Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Go Deep!

How deep do you go with the questions of life? Questions like “who” are you as a human being? What “responsibilities” are yours because of your life definition? How well do you “represent” yourself in the roles you play? If you have no real answer to those questions then it is time for you to go deeper into the challenges of living.

You need to provide definition for your life. Most people allow what they do or the career they pursue to define them. What you do is not the place to begin. It needs to be the result of definition not the cause. Who you are is a picture you have to create. It is the place you need to begin.

Once you have definition in place, you are ready to refine it by establishing priorities and responsibilities you recognize. Because of who you are there are resulting responsibilities. By establishing your value system, your priorities, and your responsibilities as a human being, you are ready to decide how you will express it.

Representing who you are is really what life work is all about. Because of who you are and because of what you believe, you are ready to present. You are prepared to represent yourself with integrity. When you establish your purpose for life and work it will always take on new meaning no matter what the company or even the economy says.

Take a little time for yourself. Pause to think. Go deep into the questions you really need to be asking. Continue to answer them as you grow through the rest of your life. Do well, my friends.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What is Your Plan?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. How do you plan on executing your plan this 2011 year? Do you have one? Allen shares a few suggestions this week on creating your plan.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Identity, Agreement, and Relationship

Culture is the life experience created by people. The culture can be purposed or it might just be happening. The difference in the two options will be found in the result experienced. Where culture is being purposed, the experience can be one of passionate engagement. In the case of life happening to you, it is a victim's experience.

It all begins with who you believe you are. It is your sense of identity. As a result, it begins with how significant you are and why you are. Are you a team? Are you a community? Are you a fellowship. Once you have answered those questions then you have successfully "defined" yourself.

Because you are defined by identifying yourself, you are now ready to be "refined". Refinement comes through agreement to the responsibilities you accept because of who you know you are. Being accountable to your responsibilities will be the challenge of maintaining the integrity of the culture.

Then, relationships can be developed. Roles and positions can be established. The nature of your relationships will never define who you are, however, they will "represent" who you are. How you treat each other and whether you react, or respond, to one another will be driven by your commitment to who you are and by your accountability to your responsibilities in the process.

Clarify who you are. Commit to being who you say you will be. And, make it your living expression. Do well, my friends.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Making Life Work

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Relationships are a challenge. Allen shares some thoughts this week on creating connection and finding agreemeint in the midst of our diversity.
  • Never take agreement for granted.
  • Always begin with them.
  • Be willing to come their way.
  • Continue to clarify expectations.
  • Stay humble.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

To comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Can You Do?

This past week, I have had a recurring conversation. It has revolved around the problem of being overwhelmed. People who believe they have more to do than they can get done. They live everyday with the frustration of knowing they did not get "it" done. Life has become depressing. They have lost confidence and energy in the process. Can you relate? If you can then you, no doubt, feel the weight of the question, "What can I do?" Things can seem hopeless and paralysis will set in quickly. There is hope. There is something you can do.

First, do you believe it is possible? Do you believe it is possible to do your job effectively? Do you recognize your potential for getting it done? If the answer is yes then you are ready to move forward. If the answer is no then you need to take a step back and look again. Recognizing your potential for performance is essential to your successfully pursuing it.

Secondly, do you want to badly enough? Is it something you really want to do? I am not talking about what other's want you to do. I am talking about your own conviction. How important is it to you? Motivation for performing is vital to making it happen. Motivation cannot be done to you. It lies within you. It is your choice.

Thirdly, clarify your "it". What are you saying you need to get done? Identify those things. Decide which one's are most important. Seperate the everyday priorities in your life from things that can actually get done Block time for both categories. Set up an appointment with yourself to get them done. Don't let anything or anyone get into that time. You can do it. You do it with appointments involving others. You can do it for appointments involving you.

Now, build some "margin" into your life. Place time between each appointment with yourself or others. Don't schedule insanity into your own life. Take time to breathe, relieve, and assess. Grab the things you can knock out quickly. Just don't look for someone else's work to do. Stay focused.

Finally, choose to say "no" or "not now" to things that don't deserve a "yes". Say "yes" to only those things you know you can get done. One thing at a time. Reduce your "it" list to three. Specifically the things that are terminal in nature. The things you can get done. Do the first one and then move to the second. Don't move to the next until you have done the first. As you remove one thing from your list then add one.

You can do something about what is happening to you. You can take control and responsibility for your choices. You cannot control what others do or think. You do not have to be a victim unless you choose to be. You can do it. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Say No!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. In a day and time when choices and opportunities are endless sometimes the best answer is "NO!" Allen shares his thoughts this week on the importance of that answer.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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