Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Everyday Miracles

Everyday really is a miracle. Think about it. Every breath you take is a miracle in and of itself. Everything you see is a miracle. Having eyes that provide insight into the world itself is a miracle. What we call natural is really not natural at all. The expression “natural” childbirth is really pretty ridiculous. If you have ever witnessed the birth of a child, you could never think in terms of it being natural. It is an “out of this world” experience from beginning to end.
How about all of the “coincidental” things we experience in this life? What qualifies as coincidence? What if they aren’t coincidental at all? What if they are meetings that have been intended from the very beginning? If you think about it, relationally speaking, our story is not coincidental or chance based. We were born in a particular place, at a recorded time, to specific people. Our life entry suggests purpose and intent. Coincidence and chance simply do not qualify as an adequate explanation for who and where we are. Neither does it qualify for our intersections in life. Our chance meetings simply do not qualify as chance.
Bruce Wilkinson wrote a book a number of years ago called The Prayer of Jabez. The book captured the imagination of the world because of three short Biblical verses that celebrated the spirit of prayer. People all over the world were awakened to the reality of a supernatural heritage from which we can draw. Jabez looked to his God as One who could “expand his territory” and who would provide him blessings beyond his ability to imagine. All he needed to do was ask in faith.
Wilkinson has now written a sequel to his expose on Jabez entitled, You Were Born for This. In this book, he suggests that the prayer of Jabez actually ushers us into an every relationship to the world of “miracles”. His suggestion is that every single day we can look forward to living in the midst of the supernatural. He describes God as being One who is actively moving in His world and who is inviting those who believe to join with Him on a providential journey.
It is ultimately all about life perspective. We get to choose. Are we living a life of coincidences? Or, are we living a life that provides the potential for miracles everyday? While you can argue against the reality of a heritage and a calling that is a miracle from beginning to end, I am not really sure why you would want to. Think about it. Do well, my friends.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fierce Leadership

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Leadership is not easy.  Allen spends some time discussing why we should take a more passionate approach to leadership.
  1. It is our destiny
  2. It is our responsibility
  3. Its is our opportunity
  4. It is our role to play
  5. It is our integrity
  6. It is our fulfillment and our joy

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Changing Seasons

The seasons are changing. Fall is falling. You can feel it in the air. Things are getting cooler and precious rain is falling. I love it. However, it won't be long before Winter will be blowing in and it is not a pretty thing in Texas. At least, not in Dallas/Ft. Worth. Our snow is ice and it can get brutally cold. Of course, people in Montana would not have much sympathy for us nor would those living in Michigan, Minnesota, or Alaska. It is all relative. However, even when Winter comes we know that the relief Spring is just aroung the corner and the birds will sing. For awhile at least, and then the blast of Summer's heat will be felt. We will begin to look for some place cooler to go or we will look for water to soothe our sense of burn alongside some beach. And then, Fall saves us again. Somehow, nature knows just what we need.

I think life has its seasons, too. Sometimes it is so hot we don't think we will survive. We can't breathe. It feels that was for many of us right now. Then, we will feel some welcomed relief. Things will ease. And, I think that is where we get confused. Somehow, when relief comes our way, we think it is going to stay that way. We believe that we will stay in the glory days of Spring and we throw caution to the wind. Life is good. And then, summer's blistering heat hits us between the eyes. We have to quit being surprised by the changing season's of life. Life, like nature's seasons, will change and we may not like the experience. So, what do we do? I think we invite them. I think we should learn from the wisdom change brings.

Think about it. In the midst of this brutal season of life, what have we learned. People are getting actively out of debt and they plan to stay that way. Others are realizing that life is more than a job. Still others are gaining new understanding of continued education. Learning is becoming a lifestyle for people who had otherwise become stale and tired. Without the extreme discomfort of this season, it would never have happened. It is like there was a need for change and it came our way at just the right time.

I think we need to realize life is dynamic. Like the seasons He created, God knows how life needs to turn. His timing is always just right. It really is good to believe and trust that Someone knows and understands. I think He can handle it. Do well, my friends.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Maximizing Our Resources

As we have turned the corner and are into the 2nd half or this year Allen encourages us (in this past podcast) to give some serious attention to maximizing our resources. So, we start by evaluating our unused resources.
  • Make a list of all of the resources you have at your disposal
  • Create an analysis for how you are using those resources available to you
  • Change your life response to maximize the resources you have been given
  • Journal the difference the change makes in your life and work experience
  • Spend time giving thanks for what you have been given and for what they mean to you
  • Invest time in helping others understand what they are leaving on the table

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How Is Your Smart Working For You?

I sometimes wonder just how smart I really am. It may be the world around me is moving more quickly and I am missing a step or it may be a fitness piece I need to become a little more serious about in my life.

I remember reading years ago about studies that were showing people with higher IQs outperforming people with average IQs 20% of the time while people with average IQs were outperforming those with higher IQs 70% of the time. I heard the term "emotional intelligence" for the first time in Daniel Goleman's great book by that title. Since that time, emotional intelligence" has become a more familiar conversation but I wonder how seriously it is really being taken.

I have become aware of the widening generational gaps in which we find ourselves. We have people who are generation "Yer's". Others who are straddling Y and X. Some who are pure generation "Xer's". And, there are those who are between generations X and "Boomers". Of course there are those who are pure Boomers and then there are those like me who are somewhere between being boomers and death. It really is complicated. There are different languages. Different cultures. Entirely different propensities toward technology. And, interestingly different approaches to relationships. 

Here's the point. There has never been a time when "emotional intelligence" has been more in play. I just know I am not nearly as fit as I need to be. I have have read the book by Bradberry and Greaves, Emotional Intelligence 2.0. They did a wonderful job of reminding us that while we can do nothing about changing our IQ or our basic personalities we can change our emotional intelligence. They provided a test for benchmarking purposes as you work on the emotional growth process. I learned I have a lot of work to do.

So, here is the bad news. No matter how smart you think you are you probably are not nearly as smart as you need to be in order to truly stay relationally connected to the world around you. The good news is the key is available. "Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships". Check out their book for the rest of the story. I believe the emotional dimension is the fitness piece that will be getting a lot of my personal attention. How about you? Do well.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What Do You Have In Mind?

I am sure you have had this question ask of you before - What do you have in mind? The question signals interest in what you are planning. Typically, others would be asking you that question, but what if you were asking that question to yourself about today? What do you have in mind about living today? What do you really mean to be taking up space and air in this world? What is your purpose for living today, or any day?

It may sound pretty deep and it really is. However, it is the kind of deep water you really need to jump into. These times call for clarity. There is enough confusion all around you for you not to have clarity within yourself. There is enough depression living near you for you to not have a clear sense of direction within yourself. So, let's give it some thought.

To begin with, I hope you have recognized there is not another one like you in this world. You are a one of a kind. That, in and of itself, suggests, even to the most shallow thinker, that there is some reason for you to be living uniquely in this world. So, before you can begin to discover purpose, you must believe there is purpose intended for you. Check that off. You are purposed to live this life or you would not be here.

Have you noticed there are alot of other uniquely purposed people around you? They are all distinctively different from you. They don't think like you, look like you, or sound like you but they are all around you. What is that all about? Well, since you are no mistake and they are no mistake, it would seem that you are meant for one another. Your purpose begins with the relationships you create in this life. Your purpose is fixed in others and your relationship to them.

Now, before you begin to start getting all independent on me, it is important for you to get clear about the fact that your being here involved a relationship. It begins with the love of a Creator who put you here that flowed through a relationship, good or bad, between people who birthed you into this life. There really is nothing independent about you at all. You are an interdependent being. You were created to stand alone with your God and in love with the people in your world. Whether you know them or not, your purpose lies in your love for them.

So, here is the launching point. Your purpose and mine is to find someone to love today. When we do it, it's like being a fish in water and not floundering on some shore. When we do, we find wind beneath our wings like an eagle in flight. It really is deep but it is also real clear. You and I were created to love God and love one another. What a gig. Do well, my friends.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Responsibility of Presentation

Do you give much thought to how you present things? You will if your read Nudge by Thaler and Sunstein. In this book, the authors do a great job of helping us see how easily people can be influenced simply by the arrangement of things presented to them. When I read this book, I began to think about the subtle balance between influence and manipulation. It also caused me to think about how I go about presenting things passionately and yet responsibly.

To begin with, I do believe it is important to be reminded of the power we all have as human beings. We have the power to influence the choices of others simply by the way we communicate ourselves to them. It happens everyday. It is happening to us and we are happening to others. I don't believe most people believe they have that kind of influence but the truth is always there in potential. So, on one hand, it is a terrific thing to realize. I have power to influence. So, how am I using it or am I using it at all?

You see, I believe the realization prompts both opportunity and responsibility. I have the opportunity to influence people every single day in some way. I can influence the way they think and the choices they make simply through they way I present myself and my thoughts. It would seem then that clarity becomes pretty important. Am I influencing people with confidence and purpose? It gives me reason to give more thought to the way I approach each day. I have great potential in everyday and I can't afford to waste it because of personal confusion.

At the same time, I have significant responsibility for what and how I present. Manipulation happens when I remove the freedom of choice from others because of the way I present. So, on one hand, I have the responsibility to present my passion and convictions about products or services or thoughts because they deserve to be heard. People don't know what or how I think unless I present it to them. At the same time, what they think needs to be respected and protected in the process. There really is an art to achieving that delicate balance.

So, take the time to think about your presentation today. Make it with passion and purpose. Present others with the opportunity to hear your perspective. It can change the choices they make so approach them and life responsibly. Just give them a nudge. Help them choose. Do well!

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013


It seems that "destiny" is an ever elusive and mysterious discussion. People are searching for something they aren't. They tend to believe they are not some place they need to be. Destiny is a life long, never ending pursuit. For most, it is a discovery, or a treasure hunt of sorts, kind of like the "holy grail". But, what if it is not a pursuit at all? What if it is a process we are birthed into and not a pursuit or discovery at all?

I believe we have been created, purposed, and birthed into our destiny. Our story begins with a Creator. We begin with a relationship of "first cause" set in motion by a relationship between two other created beings. Sometimes prompted through love other times driven through lust, two people combine to give birth. We are birthed into a relationshp with a mother and a father. They may not hang around long. They may not be good at being who we need them to be. But, we begin in relationship. And, that is our destiny. Relationships.

We experience them in family. We experience them through friends. We engage them in the marketplace. We create community in living. We create fellowship in love. We live in a world of people. They are our destiny. The people in our world. Our destiny is all around us.

Destiny is where we live. It is not some place we aren't. It is not something we aren't. It is our today. It is the people we meet today. Our destiny is to learn to love and to be loved. We are created by a Creator who loves. We are destined to discover the meaning of love through this life. It is all about relationships. In the words of Darth Vadar, "It is your destiny." Do well, my friends.

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Monday, July 29, 2013

What if?

What if you lost your job? What if your career went away? What if you lost your friends? What if you lost your family? What if you lost all that you have, but you? What would you have? Now, I know the idea of losing everything is not a pleasant one. In fact, it is more than not pleasant. It is clearly depressing. However, it does cause you to stop and think. How is your relationship with you?

While our relationship with others is clearly important, your relationship with you is even more important. In fact, you are the only person in the world you can know will not go away. I mean when you go away it is all over anyway. So, how positive and healthy is your relationship with you?

Begin with how you talk to yourself. You can know about the health of a relationship by listening to how people talk to one another. The same can be said for your relationship with you. Would you want to hang around with people who talk to you the way you talk to you? Most people I meet are their own worse enemy. I find myself talking pretty lousy to myself sometimes. The interesting thing is that you can control the way you treat you. You can't control or change others but you can manage your relationship with yourself.

How about the way you treat you? How much rest and sleep do you give you? What are you putting into your body? How much weight are you lugging around? How supportive of your heart are you? How flexible are you helping yourself to be? How strong are you? How about your environment?

Here is the point. It is time to get serious about your relationship with yourself. You are going to be hanging around you for a long time. So, here are some suggestions. Start talking positively to yourself. Build yourself up. Make sure your environment is healthy for you. Clean it up if you need to. Eat less, probably. Don't make yourself carry around more than you need. Exercise your body. Strengthen and create greater flexibility for yourself. Work at giving yourself a chance to sleep well. Turn off the computer or television earlier. Prepare to sleep. You need it. Breathe deeply more.

Loving yourself is a prerequisite to loving anyone else. My Coach tells me to "love God first and then love my neighbor as I love myself." I emphasized that last part for you. By loving yourself more, you will actually be investing in your relationship with all of those important people in your life. It really makes sense when you think about it. Do well, my friends!
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Monday, July 22, 2013


I once read an article by Charles Swindoll that really caught my attention. It was entitled "Stop the Revolving Door". In the article, he chronicled the rise and fall of civilizations from the Babylonian Empire to the Athenian Republic. The article suggests that there is historical evidence to suggest that there is a certain "inevitability" to the ultimate decline of human efforts. The evidence is compelling. Here is the course of decline Swindoll quoted in his article:

From bondage to spiritual faith
From spiritual faith to great courage
From great courage to strength
From strength to liberty
From liberty to abundance
From abundance to leisure
From leisure to selfishness
From selfishness to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to dependency
From dependency to weakness
From weakness back to bondage

As I read this description of human decline, I couldn't help but be taken by the sense of inevitability in the flow. Yet, I wondered if it really has to happen this way. Isn't there room for something distinctively contrary to this commentary upon history? Swindoll's article concludes with a plea for individuals to take up the challenge and he suggests, rightly I believe, that it is only through the power of personal response that the tide can be turned.

So, I want to issue a challenge to those who have ears to hear and who will take up the challenge of writing new history into the future. What if we moved ...

From bondage to spiritual faith
From spiritual faith to great thankfulness
From great thankfulness to personal humility
From personal humility to spiritual discipline
From spiritual discipline to personal blessings
From personal blessings to blessing others
From blessing others to greater abundance
From greater abundance to greater thanksgiving
From greater thanksgiving to greater faith
From greater faith to greater humility
From greater humility to greater spiritual discipline
From greater spiritual discipline to greater blessings
From greater blessings to greater blessings for others ...

Why couldn't that be the way the story goes? I just believe it could work that way. I think the key lies in staying anchored in a humility that only faith can produce. Arrogance will forever be our fall. And yet, it is not our inevitable conclusion. We have seen it lived differently before and for over two thousand years we have been invited to follow His lead. I for one believe His way to be the answer to the this question of inevitability history seems to demand. I personally choose to follow His lead. Do well, my friends. Our future depends upon it!

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Monday, July 15, 2013

The Power of Confusion

Conflict is an unpopular word. In speaking to audiences across the country, when I ask them how they handle conflict the inevitable response is, "We avoid it." People hate conflict. At least in our part of the world they hate it. The Chinese culture on the other hand has a different take on the word. In fact, to them, the synonym for conflict is opportunity. So, what do we do with this piece of confusion. If we follow the Chinese line of thought then it seems that we are actually repelled by opportunity. How does that make sense?

The truth is we hate what conflict represents and requires. We have created a culture where inconvenience and discomfort are avoided at all cost. We take pills to avoid the experience and escape the discomfort of pain. While that might be a wise course in acute and exceptional situations, it is not wise for those that are chronic. Furthermore, there are clearly times when pain itself is a great teacher and needs to be experienced.

We change relationships to avoid the discomfort of building them. Once we figure out that other people think differently than we do and might want to respond differently, we see it as a problem. In fact, diversity is a concept that has been legislated in this country in order to be experienced. Instead of seeing it as our greatest strength, we see it as a discomfort and an inconvenience that needs to be our right to avoid.

We build lifestyles around the need to avoid inconvenience. Many times we go into great debt to put ourselves in convenient places. We buy cars and houses and services to keep from having to embrace life's challenges. So, what is wrong with that you might ask. Only that somewhere in the escape of it all we have lost a vision for great value and opportunity.

Anything of real value emerges through the fire of conflict. It is forged. It is something that insists upon discomfort and inconvenience. What it creates, however, is more than worth the effort. Think about it. Relationships are nothing more than mere acquaintances until you live and work through conflict together. Jobs are only jobs until they are experienced as opportunity in life to grow and develop. Once you have successfully graduated from conflict's experience you will have built something that can last for a lifetime.

Living in challenging situations is not all bad. Many times the experience itself is worth it. Many people pay a lot of money and spend a lot of time looking for wilderness experiences and challenging situations. They have become a great value for which we are willing to pay for someone else to create for us. We yearn for opportunity to experience real life.

So, take some time and think about the things you might be working hard to avoid. It might just be that the great opportunity you seek is within your reach. Stop running from it. Reach through it. Do well, my friends

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Monday, July 8, 2013


This past week, we celebrated freedom. I wonder what everyone was thinking. It really is a matter of perspective, isn’t it? For the person who escaped to this country from the tyranny of dictatorship and worse, freedom represents liberation in a dramatic sense. To the person who escaped from a physically or an emotionally abusive relationship then freedom means release from the nightmare of control and domination. To the person who has been set free from the harsh reality of financial debt then the sense of release is palpable. And on, and on, the freedom stories could go.

But, what is freedom in its purest form? It seems to me that freedom in its purest form is “opportunity”. Freedom really is the “opportunity to choose”. Certainly, when my choice limits, inhibits, or eliminates someone else’s opportunity to choose then issues are raised. Laws have to be created to protect the innocent in those cases. It is so easy for government itself to move beyond protection into inhibition, if not interference, with regard to freedom.

The question for me, however, involves my relationship to freedom. How committed am I to keeping freedom alive in my world? It is vital for me to remember that I have the responsibility to the people in my world to stand for freedom in giving them the best opportunity to choose in their lives. I also need to recognize that I need to work hard to keep that same freedom alive in my own life. Freedom without discipline is just bondage in disguise. I wrote that a long time ago. It would do me well to remember it. How about you?

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Evolution of Life

The word evolution has most often been used in reference to a specific theory concerning the beginning of life on this earth. In reality, the word evolution by definition speaks simply to the nature of change. While I don't embrace the word evolution as an explanation for the creation of the world, I do respect and embrace change as a reality in life. It has implications both personally and professionally.

If you ask any group of people what they think about change, the majority will quickly say they don't like it. They often will say they resist it. Unfortunately, change is not something that can be resisted. It is our reality. People change. Markets change. Companies change. Churches change. Countries change. The challenge we have as human beings is to keep ourselves ready and fit for engaging it.

The first suggestion I would make is to not become dependent upon the status quo. Simply do not let yourself become contingent upon the way things are presently. The only thing you can know for sure is that things will change. People will make choices that disappoint you. Companies will do the same. The evolution of life will take things in new directions. Stay constantly prepared to reinvent yourself. It doesn't mean you should become cynical about relationships in life. It simply means you must stay interdependently related to people and their groups and not inordinately dependent upon them.

The second suggestion I would make is to stay in a state of purposed development. What you know today or what you think you know today could be totally irrelevant tomorrow. What works for you today may not work for you tomorrow. Learning is the energy essential to navigating the flow of evolution. When the world begins to shift around you, what you have actively learned in life will determine how successfully you create your next chapter of life.

Finally, I suggest you continue developing relationships. Relationship development works in tandem with learning in today's world. Seizing each day as an opportunity to meet people who could be a dynamic part of your life is vital. The reality of attrition in life alone insists upon it.

So, don't resist evolution. It is your reality. It really is a gift. Nothing stays the same even though it may not seem that way at times. Everyday represents the birth of new life. Choose to engage it. Do it on purpose!


Monday, June 24, 2013

"What Can't You Change?"

My guess is that the greatest challenge in your life revolves around some life dynamic you have no ability to change. So, how do you feel about it? No, this is not meant to be some "blog therapy" session. You just need to stay in touch with where your energy is going because it is going somewhere. If you can't change it, then it is frustrating you in one of two ways. You are either frustrated with yourself and so you are doing damage to yourself, or you are letting yourself transfer that frustration to someone else and so you are doing damage to some other relationship. It just works that way.

Changing things you have the ability to change is hard enough. Eating less or eating more healthy seems to occupy a lot of conversation in our lives. Exercising more or beginning that exercise program you know you need in your life is another conversation. For some it is overcoming a habit that has yet to reach addiction stage, like spending too much time on the internet or maybe drinking a little too much. I am not saying any of those things are easy. I am just saying that we have the power to change those things.

Chronic pain won't go away. Responsibility will always be there. Relationships are part of life. Aging is as real as the mirror you have to face. Death and dying for people you love and ultimately for yourself will not go away. So, what do you do? You can try to avoid it. It won't go away. You can get mad. Someone, ultimately you, will get hurt. Or, you can engage it. Spiritually, physically, relationally, and professionally. Take it on. You have been equipped for it. It is not easy. No one ever said life was. You are loved enough to manage it whether you feel like it or not. That is the truth. Blessings.  


Monday, June 17, 2013

Why Do You Think?

I once attended a meeting where the speaker made a case to a group of top producing people against thinking. "Just do it" was his message. More specifically, the message was "just do what I tell you to do". Thinking was being discussed as a detriment to productivity. Don't think? Somehow, there seemed to be something significantly contrary about the message. So what do we do?

To begin with, never give up your responsibility for thinking. Thinking is a freedom you never surrender. It is a power that is a fundamental gift we have as human beings. However, undisciplined thinking can become its own kind of bondage. People can use thinking as a means of constant escape. Thinking can be an expression of arrogance which is really an outworking of insecurity. So, in a very real sense, thinking can be a detriment to productivity when it is undisciplined.

So, maybe the message is to discipline what you think. Think less, on purpose. Choose a system to follow. Choose a coach to follow. Choose a message to believe in and move forward in faith. That doesn't sound like not thinking. It sounds like thinking well. It sounds like thinking with conviction. It sounds like thinking as a professional.

I do believe top producing people have to make choices. What to think is one of those choices. Once those choices are made then we don't have to think about it anymore. It's done. There is the context where thinking is out of order. Once you have chosen then don't think. Just do it. Think about it. Do well, my friends.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Striving for What?

One day I had a long talk with myself. I actually was talking to God. My grandson overheard our conversation. It was about striving in life. I was enjoying a time of exercise and recreation and spiritual renewal and personal reflection all at the same time. It was a beautiful day. It reminded me of what it must have been intended to be in the beginning in the garden, walking and talking with God.

Anyway, the subject of striving came up. Striving in my relationship with Him. Striving to be healthy. Striving in relationships period. Striving in business. And the question He raised was why? I found it interesting because it is usually me doing the "why" thing. This time it was Him. Because of His love and grace, He has taken care of my relationship with Him. I believe that's true. So, why strive for something He has already provided? I was enjoying a good, brisk walk that has been determined by the American Heart Association, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, and virtually every other noted health professional weighing in on the subject to be the best form of cardiovascular exercise. So, why strive harder and for more? I was with my grandson who was chilling and loving me, and he represented a family who loves me, and friends and so why strive so hard to please people so they will like me? And then there was this economic crisis and I was reminded that everything I have has been given to me and so I was full circle back to God and His amazing grace and so why strive so hard for things over which I have never had any real control?

It was quite an afternoon. And, Benjamin, my grandson, slept through it all. He was in the present. In his world, there was no striving. He trusted me completely for his safety and for his journey home. I am sure the little people of the world are covertly placed here to be our leaders if we would only pay attention to them. Benjamin taught me to chill. There is no reason to strive. My Father has it all in control. Enjoy the Present. Peace.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Power of Recognition

Understanding the power of recognition is essential to powerfully influencing the world around you. Far from manipulation, recognition is about actively showing respect for the actions of others. By celebrating the value of what you see, you are validating them and the choices they are making. Otherwise, how will they know?

So, what difference does it make? It makes none if you are content with moving through life having limited effect. In reality, the difference you make in this life has less to do with what you do and more about how you celebrate the life performance of others. By recognizing and praising them for what you see, you actually multiply your own effect.

Think about it. While what you value in life is important for you to represent, it is through the encouragement you communicate to others that your influence is actually maximized. It is your influence in the lives of others that makes the difference. Recognition is the key.

All it really takes is active awareness. By staying more aware of the people in your world, you are able to catch them in the act of distinctively representing the very things you value. Your active recognition of their behavior encourages them to keep going. People need to know. They need your validation. They may say they don't but they do. They need your reflection of them as much as you need theirs.

It is not about allowing others to define you or you them. It is about being responsive. It is about giving and receiving feedback. Relationships are about relating. Relating to others involves communicating what you see, hear, and think. Commit to recognizing and applauding the best in others. It is the best way to represent yourself. Do well, my friends.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Changing the Game

What happens when what you thought would work, doesn't? What happens when what you planned just simply isn't working? The questions are simple. The answer is the same for both, but it is really hard. You have to change. You can't just keep doing what you have been doing that clearly is not working and expect to get a different result. You have to change something.

Here is where it gets difficult. When do you change? How long do you go with something before you give it up? I am encouraging you to read or listen to Seth Godin's little book, The Dip, this week. He does a good job of helping you work through that dilemma. So, I am going to leave that to him. I am going to focus on the challenge of making change. Once you have determined you need to change things, what do you do? Here are some of my suggestions.

Get some new thoughts. Look for someone who can help you think differently. Remember, you are doing what you are doing because you are thinking what you are thinking. You have to change your thinking patterns in order to get into new performance patterns. Read something new. I have some great reading recommendations for you on my website at You can read my book, The Power of Purposed Performance and you will find a significant reading list at the end.

Change your pace. Whatever you are doing now, do it differently going forward. Start earlier. Take short motivation breaks during the day. Single-task instead of multi-tasking. Stand up when you are on the telephone. Get a headset. Take a walk everyday for the sake of your health. Pick it up. Sit up straight. Stand tall. Get your head up.

Prepare more effectively. Practice before you perform. Prethink the questions you are going to ask. Ask them out loud to yourself. Ask them to a colleague or friend. Work out the rhythms and the tones.

Cut down on your daily lists. Make sure you get your day done everyday. Leave more margins in your day. Stop leaving things undone. Do what you say you are going to do even to yourself. It is a matter of integrity.

Make sure you are making people better around you. Serve others. Pay it forward. Staying into others and getting out of yourself will serve to keep you emotionally healthy. It is the best investment you could make in yourself.

So, when you realize things are not working. It is time to make a significant choice. Change something. You can do it. I can do it. We have the power. It is not natural. You may not feel like it. It will have to be done on purpose. You choose. 


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Making History

Most of the time we talk about studying history. When someone does something incredible, they are talked about as "making history". It happened with the election of the first African American President. It happened when the all time home run record was broken in professional baseball , even with the steroid asterisk noted. The first man in space then on the moon and I don't know what will be next in that race. You get the point. I just think we have "making history" all wrong.

I think history is something we make every day. In fact, we have just made it. Every choice we make every day of our lives represents the history that we are writing. Years ago, I made the choice to change a career path altogether. I left a business career that had every appearance of being successful. I moved into a life direction more oriented toward discovering what my life was really meant to be. I found myself coaching tennis for a small West Texas University with a NCAA II program with no scholarships and no real history of success as a tennis program. I coached in that program for 3 years. I played a very small part in what has become something really special. I celebrated that history with a room full of people who have been part of writing that history for the past 30 years. It was unbelievable. Memories. Stories. Victories. Defeats. Laughter. Tears.

Here is the point. You are making history every single day of your life. You are a history maker. You are writing a story, and it is a story that is not just about you. It is a story that includes you and a lot of other people that you have not met yet. Maybe one day you'll meet them just like I did. Or, maybe you won't get to in this life. But, remember this. You are making history. Just make the determination right now that you are going to make history today and tomorrow and the rest of your life on purpose! You are changing the world.