Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Authentically You

Culture is typically spoken of in terms of the collective. It involves reflection upon value systems and language. Culture can also be spoken of, however, from a very individual and personal vantage point. In fact, I really believe any discussion of collective culture begins with examining the culture of its individual parts.

Value systems receive significant attention in corporate and community settings. Sometimes they are assumed in the individual. I have, personally, never met anyone who would describe themselves as being without values. Everyone seems to be driven by some value set. The question lies in how in tune you are with what they are. What conviction do you have with regard to those values and how well do you represent them?

Language is just as definitive in gaining insight into your own personal culture as it is for any community. How do you talk to you? How honest are you with yourself? What kind of conversations do you have with you? At the same time, what kind of language do you use when speaking to others? Is your approach respectful or rude? How actively honest are you in relationship to others? The way you communicate both verbally and non-verbally defines you whether you like it or not.

Authenticity is vital to the health of any relationship in life. Life expression, through the message you convey, needs to be consistent with who you are and what you believe. It is one thing to recognize our mutual fallibility. It is altogether another to live in a consistent state of misrepresentation.

Saying one thing and living another will not get you very far. At some point in time, the two will collide. You will recognize fraud within yourself and others won't be far behind. Choose to respect yourself and others enough to be honest. Then, live it. Do well, my friends.

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