Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Are You Selling?

Are people buying what you are selling? If they don’t think what you are selling will fix something, or answer a question, for them then they won’t be buying even if they are kind enough to show some interest. So, how relevant and valuable are you to the world around you from their point of view. Remember, perception is everything.

Selling a product, tangible or intangible, requires recognition of the effect represented for those who are buying. You have to begin with them. Once upon a time, you were probably encouraged to spend a great deal of your time in your presentations explaining the unique features you and/or your product represent. Things then evolved into a more “relational” sell where you focused more on getting in touch with their needs. Things have now shifted again to a more “resource” driven sell where you must help them recognize their needs and at the same time identify for them the answer you represent. You need to know them better than they know themselves.

Value is found in relevance for you personally and for the products or services you represent. Engaging and impressing others will involve communication that connects. Connection will be found only in, and through, mutual understanding. Becoming a student of the world must become more than mere rhetoric. It must become a lifestyle. Your quality of life depends upon it.

Creativity is significant as long as it addresses the needs and concerns of the world. Creativity for creativity’s sake or simply for personal expression will have limited impact. Recognizing and presenting thought in creative new format and technologies can answer questions and launch new insights into the needs of the world.

The challenge is to connect. Connection is made through communicating messages that will serve the needs of those around you. Keep learning. Ask more questions. Pay attention. Apply yourself. Create value by meeting needs. The world will buy what you are selling.

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