It begins with agreement about rightness. What values will govern any situation faced? Values need to be more than corporate statements placed on a wall. They need to be the guiding principles for fitness training in companies. They need to be written on the hearts of the people.
So, organizations need to create agreement and provide development in that agreement for their people. But, what about the people themselves? What about you and me? How do we make "right" choices every day? It really works the same way. We need to create agreement within ourselves about what is right. As important as it is for companies to have their value systems in place, it is even more important for you and me to have ours in place. We face choices every day that depend upon that clarity. If we don't have them in place, then we have a hard time ever choosing. If we are not learning about their application as we make choices, if we are not learning and becoming more fit through our failures in the process,, then we will find ourselves increasingly paralyzed in the face of life choices.
I personally love the simple filter of Jesus for "rightness". As people, who we are or what we do will never qualify as rightness. But, love will. Love the Lord your God, love your neighbor as yourself, and love one another as I have loved you. Choices made through that filter will always be right even if the results don't seem that way. Do well, my friends.
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