Leadership is a big topic in the marketplace today. Initiatives abound. Mission and vision statements are being rewritten in order to include the new leadership emphasis. Of course, some organizations have been talking about it for a long time. People are being encouraged to lead, take responsibility, and own their performance. Accountability is a big word in our new economy. The word is clearly out there. It is the "how to" that is missing.
Forever, position has been the sign of the leader. Executives and managers are recognized as leaders because of the role they play. The problem is that position does not automatically make a leader. People can wear the tag and not have the effect. Organizations can no longer afford to have a small segment of their people owning the responsibility of leadership. The need is to have it define their culture because everyone has influence.
The truth is we are all leaders. We were born that way. We all make a difference. We all influence the lives of others. What we do with our reality is another matter altogether. In my podcast this week, I focused on one very practical way for you to take the lead. Ask questions. Become a master at it. Ask people about what they are thinking? Ask people to help you understand? Ask people about their lives? Leaders ask more than they talk. Leaders begin with others. Leaders make a purposed difference in the lives of others.
Don't wait for organizations to ordain you as a leader. Take the lead. Play the role you were created to play. Begin with the people around you. Lead the way through the power of communication. Make others the object of your attention. Ask your way into their lives. They will love you for it. They will follow your lead. Do well, my friends.
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