Monday, June 10, 2013

Striving for What?

One day I had a long talk with myself. I actually was talking to God. My grandson overheard our conversation. It was about striving in life. I was enjoying a time of exercise and recreation and spiritual renewal and personal reflection all at the same time. It was a beautiful day. It reminded me of what it must have been intended to be in the beginning in the garden, walking and talking with God.

Anyway, the subject of striving came up. Striving in my relationship with Him. Striving to be healthy. Striving in relationships period. Striving in business. And the question He raised was why? I found it interesting because it is usually me doing the "why" thing. This time it was Him. Because of His love and grace, He has taken care of my relationship with Him. I believe that's true. So, why strive for something He has already provided? I was enjoying a good, brisk walk that has been determined by the American Heart Association, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, and virtually every other noted health professional weighing in on the subject to be the best form of cardiovascular exercise. So, why strive harder and for more? I was with my grandson who was chilling and loving me, and he represented a family who loves me, and friends and so why strive so hard to please people so they will like me? And then there was this economic crisis and I was reminded that everything I have has been given to me and so I was full circle back to God and His amazing grace and so why strive so hard for things over which I have never had any real control?

It was quite an afternoon. And, Benjamin, my grandson, slept through it all. He was in the present. In his world, there was no striving. He trusted me completely for his safety and for his journey home. I am sure the little people of the world are covertly placed here to be our leaders if we would only pay attention to them. Benjamin taught me to chill. There is no reason to strive. My Father has it all in control. Enjoy the Present. Peace.

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