Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Being Alone
Monday, December 20, 2010
One Another
- Peace
- Community
- Joy
- Love
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Mystery of Christmas
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Christmas Story
- Keep It Simple
- Celebrate
- Listen to God
- Give
- Love
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Breaking Patterns
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
For Whom Are You Thankful?
I have to begin with the most significant Other of all. The One who created me. I am thankful for who I am because of His design. He placed me in this world through people who loved me at a specific time and in a specific place. I am also thankful for who He is continuing to make me to be through His love. It all begins with Him.
I was blessed with natural parents who loved me and who provided and protected me. I am also mindful of all of the other people who were associate parents in my life. They contributed so much to who I know I am today. Their signature is all over my life.
I think about the circle of friends I have in my life today. The circle extends all all over the world and yet I know the circle begins with the love of my life. Barbara and I have been together as best friends and in a marriage for over 40 years. She is really the genesis for most, if not all, of my relationships today. Through her, I met people who introduced me to others who introduced me to others and on and on the story goes. I am so thankful for our story.
As you can see, I am a thankful man. I hope you are thinking through a thankful heart today. If not, spend some time thinking about the people in your life. Think about your origins. Think about the story that has been written through Him, and you, and them. Then, think about the story yet to be written. It really is a humbling and exciting thing. Be blessed, my friends.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Who Is Your Team?
- Humble yourself...
- Remind yourself...
- Motivate yourself...
- Celebrate yourself...
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Getting Rid of Junk
We are having a garage sale at my house. This is the second day. I am not a garage sale guy. This is my wife’s project. I just play a support role. It really is about cleaning house. After awhile, you have to do something with junk you have collected over the years. Actually, you have to do something with the things you don’t use any longer. It is amazing how true the old saying is, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” In fact, I think it is true from several vantage points.
Yesterday, I watched as people hauled away our junk with smiles on their faces. It made me think maybe we should have reconsidered selling some of those things. Were they really junk? And then I thought about “employees”. I really did. Not all employees, just the ones people are letting go. There are a lot of people today who probably need to lose their jobs but I wonder how many of them have been thrown into the junk category prematurely. It seems like the people who hire them next think they have really hit the jackpot. In reality, they probably have.
Once you begin to consider something as junk, you disrespect it. You put it in places where it can’t function. It gets lost. If left too long, it really gets mistreated. I think the same is true with some employees. They have been put into a category they can’t do anything about. Managers have them in the “junk” category and they can’t change their perception. What if they were treated with more respect? What if they were really challenged to perform? What if expectations were clarified? Think about it.
Here is the thought. If you aren’t going to give them a chance or if you don’t think they deserve a chance then you do need to get rid of them. On the other hand, you might want to give them one more look. Maybe there is treasure you have missed. Collins talked about getting the wrong people off of the bus and getting the right people in the right seats. I think he is right. I just think sometimes you can wait too long to have a garage sale and sometimes you can get rid of things irresponsibly. I am personally going to take a closer look at what we are putting up for sale. That is if my wife will let me. Do well, my friends.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Taking Care of Business
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What Do You Represent?
Monday, November 15, 2010
- Choose to be aware
- Choose to be positive
- Choose to ask
- Choose to equip
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Change or Transformation?
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Power of Transformation
- The Choice is yours.
- The Difference is Powerful.
- The Alternative is Frustrating.
- The Possibility is incredible.
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Go Deep!
You need to provide definition for your life. Most people allow what they do or the career they pursue to define them. What you do is not the place to begin. It needs to be the result of definition not the cause. Who you are is a picture you have to create. It is the place you need to begin.
Monday, October 25, 2010
What is Your Plan?
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Identity, Agreement, and Relationship
Monday, October 11, 2010
Making Life Work
- Never take agreement for granted.
- Always begin with them.
- Be willing to come their way.
- Continue to clarify expectations.
- Stay humble.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What Can You Do?
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Say No!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Make a Difference!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Don't Forget!
- Slow down.
- Stay present.
- Allot more time.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Who Qualifies?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Take the Lead
Monday, September 13, 2010
Who is Leading Who?
- Ask questions about them and about things of interest to them.
- Ask open ended questions.
- Ask follow up questions.
- Answer and invite feedback.
- Ask questions that feed their strengths.
- Ask questions that invite mutual insight
- Ask questions that provide direction.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
What Are You Selling?
Selling a product, tangible or intangible, requires recognition of the effect represented for those who are buying. You have to begin with them. Once upon a time, you were probably encouraged to spend a great deal of your time in your presentations explaining the unique features you and/or your product represent. Things then evolved into a more “relational” sell where you focused more on getting in touch with their needs. Things have now shifted again to a more “resource” driven sell where you must help them recognize their needs and at the same time identify for them the answer you represent. You need to know them better than they know themselves.
Value is found in relevance for you personally and for the products or services you represent. Engaging and impressing others will involve communication that connects. Connection will be found only in, and through, mutual understanding. Becoming a student of the world must become more than mere rhetoric. It must become a lifestyle. Your quality of life depends upon it.
Creativity is significant as long as it addresses the needs and concerns of the world. Creativity for creativity’s sake or simply for personal expression will have limited impact. Recognizing and presenting thought in creative new format and technologies can answer questions and launch new insights into the needs of the world.
The challenge is to connect. Connection is made through communicating messages that will serve the needs of those around you. Keep learning. Ask more questions. Pay attention. Apply yourself. Create value by meeting needs. The world will buy what you are selling.
Monday, September 6, 2010
What's the Problem?
- Ask Those Who Know...
- Create Beta Sites...
- Ask Those Who Are Not Interested...
- Invest in Yourself...

Listen to Seth Godin's Blog on "Sell the Problem"
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Where Are We?
There is so much to be said about the journey we have experienced over the past three years. The most significant one might be that we have shared it together. Much like 9/11, we have worked through a perilous period of time and, in many ways, our world has changed. Large companies have gone down as well as many smaller ones. Personal bankruptcies are at the highest point in history. The same is true for foreclosed homes and property. Few have dodged the bullet.
At the same time, we have all grown together through the same experience. Maturity might be a good word to describe what we have experienced. We have been forced to come to grips with our lack of discipline and irresponsibility with regard to our affluence. Debt has been exposed and is now being seen for the bondage it represents. Jobs can no longer be taken for granted. Entitlement is a vanishing spirit. Where there is a lack of performance changes have to be made no longer how long you have been on the job.
While we have matured in many ways, there are still some areas where our immaturity is being exposed. Our still young nation with its proud democracy is being challenged like never before. Some of our top governmental officials believe we need to morph into something else entirely. The “greener grass” syndrome comes to mind. Maybe we just need to work harder at restoring the spirit and substance of what we have been given.
The reality of the reigning tendency among us to “play the victim” is being made painfully obvious. Disengaged employees is now the greatest challenge we face in today’s marketplace. “Employees showing up” is not necessarily good news for employers. Blame is being cast widely and personal responsibility is being avoided.
So, “where are we?” We are alive. We have survived. My prayer is that we have learned and that we will continue to learn forward. We are in a new place. There is no return to “the good old days”. I am not really sure which ones we would choose anyway. Do you? Do well, my friends.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Be Where You Are
- The "World is Flat"...
- War is our reality....
- Learning is not an option...
- There are no guarantees...

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Authentically You
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Real You
- Values are not situational
- The real you needs to be enough
- Authenticity requires less energy
- Trust is critical
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Core Fitness

Monday, August 16, 2010
"Fit, Really?"
- You believe in your power to choose.
- You have a strong sense of why.
- You have a commitment to having the health and energy to live.
- You have a commitment to building your life team.
- You have an active commitment to bringing value to your world.
- You have an active sense of humility and respect for your fellow human beings.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
Lasting Change
- Don't underestimate the challenge.
- Don't engage it on your own.
- Don't wait too long.
- Don't miss the opportunity.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Power of One
His name is Cliff Lee. For several years now, he has been recognized as one of the most dominant pitchers in all of baseball. The Rangers recently signed him for what they hope will be a post season race culminating in a World Series victory. I know it sounds like a long shot. I don't really want to argue the soundness the probability. I want to discuss the difference Lee has already made. He lost his first game. He won one. And, he had a no decision in another one. On the surface, not spectacular. Look a little closer and you will see the rest of the story.
From the time he arrived on the scene, he has made the rest of the team better. In the three games he has pitched, he has pitched most of, if not all of, nine innings in each outing. He has thrown the highest percentage of strikes the Rangers have every seen in their history. Between each performance he takes time to talk to all of the young pitchers. As a recognized star, He doesn't stand apart. He stands effectively in the midst of them.
Here is the point. One person can make a real difference. They may cost a little more. They may not be with you long. Their presence, however, can raise the bar and elevate the sense of possibility for the whole team.
Think about it. If you are not exposed to something greater than yourself, if you are stuck with the way you have always done it or seen it done, then you will never be able to reach higher. The bar will not be raised because it is frozen in place. You become your greatest limiting factor.
I believe Cliff Lee will be gone next season. What he has done and is doing for the Rangers now, however, is more than worth the time and money invested. It may be time for you to let you and/or your team (company) be exposed to greater possibility. It may be time to add one or more who can represent excellence you never thought possible. If you think it takes three or more professionals to pitch nine innings then you will always be stuck with the limitation that represents. Until you witness a professional who shows you that it can be done be one then your perspective will change and maybe even your strategy. By the way, isn't that the way it used to be done? Names like Koufax and Gibson and Ryan come to mind.
Take the risk. Make the investment. Expose yourself to greatness. Reach higher and farther than you ever thought possible. Your game will change. People will be impressed. New value will be recognized. Do well, my friends.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Be the One
- New Exposure.
- Take the Risk.
- Invest in it.
- Reorganize for it.
- Plan for it.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Creating Memories
I have to begin by saying that for me driving several thousand miles rates really high on the gag me meter. I know some may love it but it just doesn't work for me. I think it is a scar from childhood. With that said, here I am. Creating memories is not about convenience. It is about catching moments. In our case, Savannah, my granddaughter, will be leaving for college in two weeks. I experienced my fifty-eighth birthday this week but that is nothing compared to knowing you have a granddaughter going to college. I am still trying to get over it.
Getting to spend several days with Savannah has been special. We have laughed a lot. We have gotten to sing a lot. We have eaten far more than we needed to eat. We have been able to celebrate her. She has gotten to do pretty much anything she wanted. We have spoiled her. It has been great.
Then, there is Caleb. He didn't really expect that his mom would be able to make this trip. Even though this national competition was important to him, she just is physically limited travel wise. So, we created a bed in the back of a rented SUV and made it work for her. He really didn't think we had the time or money to make it. So, you can probably imagine how he felt when he saw us just before his first fight. He had a great tournament. He came in second in the nation in his weight classification. The memory was made the moment he saw us walk in.
I wanted to rehearse this with you to remind me of how special this week has been. I also wanted to encourage you to stay aware of life moments. Not just yours but the moments you are sharing with people you love. I have to confess that I have missed too many of them in my life. So, I am thankful that I was awake and alive for this one. Do well my friends.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
- Pay attention
- Invest the time
- Make the Sacrifice
- Lighten Up
- Be thankful
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
What Are You Thinking?
Monday, July 19, 2010
What Do You Fear?
- Think first.
- Think new thoughts.
- Think positively.
- Think purposefully.
- Think thankfully.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Familiar Words, Fresh Thoughts
Words once familiar have now been redefined, or at least, expanded in scope. Team, once a word relegated to little league, has now become the accepted description for all organized or sytemized activities. Selling, once descriptive of something done "door to door" and is now descriptive of a dynamic requiring great relational and consultative skill. Connection no longer refers to telecommunication. It now defines the quality and extent of relationship. The list goes on and on.
Of course, their are new words now taking a presumptuous role in our communication experience. Words like "google" would have meant little to people in the late 2oth century. Can you imagine your father or grandfather saying google me? How about the "Internet'? What we regard as an essential today was a mere concept once relegated to an enlightened few. Think about concepts like "leasing". Once a concept for housing or apartment situations now defines the consumer population. It dominates transportation questions, telecommunication decisions, technology purchases and on and on it goes.
So, what do we do? We embrace it. We redefine and season it with new and contemporary thought. We make contemporary application. We take the word "team" and we make personal application to our life and work. We don't wait for Webster to do it. We realize team has an enormous impact upon all we do. To me, team includes anyone I depend upon for my personal success. How do you define it?
How do you feel about "selling"? The truth is you are selling every day of your life. You are asking people do buy into who you are and what you represent whether you like it or not. How about "connection"? Have you expanded the act of communicating beyond "talking" in your life? Insuring clarity and understanding by asking, listening, and learning has taken on greater priority than any other time in the history of mankind.
I hope you get the idea. Your world and mine is being redefined. You have a choice to make. You either choose to learn the language of the times or you can quickly become an island unto yourself. Of course, you know, you were never meant to be without relationship. So, welcome to the 21st century. Learn the language. Do well, my friends.
Monday, July 12, 2010
- Don't rely upon past success for contemporary strategy.
- Don't allow your fear of failure to define your present performance.
- Don't refuse to embrace the reality of change..."the way we have always done it..."
- Don't expect your previous education to provide the credentials you need today.
- Don't forget attrition is a life reality. Continue to grow community.
- Don't expect normal to return. Every day is being redefined as your new normal.
- Don't expect affluent times to make up for your inconsistency or ineffectiveness.
- Don't let the time get away from you. It is not the time to get behind a growing curve.
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