Monday, July 1, 2013

The Evolution of Life

The word evolution has most often been used in reference to a specific theory concerning the beginning of life on this earth. In reality, the word evolution by definition speaks simply to the nature of change. While I don't embrace the word evolution as an explanation for the creation of the world, I do respect and embrace change as a reality in life. It has implications both personally and professionally.

If you ask any group of people what they think about change, the majority will quickly say they don't like it. They often will say they resist it. Unfortunately, change is not something that can be resisted. It is our reality. People change. Markets change. Companies change. Churches change. Countries change. The challenge we have as human beings is to keep ourselves ready and fit for engaging it.

The first suggestion I would make is to not become dependent upon the status quo. Simply do not let yourself become contingent upon the way things are presently. The only thing you can know for sure is that things will change. People will make choices that disappoint you. Companies will do the same. The evolution of life will take things in new directions. Stay constantly prepared to reinvent yourself. It doesn't mean you should become cynical about relationships in life. It simply means you must stay interdependently related to people and their groups and not inordinately dependent upon them.

The second suggestion I would make is to stay in a state of purposed development. What you know today or what you think you know today could be totally irrelevant tomorrow. What works for you today may not work for you tomorrow. Learning is the energy essential to navigating the flow of evolution. When the world begins to shift around you, what you have actively learned in life will determine how successfully you create your next chapter of life.

Finally, I suggest you continue developing relationships. Relationship development works in tandem with learning in today's world. Seizing each day as an opportunity to meet people who could be a dynamic part of your life is vital. The reality of attrition in life alone insists upon it.

So, don't resist evolution. It is your reality. It really is a gift. Nothing stays the same even though it may not seem that way at times. Everyday represents the birth of new life. Choose to engage it. Do it on purpose!


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