Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Credentials and Connections

Two dynamics will determine how well you perform in today's world. One is credentials and the others is connections. Having credentials has to do with what value and expertise you represent while having connections has do with who knows you and who cares.

Life provides the opportunity to establish credentials if you are paying attention. Credentials are created when you begin to accept responsibility and when you begin to seize opportunity in your life. For me, it began in a speech contest and on a tennis court. It also included mowing yards and selling a product door to door. Over time, those modest beginnings served to shape my value proposition in life. How have your credentials in life been established?

While creating life credentials, you are simultaneously given the opportunity to establish connections. Meeting people in life serves like building a bridge for life. Knowing who you know is more important than knowing what you know. The effect of others, plurally speaking, will always create more than your effect singularly.

So, here is the point. No matter what you know now and no matter who you know now, stay alert to the fact that building life credentials and life connections needs to happen throughout your life. Continuing to create new levels of mastery in life will keep you indispensable to life. Continued learning is your personal responsibility. It goes beyond satisfying some hourly requirement. It involves keeping you relevant and contemporary.

Connections need to be constantly freshened. Life changes too often and too arbitrarily not to make that happen. People change. Their stories will take some of them out of your life. At the same time, it will bring others into your life. Building and establishing relationships is a life long challenge and opportunity. The work of building relationships is never finished.

Take time and think about where you have been. Think about all you have experienced and accomplished. What are your credentials? Knowing your credentials is essential to well representing them. You are representing them every day one way or another. Seize the opportunity to bring new people and new relationship opportunities into your life. There is someone who will play a significant role in your life who you have yet to meet. Pay attention and seize life for all it is worth. Do well, my friends!

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Dynamic Duo

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. When you think about what is involved in making life happen in this 21st century I am convinced, more than ever before, that it all revolves around two dynamic realities: your credentials and your connections. So, here are some things they both have in common you might want to think about this week:
  1. Credentials have to be established.
  2. Connections have to be established.
  3. Credentials represent a level of mastery.
  4. Communication represents a level of master.
  5. Credentials are placed upon you.
  6. Communication involves more than you.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Power of Perception

Perception is reality. Have you heard it before? How about this? What your eyes perceive, your mind will believe. I'm sure you're familiar with the thoughts. The reality is they are more than just words. They represent powerful truth.

The power lies in the effect. The perception you create impacts both you and the people who live around you. Every day you are writing a story without saying a word. It really is showtime whether you like it or not.

So, here is the thought. Perception is not something you just have to accept or to which you must be resigned. It holds powerful possibility for you if you will embrace it. You really can greatly impact your reality. In fact, you can change it if you choose. It is up to you.

Start with you. What impact do you have upon you? When you look into the mirror what do you perceive to be true about you? If you are playing old tapes, it is time to change them. Your self talk probably makes you your greatest enemy. Give yourself reason to change those tapes. Change the way you treat you. Your appearance means something. Make changes that say to yourself that you are worth it. Lose some weight. Give yourself a makeover. Change your clothes, especially if you haven't done so in a while. Impress yourself.

Then, turn to others. While it is not healthy to live your life to please others, it is significant to realize you do live in a world where impressions mean something. Don't live to please others. Just tell them the story you want to believe even if you don't really feel like it. Dress to impress. Stand up straight. Smile a little. Look people in the eyes. Engage them with great questions. Listen actively. See every human encounter as an opportunity to tell your story.

Perception is powerful. You can change your world by changing the perception you create. Do it because you are worth it. Do it because you spend a lot of time with you and your old story is really old. Do it because others need it. Do it because by changing their world you will be changing your own. Just do it! I know you are familiar with that saying. Make a new and personal application. Do well, my friends!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Perception Creation

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection by The Tappe Group. What perception do you create? The question is, "Is it the one you want to create?" This week, Allen gives us some thoughts you may want to consider.
  1. Don't let your appearance reflect your feelings.
  2. Walk with purpose.
  3. Begin with others.
  4. Be impressive.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Expectations mean everything. They define your life experience. Think about it. You judge most things in your life by what you expect. Relationships are dictated by expectations. Anytime there is a struggle in a relationship, it will always go back to what you expect. Disappointment stems from expectations unrealized. So, with expectations being so important, wouldn't it make sense to spend more time thinking about and communicating them clearly?

The reality is neither of those happen. Expectations are rarely given the kind of attention they deserve. We rarely think about the expectations we have for ourselves with any kind of objectivity. Because they are personal to us, they are subjectively driven. As a result, we rarely have realistic expectations. They are either greatly underestimated or grossly overestimated. They are seldom healthy.

The expectations we have for others are seldom clarified or communicated. They most often fall prey to assumption. We assume people will know what we expect of them and they do the same with us. Because they are not communicated, there is no place for achieving agreement much less understanding. So, we move along until, eventually, there is a collision of what we expect with what we receive.

The thought is this -Why not take some time to think? Think about what you think of yourself as though you weren't you. Think about personal expectations from the vantage point of one who really knows and loves you. Seek some kind of objectivity. At the same time, achieve clarity. Get clear about what you expect of you and find some level of agreement within yourself.

Then, take your expectations of others more seriously. Having achieved a healthier and more reasonable place within yourself, choose to do the same for the people in your world. You might need to lighten up a little on them just like you needed to do for yourself. Clarify what you expect and then communicate just as clearly. Then, ask for agreement. It is only when and where you achieve agreement that a relational symphony will be experienced.

So, the next time you hear the words, "What do you expect?", take them seriously. The quality of your life might just depend upon your answer. Take some time. Think about it. Do well, my friends.

Monday, March 15, 2010

What Do You Expect?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week Allen is blogging on the subject of expectations. Expectations serve as the driving force in our relationships in life. Allen shares a little time this week setting the stage for Wednesday's blog.
  1. Recognize them for what they are.
  2. Take time to think them through.
  3. Communicate them clearly.
  4. Seek agreement.
  5. Keep them clarified.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Selling Well Defined

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Why do selling people not want to be seen as selling people? Allen believes this professional identity crisis is at the heart of most, if not all, challenges we experience in the marketplace today. For the past 14 years Allen has been trying to sell a different definition for selling. Allen challenges us this week to adopt a selling lifestyle.
  1. You are selling yourself.
  2. You are selling customers.
  3. You are selling as customers.
  4. You are selling as a manager.
  5. You are selling as someone being managed.
  6. You are selling as a spouse.
  7. You are selling as a parent.
  8. You are selling as a child.
  9. You are selling as a world citizen.
  10. You are selling as a child of God.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Who are your heroes? It is important to have heroes. They just need to be worthy of the designation. My first hero was Roy Rogers. He had a horse named Trigger, a wife named Dale, and a faithful sidekick named Tonto. He wore a white hat and he took out the bad guys. By the way, did I tell you he could sing and yodel?

The next hero I remember was Mickey Mantle. I taught myself to switch hit because the Mick did. I always wore number 7 because he did. I loved the Yankees because Mickey played on that team.

I knocked doors to help John F. Kennedy get elected. I didn't really know a Democrat from a Republican but I loved him. When he spoke I was always inspired. He had a great looking wife and his kids were cute.

As I grew up, I began to learn that my heroes weren't all they were cracked up to be. Roy Rogers held up and seemed to qualify. But, the Mick turned out to be a pretty messed up guy. JFK wasn't satisfied with Jackie so he ran Marilyn and a few others through the White House.

Back then, my heroes were great athletes or Hollywood stars. Now that my eyes have been opened a little, my hero qualifications have changed. I now look for people who are making a difference in the lives of others. Some athletes still qualify but not because of their atheletic prowess. Guys like David Robinson, Curt Warner, Drew Brees, Tony Dungy, and John Wooden qualify because of the commitment they have to the world around them. So do Cal Ripken Jr. and Nolan Ryan.

But, more often than not, my heroes are not really public people. They are people like Bill Boyar. Bill changed the world through his quiet strength and his love for God. Cal Hopkins mentored young men and women for over 30 years as a high school coach. Ralph and Georgia Nelson had people sitting at their table every Sunday for as long as they were physically able. Jo Peterman was the wife to Dale for 62 years and she was the best friend to her grandaughters.

Jo's funeral was a couple of weeks ago. Ralph and Georgia aren't there to love people the way they once did. Coach Wooden is 95 years old and not able to do what he used to do. The point is this. We need heroes. We need people who know how to love and serve others. We need people of conviction. We don't need people who appear bigger than life. We don't need to worship celebrity. They will never measure up. What we need are people with humility. We need people with integrity.

I am thankful for all of the people who have impacted my life. I am thankful for people who show up and who make a difference. I am grateful for people of faith who live their convictions without a spirit of superiority or judgement. Today, I am more aware of how exceptional they really are. None of us are perfect. However, I do believe more of us can be a hero to someone. Our world needs more heroes. Think about it. Live it. Do well, my friends!

Monday, March 1, 2010

I Can't!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection Podcast by the Tappe Group. "I can't" is being used more and more. The unfortunate thing is when you say "I can't" you are really saying I choose not to. Allen spends some time this week on how to change that very vocabulary.

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