"It is the best of times and it is the worst of times". This great opening line is probably the best way to describe what Christmas has become. It seems to be happening every year. The music begins not long after Halloween and it fills the air just in time for Black Friday. Shoppers line up and then run over one another to get to the best deals in the store. Retailers declare Christmas a success or failure depending upon the volume of sales they experience. What has happened to Christmas? Someone has stolen it and it is not the Grinch.
There are those for whom Christmas is a great joy. The trees have found their place in the house and the lights have been strung. Children have put their Christmas orders in with the caveat that there are to be no surprises please just give us what we want. Travel plans have been made for families who will enjoy sweet reunion. Some charity, or needy family, is chosen to receive a token expression of mercy and grace for the year. It always feels good. Hot chocolate, egg nog, fireplaces, stockings hung on the mantles with care. You get the picture.
On the other hand, there are those for whom Christmas brings great sadness. There are no trees because they have no place to live. No gifts will be given or received because they have no money to spend on the best of deals. Families are broken. Loved ones have been lost. Memories are painful. It really is the worst of times for so many.
Here is the mystery. Christmas is a story based in the birth of a baby almost 2,000 years ago. Listen to the words in the music. He brought a message, a gift for everyone no matter who they are, where they are, or how they have lived. "God is with us". He is a gift to be received. Immanuel. I AM is here. There is good news. He loves us and he wants us to love one another. The gift came in a small package but it is a wonderfully powerful gift.
The mystery of Christmas is amazing when it is experienced. Giving is better than receiving. Love is more powerful than hate. Forgiveness is meant for everyone to experience. Life is more than what we see. Jesus came to explain it. He got no great deal in the process. He paid the price required. He did it with words of love on His lips.
It is not about Gimble's or Macy's. It is not about who is right and who is wrong. It is about a world that has gotten it wrong from the beginning and about the Spirit who lives as the answer to it all and He wants to be experienced and expressed year round. He isn't dressed in a red suit. He is clothed in understanding, forgiveness, and grace. Christmas is a gift waiting just outside the door to your heart. He is waiting to be received. Receive His gift and enjoy a truly, merry Christmas. Do well, my friends.
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