Why is change such an anathema to so many? Why does change, so often, suffer the reversal of regression even after we have experienced it? There is no question change is resisted if not rejected by the majority of people in this world. Unless it is forced upon us, we would just as soon pass. Then, there are those who engage it and then suffer the disappointment of going back to where they once were or beyond. Have you ever had success in dieting only to find yourself, some time later, weighing in at more than you weighed before? Change is a challenge we need to engage with greater resolve and respect.
This week I am recommending the book Presence by Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski and Flowers. It is not a quick read, however, it will provoke thought and provide insight into the creation of sustained transformation in life and in work. The key, as they see it, is found in the word "presence". In short, the word suggests the consciousness of completeness, fulness, and awareness. It is about respecting and beginning with the whole of the challenge and not creating through the disconnected attention to its parts.
It is obvious to me through this thought process that our general dislike and disdain for change stems from fear. Fear of the unknown. What we don't know creates our most basic fear. Our lack of experience with, and preparation for, the creative process keeps us locked up in a world of our own making. Our infatuation with talking keeps us from listening which, in turn, keeps us from asking the questions we need to be asking. Our need to hold on to what we think we know keeps us from disturbing our self imposed ignorance and, often, prejudice.
Real change and transformation clearly results from a commitment to it. I particularly love the word "presence" because I believe the "Presence" of the God, through His Spirit, is constantly using life with all of its challenges and all of my choices to transform me into the image of His love. I do believe the short sightedness and reluctant grasp of both the magnitude and reality of transformation is our greatest limiting factor. Change and transformation is happening whether we accept it or not. By beginning with a recognition of Presence, we have nothing to fear. Do well, friends.
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