Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Give it Time

Take it to the next level. Move up a notch. Both thoughts express the same desire. Improvement. Development. The aspiration is fairly common. The accomplishment is not so common. It is not easy to change the status quo. It is far more natural to leave things the way they are. There are many, if not most, who never achieve what they envision for themselves. There are reasons why and they can be alleviated.

To begin with, clarity is never achieved. There are general thoughts but no specific direction. The cost has not been counted nor considered. In order to begin the process, take time to get real. A wish is never a plan.

Commitment has to be made. Growth will never begin until consistency of change has been experienced. Because most people work overtime to avoid change, extra measures have to be taken in order to make it happen. Ask for help. Invite accountability.

Patience in the process is essential. Real and healthy growth requires time. It is easy to give up before you really give it a chance. Instead of giving up, give it time. Allow yourself to find a pace that works for you and stick with it.

So, don't give up on your dreams. Begin again. It is within your power. It is, however, a choice you have to make. So, make the choice and then make it happen. Do well, my friends!

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