It seems that "destiny" is an ever elusive and mysterious discussion. People are searching for something they aren't. They tend to believe they are not some place they need to be. Destiny is a life long, never ending pursuit. For most, it is a discovery, or a treasure hunt of sorts, kind of like the "holy grail". But, what if it is not a pursuit at all? What if it is a process we are birthed into and not a pursuit or discovery at all?
I believe we have been created, purposed, and birthed into our destiny. Our story begins with a Creator. We begin with a relationship of "first cause" set in motion by a relationship between two other created beings. Sometimes prompted through love other times driven through lust, two people combine to give birth. We are birthed into a relationshp with a mother and a father. They may not hang around long. They may not be good at being who we need them to be. But, we begin in relationship. And, that is our destiny. Relationships.
We experience them in family. We experience them through friends. We engage them in the marketplace. We create community in living. We create fellowship in love. We live in a world of people. They are our destiny. The people in our world. Our destiny is all around us.
Destiny is where we live. It is not some place we aren't. It is not something we aren't. It is our today. It is the people we meet today. Our destiny is to learn to love and to be loved. We are created by a Creator who loves. We are destined to discover the meaning of love through this life. It is all about relationships. In the words of Darth Vadar, "It is your destiny." Do well, my friends.
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