Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I'll Do It Later
Monday, December 28, 2009
How Do You Feel?
- What do you think?
- How will you respond?
- What will keep you from reacting to how you feel?
- Where will that get you?
- Who are you trying to lead?
- Where will that get you relationally?
- How will that effect you in the long run?
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
"The Unexpected"
Monday, December 21, 2009
New Starts
- Create a "mantra" for your new start.
- Clarify your vision, again.
- Choose the value system you will embrace.
- Challenge yourself with a directional plan.
- Commit to executing your plan with integrity.
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Choices, Choices, Choices
At the same time, having questions to ask and answer represents the reality of living in freedom. There are people in this world who don't have many questions to ask nor do they have the freedom to answer those they have. Eating isn't a matter of where or when, but if. Where do I work or where do I get a job is irrelevant because there is no economy producing the opportunity for answering them. Where do I celebrate Christmas or any holiday representative of faith is not respected.
So, having questions to answer in life is really a good thing. It is kind of like pain. On one hand, you get weary of it. On the other hand, without the reality of it in your life you are probably at risk on some level.
There is one choice we all share as human beings. It is a power that cannot be taken from us. We have the power to choose how we will respond to any life circumstance. Having the power to choose is our birthright. We were endowed with it through the power and love of a Creator. We should never abdicate that power. In fact, it is something we should always celebrate. In reality, Christmas is an explanation and a celebration of that choice we share. It is meant for everyone. Do well, my friends. And, have a merry Christmas!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Moving Forward
- Plan to recognize and quickly remove organizational and performance waste
- Plan to stay out of the bondage of debt
- Plan to build around the most talented and engaged people you can find
- Plan to respond more quickly to the unexpected signals you receive
- Plan to keep learning
- Plan to let go of where you have been
- Plan to stay thankful and humble
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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Keeping Perspective

Monday, December 7, 2009
What Adjustments Are You Making?
- Expect to make them
- Prepare to learn
- Respond decisively
- Keep perspective
- Stay committed
- Celebrate Results
- Expect to make them again
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Holiday To or Holiday From?
So, what do you do? I really believe it is a check up time. There is no doubt that to embrace times of thanksgiving and celebration is healthier than having to endure them. Having people to embrace and having something to celebrate would also seem to be a signal of a life well done. But, what about people who have lost loved ones and what about others who have challenging work lives? What about others who deal with the darkness of holiday depression? I think they are important questions that need to be engaged.
Whatever your life reality is, it is yours to live. Holidays can give you the opportunity to pause and reflect. If you have lost someone you loved, as painful as it is, take time to reflect on the love you shared. Many, if not most, never get to experience intimacy in this life. Celebrating memories is a significant part of life's rhythms. Remembering is vital to living.
If work is challenging or even threatened, then holidays give us the time to breathe and think about our possibilities. We can't change things over which we have no control, however, we always have the power to choose how we will respond. It is not easy. It is not fun. It may seem impossible. It might cause you to seek out counsel or even charity. Which brings us back to the relationship question. What kind of community have you built for yourself?
So, holidays represent a significant dynamic in our lives. Whatever they mean to you, let them work for you. Take time to take your emotional and relational pulse. Seize the opportunity to embrace someone present or the memory of someone past. Don't miss the rhythm. These holidays create music you really need to hear. My prayer is that you will have a healthy and a joy filled holiday season even through tears. Do well, my friends.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Avoiding the Funk
- Begin with the end from the beginning...Remember the energy you began with and make it live.
- Block and Discipline... Enjoy the celebrations but commit time to getting the important things done.
- Bring Joy to the is a joyful season. Choose to bring that joy to each moment of this last month. Remember and rejoice.
- Be Aware...You cannot afford to waste almost two months. There is a lot of waste during this time of the year. Don't be part of robbing yourself of what you want to achieve. Stay aware.
- Believe Again...It is easy to become cynical in life. People can do that to you. At the same time , people are our lives. They are our love. We cannot live without them even when we don't think we can live with them.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Stance of Faith

Monday, November 23, 2009
The Spirit of Thanksgiving
- Who do you depend upon for the life you live?
- What do you do and say to encourage them everyday?
- How much time do you spend criticizing the very people you need?
- How do you recognize and reward them for what they do for you?
- How much do you take them for granted?
- How do you celebrate them?
- Who do you love? And, do they know it? Really?
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Caveat Emptor
"buyer beware". In this case, I am not actually selling you anything tangible. What I am selling you, however, is new thought. I am challenging you to think. I am selling you the vision of personal power and the freedom to choose. I am clearly challenging you to continue to learn and grow as a human being. So, I think it is important that you are given a "caveat" as you read this or any blog I have or ever will write.

Recently, I have been reminded of how important this warning is because if you are expecting to have smooth sailing in the creative process it simply is not going to happen. You will face discouragement from within and from without. It will come in forms and from places where you least expect it. It will target your weakest link and it will try to exploit it to its fullest. Don't be surprised by the resistance. It is part of your process.
So, if you are going to get hammered, why even start down that road? It really is a good question. The answer is the alternative is far worse. Choosing to learn and grow and create new and fresh life and thought is choosing to live. Choosing to embrace your status quo and vegetate on thoughts as you have always thought them is choosing to die a slow death before you ever die. Choosing life is better than choosing death except in the most extreme and exceptional circumstances and even that would be a creation all of its own. Thank you, heroes! Thank you, Jesus!
Living life on purpose every day is a choice. It is a choice that will create immediate attention in your world and you should not be surprised by the challenges you will face. Choosing to create something new in life is risky. You might fail. Or, you might succeed and it could change everything. So, the caveat is yours. My encouragement is for you to take the challenge. And, continuing in the spirit of my friend Nick, do well my friends!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Keep the Bar High!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Expectations, even of yourself, are often times unmet. This week Allen shares with us a few suggestions on keeping the bar high.
- Think something new every day!
- Expect to live a miracle every day!
- Get accountable every day, really!
- Choose to stay out of ruts.
- Give something away.
- Treat yourself well.
- Encourage your team.
- Listen and learn.
- Begin again.
- Choose to lead.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
"It Is What It Is"
Accepting reality is an ever present challenge. I am not talking about things we are fully capable of changing. I am referring to things we do not have the power to change. How do you manage things you cannot change? Managing things you have no power to change may be one of the most significant challenges we face in life. Aging is one of those changes. I was facing that challenge with my photographs. You can airbrush, stretch, tuck, and hide. In the end, you are getting older and your body is leading the way. Accepting you for who you are is essential to confidently engaging this life. Doing it with grace and style must become your goal.
Accepting the reality that you have no ability to control the choices others make is another of those challenges. Living life in the midst of choices made by others, being impacted yet not being able to change them, requires disciplined response. What we can't change we have to learn to effectively and positively manage if we are going to experience the blessing and the positive affect of community.
Coming to grips with the limitations of your humanity is another of those "necessary" interferences in life. Failure, mistakes, miscues, confusion, and weakness are all realities we have to face. To the degree we do not have a healthy relationship with our reality as human beings, guilt, disappointment, and denial become our unnecessary companions.
There really is nothing pessimistic about being a realist. I do believe, however, it is important to stay positive as a realist. Life is what it is today. Don't run from it. Embrace and engage it. It works better that way. Do well, my friends.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Mystery of Substance
- Friendship-- What really makes friendship a reality?
- Communication-- What conncetion have you really made and how?
- Serving-- What service do our customer's really experience?
- Learning-- What have you learned lately and how?
- Love-- Who have you loved and what does it mean?
- Faith-- Who and what do you believe in and why?

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"Almost, But Not Quite"
Monday, November 2, 2009
Bouncing Back!
- Stay thankful! (positive)
- Seek counsel! (learn)
- Stay active! (energy)
- Guard your mind! (think)
- Lighten up! (play)
- Stay in the Present! (breathe)
- Believe in yourself (center)
- Create and celebrate wins! (momentum)

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Right Choices?

Monday, October 26, 2009
Maximizing My Investment
- Never be afraid to invest yourself in something good.
- Choose partners wisely.
- Don't underestimate the cost
- Expect the unexpected.
- Stay humble.
- Stay focused and committed.
- Believe in people.
- Know going in that you will learn significant things in the process.
- Stay thankful.
- Know when it is time to turn the page.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Everyday Miracles
Everyday really is a miracle. Think about it. Every breath you take is a miracle in and of itself. Everything you see is a miracle. Having eyes that provide insight into the world itself is a miracle. What we call natural is really not natural at all. The expression “natural” childbirth is really pretty ridiculous. If you have ever witnessed the birth of a child, you could never think in terms of it being natural. It is an “out of this world” experience from beginning to end.
How about all of the “coincidental” things we experience in this life? What qualifies as coincidence? What if they aren’t coincidental at all? What if they are meetings that have been intended from the very beginning? If you think about it, relationally speaking, our story is not coincidental or chance based. We were born in a particular place, at a recorded time, to specific people. Our life entry suggests purpose and intent. Coincidence and chance simply do not qualify as an adequate explanation for who and where we are. Neither does it qualify for our intersections in life. Our chance meetings simply do not qualify as chance.
Bruce Wilkinson wrote a book a number of years ago called The Prayer of Jabez. The book captured the imagination of the world because of three short Biblical verses that celebrated the spirit of prayer. People all over the world were awakened to the reality of a supernatural heritage from which we can draw. Jabez looked to his God as One who could “expand his territory” and who would provide him blessings beyond his ability to imagine. All he needed to do was ask in faith.
Wilkinson has now written a sequel to his expose on Jabez entitled, You Were Born for This. In this book, he suggests that the prayer of Jabez actually ushers us into an every relationship to the world of “miracles”. His suggestion is that every single day we can look forward to living in the midst of the supernatural. He describes God as being One who is actively moving in His world and who is inviting those who believe to join with Him on a providential journey.
It is ultimately all about life perspective. We get to choose. Are we living a life of coincidences? Or, are we living a life that provides the potential for miracles everyday? While you can argue against the reality of a heritage and a calling that is a miracle from beginning to end, I am not really sure why you would want to. Think about it. Do well, my friends.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Beware of Dependency
Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. There are many forms of dependency. The ring of dependency is the ring of insecurity and bondage. But, it also the ring of human beings who are trying to make it through life. Allen shares a few thoughts this week for his fello strugglers.
- Looking to the approval of others for self opinion
- Looking for means of escape when things hurt or begin to get tough
- Looking for life to change in order for you to find happiness or success
- Looking for things to stay the same in order to protect your fear, ignorance, and/or prejudice
- Looking for the world to make sense or be fair
- Looking for "success" as a validation of you and of your work
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009
Why Not?
- Why not begin again?
- Why not forgive?
- Why not learn something new?
- Why not change something?
- Why not create something?
- Why not believe?
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What If?
While our relationship with others is clearly important, your relationship with you is even more important. In fact, you are the only person in the world you can know will not go away. I mean when you go away it is all over anyway. So, how positive and healthy is your relationship with you?
Begin with how you talk to yourself. You can know about the health of a relationship by listening to how people talk to one another. The same can be said for your relationship with you. Would you want to hang around with people who talk to you the way you talk to you? Most people I meet are their own worse enemy. I find myself talking pretty lousy to myself sometimes. The interesting thing is that you can control the way you treat you. You can't control or change others but you can manage your relationship with yourself.

Here is the point. It is time to get serious about your relationship with yourself. You are going to be hanging around you for a long time. So, here are some suggestions. Start talking positively to yourself. Build yourself up. Make sure your environment is healthy for you. Clean it up if you need to. Eat less, probably. Don't make yourself carry around more than you need. Exercise your body. Strengthen and create greater flexibility for yourself. Work at giving yourself a chance to sleep well. Turn off the computer or television earlier. Prepare to sleep. You need it. Breathe deeply more.
Loving yourself is a prerequisite to loving anyone else. My Coach tells me to "love God first and then love my neighbor as I love myself." I emphasized that last part for you. By loving yourself more, you will actually be investing in your relationship with all of those important people in your life. It really makes sense when you think about it. Do well, my friends!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Fierce Leadership

- It is our destiny
- It is our responsibility
- Its is our opportunity
- It is our role to play
- It is our integrity
- It is our fulfillment and our joy

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Changing Seasons

Monday, September 28, 2009
What Do You Know?
- Relationships are everything
- That winning is not everything.
- Tomorrow is a not a promise.
- Learning is a lifestyle.
- Motivation is personal responsibility.
- Being a professional is more than a claim.
- Acquaintances and friends are not the same.
- Integrity is key to life success.
- Love is a choice.
- God is real and personal.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
How Long Does It Take?
All three of these projects seem to be getting significant levels of traction at this time, and yet often I find myself frustrated by the process. I don't know if you can relate. It just seems like it takes a long time to make things happen. To say that I stuggle with impatience would be an understatement, but I wonder if there isn't more involved. I wonder if my expectations about what it takes to create something of real value isn't just a little off.
I have been reminded before that it takes a diamond a number of years under great pressure to become the final product people die to discover and possess. The pearl is a marvel that resides in a most unusual context for a long time before the friction of its surroundings shapes it into the wonder it finally becomes. A butterfly with all of its beauty and grace doesn't begin that way. It seems to lie dormant in an ungraceful, not beautiful state for a period of time before it emerges with all of its glory. And on and on we could go reflecting on the wonders of the world. They all have one thing in common. They all take time. They all are shaped by forces without and within.

So, what is the point? The point I am making in reminder to myself is that it is undisciplined arrogance and immaturity to expect something of any real value to happen over night. It takes time. And, it takes the elements of creative tension to ever hope to bring them about. If I am going to be a part of creating something special, I have to regard it as a work first. Then, a work of discipline. Then, a work of symphony. Then, a work of love. So, that is my message to me. Maybe you need it too. Do well, my friends.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Doing The Hard Things
- Is it really important?
- What am I afraid of?
- Do I think there will be a better time?
- Who am I waiting on?
- What if I just let it go?
- It is important!
- There is nothing to fear!
- Now is the time!
- It is my job!
- I am committed!
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