Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Credentials and Connections

Two dynamics will determine how well you perform in today's world. One is credentials and the others is connections. Having credentials has to do with what value and expertise you represent while having connections has do with who knows you and who cares.

Life provides the opportunity to establish credentials if you are paying attention. Credentials are created when you begin to accept responsibility and when you begin to seize opportunity in your life. For me, it began in a speech contest and on a tennis court. It also included mowing yards and selling a product door to door. Over time, those modest beginnings served to shape my value proposition in life. How have your credentials in life been established?

While creating life credentials, you are simultaneously given the opportunity to establish connections. Meeting people in life serves like building a bridge for life. Knowing who you know is more important than knowing what you know. The effect of others, plurally speaking, will always create more than your effect singularly.

So, here is the point. No matter what you know now and no matter who you know now, stay alert to the fact that building life credentials and life connections needs to happen throughout your life. Continuing to create new levels of mastery in life will keep you indispensable to life. Continued learning is your personal responsibility. It goes beyond satisfying some hourly requirement. It involves keeping you relevant and contemporary.

Connections need to be constantly freshened. Life changes too often and too arbitrarily not to make that happen. People change. Their stories will take some of them out of your life. At the same time, it will bring others into your life. Building and establishing relationships is a life long challenge and opportunity. The work of building relationships is never finished.

Take time and think about where you have been. Think about all you have experienced and accomplished. What are your credentials? Knowing your credentials is essential to well representing them. You are representing them every day one way or another. Seize the opportunity to bring new people and new relationship opportunities into your life. There is someone who will play a significant role in your life who you have yet to meet. Pay attention and seize life for all it is worth. Do well, my friends!

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