Actions create consequences. Choices create actions. Therefore, choices create consequences. The importance of understanding and accepting the reality involved in this progression can change the quality of your life. You have the power to change your life experience by making purposed choices. You now have heard both the good and the challenging news. The good news is you have more control over your life than you probably think you do. The challenging news is you are largely responsible for what you experience in life, or not.
So, what do you do with this indisputable revelation? The truth is, you choose. You either embrace it for all of the potential it represents or you disregard it because of the requirement involved. Either way, you choose. One choice represents adventure, learning, pain, disappointment, excitement, failure and everything else the engagement of life represents. The other represents the denial of a reality that will result in excuse making, rationalization, blaming, judgement, and everything else the avoidance of life represents.
The truth is we choose both. We actually vacillate between the two. On one hand, or one day, we will be alert and alive to our responsibility. On the otherhand, or on another day, we will give into the challenge and try our best to avoid accepting responsibility for anything. Unfortunately, it doesn't change anything. Consequences flow from actions which are produced through choices. In many ways, that describes life. Life is a tapestry of results flowing both from days of clarity and responsibility and days of confusion and irresponsibility. It is what it is.
How do we respond to the reality of our imperfection and inconsistency? Once again, we choose. We choose the spiritual course we will allow to interpret it all. We will make choices regarding how healthy we will remain in the process. We make choices as to the people we will journey with and the relationships we will embrace. We will also choose how we will present ourselves and our distinctive value to the world around us.
So, choose wisely. Choose with purpose. Choose responsibly. Choose forgiveness. Choose to accept you for the work in progress you are. Most of all, choose to live life to its fullest, one moment at a time. Do well, my friends.
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