Monday, August 30, 2010

Be Where You Are

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Allen shares a few thoughts on what he believes we need to recognize about our new and developing world.
  1. The "World is Flat"...
  2. War is our reality....
  3. Learning is not an option...
  4. There are no guarantees...

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Authentically You

Culture is typically spoken of in terms of the collective. It involves reflection upon value systems and language. Culture can also be spoken of, however, from a very individual and personal vantage point. In fact, I really believe any discussion of collective culture begins with examining the culture of its individual parts.

Value systems receive significant attention in corporate and community settings. Sometimes they are assumed in the individual. I have, personally, never met anyone who would describe themselves as being without values. Everyone seems to be driven by some value set. The question lies in how in tune you are with what they are. What conviction do you have with regard to those values and how well do you represent them?

Language is just as definitive in gaining insight into your own personal culture as it is for any community. How do you talk to you? How honest are you with yourself? What kind of conversations do you have with you? At the same time, what kind of language do you use when speaking to others? Is your approach respectful or rude? How actively honest are you in relationship to others? The way you communicate both verbally and non-verbally defines you whether you like it or not.

Authenticity is vital to the health of any relationship in life. Life expression, through the message you convey, needs to be consistent with who you are and what you believe. It is one thing to recognize our mutual fallibility. It is altogether another to live in a consistent state of misrepresentation.

Saying one thing and living another will not get you very far. At some point in time, the two will collide. You will recognize fraud within yourself and others won't be far behind. Choose to respect yourself and others enough to be honest. Then, live it. Do well, my friends.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Real You

Welcome to TappeTalk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. How important is authenticity to the dynamic of trust? Allen spends time discussing "The Real You".
  • Values are not situational
  • The real you needs to be enough
  • Authenticity requires less energy
  • Trust is critical

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Core Fitness

Core fitness is the new cry in the field of physical exercise. Yoga, Pilate's, P90x, you name it. Each form of exercise is calling for it. Focus upon core fitness and establish the foundation for your physical health. Interestingly enough, I believe core fitness is the missing piece in the realm of philosophical fitness as well. Core fitness, philosophically speaking, establishes the foundation for all relationship development. It is and through your philosophical core that identity, purpose, and security is realized.

Unless and until you have established a non-contingent sense of identity in your life, you will never be able to stay healthy in the midst of a world that would seek to keep you confused about you and who you are. To begin with, there is an unfortunate connection between what you do and who you are. As a result, you stay on a roller coaster between occasions of success and those of failure. You find yourself identified by race and relationship. Aging tends to change your perception as well both for you and for the world around you.

Purpose is a dynamic elusive for most people. What I am meant to do? Job dissatisfaction is more the rule than the exception. As a result, depression has grown to epidemic proportion and the pharmaceutical world loves it. Significance is something needed in your life. Without it, life will always seem meaningless.

Feeling safe and confident in this life is a need that accompanies us into this world. It is said we are born with two basic fears and by the time we enter adulthood we have accumulated over 2,000. You don't have to look too far to find reason for insecurity. Crime, war, poverty, economy, joblessness, broken marriages, death and you could go on and on.

So what is the answer? I believe it is found through faith in the One who created you. In fact, I don't believe it is possible to find a non-contingent sense of identity, purpose, and security in this world. I do believe, however, God has the answer to the core fitness challenge philosophically speaking. Being a child of God settles the identity question. Being called to serve mankind and glorify God through your life makes you and what you do significant. And, His Presence in your life, guarantying your eternity, provides all of the security you will ever need.

The key is found in what you believe. It is really about in whom you believe. It is settled in my life. Trusting, living and embracing what you believe with growing confidence and conviction is your core fitness challenge. Do well, my friends.

Monday, August 16, 2010

"Fit, Really?"

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week, Allen's blog, will be focused upon the significance of "core fitness" in you life. Allen has believed for years that our greatest challenge in life revolves around the challenge of philosophical fitness. In this podcast, Allen wants to challenge you with what he means by philosophical fitness.
  • You believe in your power to choose.
  • You have a strong sense of why.
  • You have a commitment to having the health and energy to live.
  • You have a commitment to building your life team.
  • You have an active commitment to bringing value to your world.
  • You have an active sense of humility and respect for your fellow human beings.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Why is change such an anathema to so many? Why does change, so often, suffer the reversal of regression even after we have experienced it? There is no question change is resisted if not rejected by the majority of people in this world. Unless it is forced upon us, we would just as soon pass. Then, there are those who engage it and then suffer the disappointment of going back to where they once were or beyond. Have you ever had success in dieting only to find yourself, some time later, weighing in at more than you weighed before? Change is a challenge we need to engage with greater resolve and respect.

This week I am recommending the book Presence by Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski and Flowers. It is not a quick read, however, it will provoke thought and provide insight into the creation of sustained transformation in life and in work. The key, as they see it, is found in the word "presence". In short, the word suggests the consciousness of completeness, fulness, and awareness. It is about respecting and beginning with the whole of the challenge and not creating through the disconnected attention to its parts.

It is obvious to me through this thought process that our general dislike and disdain for change stems from fear. Fear of the unknown. What we don't know creates our most basic fear. Our lack of experience with, and preparation for, the creative process keeps us locked up in a world of our own making. Our infatuation with talking keeps us from listening which, in turn, keeps us from asking the questions we need to be asking. Our need to hold on to what we think we know keeps us from disturbing our self imposed ignorance and, often, prejudice.

Real change and transformation clearly results from a commitment to it. I particularly love the word "presence" because I believe the "Presence" of the God, through His Spirit, is constantly using life with all of its challenges and all of my choices to transform me into the image of His love. I do believe the short sightedness and reluctant grasp of both the magnitude and reality of transformation is our greatest limiting factor. Change and transformation is happening whether we accept it or not. By beginning with a recognition of Presence, we have nothing to fear. Do well, friends.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lasting Change

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Change has always been a reality in life. Allen's purpose in this week's podcast is to make some practical suggestions for engaging in the process positively and on purpose.
  • Don't underestimate the challenge.
  • Don't engage it on your own.
  • Don't wait too long.
  • Don't miss the opportunity.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Power of One

I realize I am borrowing a title from at least one book and a motion picture. I can't help it. For what I have in mind in this blog, it just really works. Some of you will have to indulge me as I create a context for my thoughts. It is about the Texas Rangers. I am not talking about the law enforcement group. I am talking about the major league baseball team. You don't have to love baseball or the Rangers in order to appreciate the power of a move they have recently made.

His name is Cliff Lee. For several years now, he has been recognized as one of the most dominant pitchers in all of baseball. The Rangers recently signed him for what they hope will be a post season race culminating in a World Series victory. I know it sounds like a long shot. I don't really want to argue the soundness the probability. I want to discuss the difference Lee has already made. He lost his first game. He won one. And, he had a no decision in another one. On the surface, not spectacular. Look a little closer and you will see the rest of the story.

From the time he arrived on the scene, he has made the rest of the team better. In the three games he has pitched, he has pitched most of, if not all of, nine innings in each outing. He has thrown the highest percentage of strikes the Rangers have every seen in their history. Between each performance he takes time to talk to all of the young pitchers. As a recognized star, He doesn't stand apart. He stands effectively in the midst of them.

Here is the point. One person can make a real difference. They may cost a little more. They may not be with you long. Their presence, however, can raise the bar and elevate the sense of possibility for the whole team.

Think about it. If you are not exposed to something greater than yourself, if you are stuck with the way you have always done it or seen it done, then you will never be able to reach higher. The bar will not be raised because it is frozen in place. You become your greatest limiting factor.

I believe Cliff Lee will be gone next season. What he has done and is doing for the Rangers now, however, is more than worth the time and money invested. It may be time for you to let you and/or your team (company) be exposed to greater possibility. It may be time to add one or more who can represent excellence you never thought possible. If you think it takes three or more professionals to pitch nine innings then you will always be stuck with the limitation that represents. Until you witness a professional who shows you that it can be done be one then your perspective will change and maybe even your strategy. By the way, isn't that the way it used to be done? Names like Koufax and Gibson and Ryan come to mind.

Take the risk. Make the investment. Expose yourself to greatness. Reach higher and farther than you ever thought possible. Your game will change. People will be impressed. New value will be recognized. Do well, my friends.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Be the One

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week Allen invites you to think with him about what might be holding you back from making that great next step forward.

  1. New Exposure.
  2. Take the Risk.
  3. Invest in it.
  4. Reorganize for it.
  5. Plan for it.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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