Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who do you think you are?

Whenever someone asks this question, there is usually a reason. Someone is acting like they don't know. Or, at least, their actions are producing that opinion. Not knowing who you are, creates the kind of behavior that is trying to prove something or explain something. So, do you know? If you say you do, my suggestion is you are probably still trying to figure it out. Our knowing will always reflect insight into just how secure we are. Think about these questions.

Do you do what you do because of who you are?


Do you do what you do in order to establish who you are?

If you spend your life trying to prove yourself, you will probably never make it, there will always be more to prove. You will always be challenged by others who are trying desperately to establish themselves. Life spirals toward increasing insecurity. To the degree you have clarity about who you are, to that degree you will live out of a sense of purpose and meaning. You will do what you do because of who you are not in order for you to be who you are. Life flows with greater clarity and security.

Everyone faces the challenge. I decided a long time ago that I was going to leave it to the God who created me and who brought the answer to this world in the Person and Message of Jesus. His message explains me. Not through what I do (religion) or don't do (morality) but because of who I believe Him to be and who He is making me to be. I know it is a matter of faith. I am good with that. Do well, my friends.

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