to live. Time and energy are the elements you must protect. Remember, "waste not". Just start with the first half of that proverb. Focus and go for it. Do well, my friends.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Waste Management

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Have you ever thought how life would be if the "waste" our lives was not being effectively managed. Waste will always have some part in our lives. Allen focuses this week on specific strategy for managing it.
  1. Define it.
  2. Refine it.
  3. Mine it.
  4. Sign it.
  5. Resign it.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Actions create consequences. Choices create actions. Therefore, choices create consequences. The importance of understanding and accepting the reality involved in this progression can change the quality of your life. You have the power to change your life experience by making purposed choices. You now have heard both the good and the challenging news. The good news is you have more control over your life than you probably think you do. The challenging news is you are largely responsible for what you experience in life, or not.

So, what do you do with this indisputable revelation? The truth is, you choose. You either embrace it for all of the potential it represents or you disregard it because of the requirement involved. Either way, you choose. One choice represents adventure, learning, pain, disappointment, excitement, failure and everything else the engagement of life represents. The other represents the denial of a reality that will result in excuse making, rationalization, blaming, judgement, and everything else the avoidance of life represents.

The truth is we choose both. We actually vacillate between the two. On one hand, or one day, we will be alert and alive to our responsibility. On the otherhand, or on another day, we will give into the challenge and try our best to avoid accepting responsibility for anything. Unfortunately, it doesn't change anything. Consequences flow from actions which are produced through choices. In many ways, that describes life. Life is a tapestry of results flowing both from days of clarity and responsibility and days of confusion and irresponsibility. It is what it is.

How do we respond to the reality of our imperfection and inconsistency? Once again, we choose. We choose the spiritual course we will allow to interpret it all. We will make choices regarding how healthy we will remain in the process. We make choices as to the people we will journey with and the relationships we will embrace. We will also choose how we will present ourselves and our distinctive value to the world around us.

So, choose wisely. Choose with purpose. Choose responsibly. Choose forgiveness. Choose to accept you for the work in progress you are. Most of all, choose to live life to its fullest, one moment at a time. Do well, my friends.

Monday, May 17, 2010

You Choose!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Do you ever get tired of choosing? Every single day life presents choices. And, every choice we make creates new consequences. Allen spends some time this week to discuss with you an approach to choosing that might help you in the living process.
  1. Anticipate them
  2. Let others choose.
  3. Relax in them.
  4. Reduce them.
  5. Engage them.
  6. Learn from them.
  7. Own them.
  8. Celebrate them.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Embrace The Moment

What makes staying in the moment so difficult? It seems like you can’t enjoy the moment for thinking about what might be coming or what has already come. So, in reality, you sacrifice the experience of what you know for the things you have no way of knowing, or for things you cannot change.

So, on one hand, it is the fear of what you might not be prepared for that interferes with your peace in the present. Obviously, I am not suggesting you shouldn’t prepare for things you know you are facing. I am just suggesting that to invest more time in a future you might not experience than for a present that is already yours just doesn’t make much sense.

Then, on the other hand, it is the regret, or guilt, you feel over what you have already done that plays havoc with your present joy and peace. Think about what you sacrifice for time spent grieving over things you simply cannot change. It not only robs you of your present. It destroys the health you need for embracing your tomorrows.

So, it is time to make a change. It is time to move powerfully into the gift of your present. Stare into the face of the fear you anticipate and tell it to wait for its time. When it becomes your reality you will invest your time in it.

Face the failures or regrets of your past with the resolve of knowing you will take those unfortunate lessons into a future fueled by the learning opportunities they represent. Nothing will be wasted.

You are the only one who can embrace your present fully. It is not easy. You have a wandering, and often, undisciplined mind just like me. Let’s make the choice to bring the clarity of the present into our minds. Focus and feel the privilege and power of being alive. Do well, my friends.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Focused and Alive!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week Allen spends time talking about a change that could change both the quality of your life and the lives of the people in your world.
  1. Driving and Texting or Talking...
  2. Talking in the Public Presence of Others...
  3. Talking in the Private Presence of Others...

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Is Your Philosophy?

What is your personal philosophy? The word philosophy literally means "the love of knowledge and/or wisdom". By personalizing it, you are asking a more focused question, "what knowlege and/or wisdom do you love?" I will stretch it some for this blog's purpose by asking "what framework of knowledge and wisdom are you building your life around?"

You have a personal philosophy whether you recognize it or not. We all do. The real question is, "how is it working for you?" It is a significant question because the lens through which you think significantly impacts your choices in life. Since your choices are your responsibility, it would seem wise to explore your foundation for making them.

It is highly possible you have never created and claimed your own philosophy. Many, if not most, have lived their lives and made their choices based upon the philosophical underpinning of someone else's philosophy. Typically, your philosophy is the philosophy built in you by your parents and family. You may have accepted theirs as your own or you may be living through some reaction to theirs as your own. Either way, it is a product of someone else's system of belief.

There comes a time in all of our lives when we have to accept responsibility for what we believe, and therefore, what we choose. You have to explore and rethink how you see life. You have to develop your own convictions about life and how you choose to live it. Living life through someone else's convictions simply is a personal car wreck waiting to happen.

So, my challenge is for you to spend some time thinking. Begin to fall in love with thoughts you embrace as your own. Build your own mindset and own it. Keep asking the questions you need to be asking about your relationship to God, to others, and to yourself. Then, continue the process for the rest of your life. Continue to ask questions. Continue to grow. Continue to create. Life will begin to look much different. It will begin to look a lot larger. At times, it will even get smaller. In either case, clarity becomes an exciting process. Engage it. Do well, my friends.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What Are You Thinking?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Allen spends a few minutes discussing this week the ideas behind our thoughts.
  1. What do you believe about God?
  2. What do you believe about people?
  3. What do you believe about success?
  4. What do you believe about learning?

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