Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'll Do It Later

"I'll do it later" is short for "it probably isn't going to happen". At least that's the way it is at my house. I have two grandchildren who live with us and it's a common refrain when it comes to doing something they really don't want to do. Or, when they are in the midst of doing something they don't particularly want to stop doing. And then, there are those rare situations, I feel sure, when they really intend to get it done but they just forget. Barbara, my sweet wife, is sure that they really intend to do it all of the time but we see the glass from two different perspectives in this case. By the way, I know she is right most of the time but I still hate it.

I hate for people who live or work with me to put off things until later because I know what it means too often. However, I am quickly realizing that my impatience in this matter doesn't really extend to me. I mean I really do work hard at getting the things done, even hard things by most standards. However, I have learned about me that hard things for others are not necessarily hard things for me and vice versa. So, I should find no solace in doing things other people won't get done. Rather, I need to spend some time thinking about things I am putting off. Interestingly enough, I think my reason for not getting things done falls into the same three categories as my grandchildren.

First, there are those things I just don't want to do. I am not going to go public with what those things are but trust me there are too many of them. I don't feel like doing them so I naturally find reasons not to get them done. Then, there is the matter of being too busy to get them done. The first and the second reasons really can support one another. And then, there is the much more honorably sounding "good intentions" reason. It really is easiest to hide behind this one. But, I really hate it when others do it. Come to think about it, I probably hate it in others because of how I feel about it in myself. I really hate it when I psychologize myself.
There is another issue for me at this stage in my life. If I really intend to do something, I better do it when I am thinking about it or chances are better than even that I will forget that I ever thought it. It is that going into a room and forgetting what brought you there thing. It seems to be happening with greater frequency these days.

So, here is the reality. If my life is going to move forward, deeper, or higher, whatever going to the next level really means, then I am going to need to get serious about doing things I know I need to do whether I feel like it or not. I am going to need to stop doing some things in order to start doing other, more important things. And, I need to act on my good intentions while they are part of my conscious mind or they will become part of the volumes of great intentions I have had. Maybe you can relate. If so, make it your new year's resolution. I don't mind if you borrow it. Do well, my friends and have a happy and purposed new year!

Monday, December 28, 2009

How Do You Feel?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. So, how do you feel? How many times have you heard some version of this question in relationship process? Allen shares a few questions with us to help us keep our relationships healthy:

  • What do you think?
  • How will you respond?
  • What will keep you from reacting to how you feel?
  • Where will that get you?
  • Who are you trying to lead?
  • Where will that get you relationally?
  • How will that effect you in the long run?

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"The Unexpected"

In a time consumed with confusion and calamity, there is one thing you can depend on in the new year - the unexpected. In the coming year, there will be things that will happen in your life that you will not expect. Think back over the past several years of your life for validation of this prediction. How do you prepare for the unexpected? This question really gives you insight into the focus essential to the response that will be required.
By anticipating the inevitable reality of unexpected challenges, you can recognize three essentials for your focus and attention: motivation, purpose, and security. Each of these dynamics, represent foundational energy for both a purposed and positive performance.

Motivation is "your motive in motion". It is the energy created by your reason "why". No matter what life brings your way, clarity about your reason why is vital. Unexpected hits in life create inevitable confusion. Knowing your reason why will be your center for response.

Purpose is your "expressed distinction". It the passion behind "what" you do. Knowing your purpose and direction in life gives you a filter throug which to see. While there will be things before you that you will not be able to do, you do have a reason for living. Remembering your reason for living will always be the primary focus for your response.

Security is your "confidence in the process". No matter what happens, you are safe. You are able to move without fear in the midst of the unknown. Because you aren't paralyzed by fear, you are able to provide leadership both for yourself and for others.

Because you can anticipate unexpected challenges, you are able to make plans for response. I encourage you to make sure you have clarity about your reason why in life. At the same time, refllect on your purpose for living and establish fresh focus. Finally, make sure you are secured for the journey before you. Each of these areas will challenge you to do some heart work. I pray blessings on your life in 2010. Do well, my friends.

Monday, December 21, 2009

New Starts

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. We are now approaching the end of another year and it is a natural time to think about a new start. New starts require new thinking. Allen shares some thoughts this week on the power to begin.
  • Create a "mantra" for your new start.
  • Clarify your vision, again.
  • Choose the value system you will embrace.
  • Challenge yourself with a directional plan.
  • Commit to executing your plan with integrity.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Choices, Choices, Choices

It is clearly the season for making choices. Who gets what gift? How much can we spend? Where will we celebrate Christmas and with whom? And, on, and on, it goes. In reality, choices are with us year round. It starts with big questions like, what time will I face the day? What will I wear? What do I do first? How do I prioritize the day? What, when, and where will I eat? Where will I find a job? Questions are always with us. Having to constantly answer them gets old.

At the same time, having questions to ask and answer represents the reality of living in freedom. There are people in this world who don't have many questions to ask nor do they have the freedom to answer those they have. Eating isn't a matter of where or when, but if. Where do I work or where do I get a job is irrelevant because there is no economy producing the opportunity for answering them. Where do I celebrate Christmas or any holiday representative of faith is not respected.

So, having questions to answer in life is really a good thing. It is kind of like pain. On one hand, you get weary of it. On the other hand, without the reality of it in your life you are probably at risk on some level.

There is one choice we all share as human beings. It is a power that cannot be taken from us. We have the power to choose how we will respond to any life circumstance. Having the power to choose is our birthright. We were endowed with it through the power and love of a Creator. We should never abdicate that power. In fact, it is something we should always celebrate. In reality, Christmas is an explanation and a celebration of that choice we share. It is meant for everyone. Do well, my friends. And, have a merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Moving Forward

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. It seems wise to spend some time planning for the future. So, here are some things you need to plan for as you move forward into your new tomorrow:
  • Plan to recognize and quickly remove organizational and performance waste
  • Plan to stay out of the bondage of debt
  • Plan to build around the most talented and engaged people you can find
  • Plan to respond more quickly to the unexpected signals you receive
  • Plan to keep learning
  • Plan to let go of where you have been
  • Plan to stay thankful and humble

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Keeping Perspective

How tough are things, really? I spoke to a good friend this week about the unbelievable economic challenges being faced in her part of the country. The commentary was familiar. She said that many, if not most, of the family businesses in her community had gone out of business and others were on the brink of closing. In the part of the world in which I live, where economically speaking realities are much brighter, businesses are closing and people are losing jobs at an unprecedented rate. Good friends have recently sold their home and have relocated in order to survive financial disaster. Charities are reporting substantial losses in contributions and yet they are receiving an almost overwhelming appeal for help. So, how much more difficult can it get?

I have good friends who help me keep perspective about how challenging life really is. They are in their retirement years. He is blind and she is not able to work any longer. They are the sole caregivers of their granddaughter who is completely disabled and requires 24/7 care. They have some nursing support but it is primarily their life to live. I have another friend who has been the sole caregiver for a wife who has been totally ravaged by the tragedy of Alzheimer's for the past ten years. Having to watch someone you love waste completely away is almost too much to bear. As a nation, we watched as families grieved over the loss of their military family at the hands of a mad man. Safety and security seem to be elusive in even the most protected environment.

The truth is things could always be worse. In fact, there is always someone, somewhere who is suffering in ways that cause our circumstances to pale into insignificance. Somehow, knowing the reality of life around us helps us keep perspective. In fact, when we allow ourselves to become totally focused on how difficult life is then our vision becomes flawed and depression is not far off. And, there is always something, even in the most difficult circumstances, for which to be thankful. Think of the world around you and be thankful for the life you have been given to live. Do well, my friends!

Monday, December 7, 2009

What Adjustments Are You Making?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection Podcast by the Tappe Group. Even with a great life plan, adjustments have to be made. Allen shares a few thoughts as you consider your own performance in life and in work:
  • Expect to make them
  • Prepare to learn
  • Respond decisively
  • Keep perspective
  • Stay committed
  • Celebrate Results
  • Expect to make them again

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Holiday To or Holiday From?

We are about to wrap up our first of two, back to back, major holiday experiences. Actually, we share in other holidays throughout the year but these two are the biggest and many would say the best. Thanksgiving, and then Christmas. They represent quite a tandem. A blessing for some and a burden for others. For some, it is a welcome escape from a life of work and worry. For others, it is an opportunity to remember, reflect, and recreate. For some, it is a painful experience because of the absence of relationships lost. For others, it is a time of sweet reunion.

So, what do you do? I really believe it is a check up time. There is no doubt that to embrace times of thanksgiving and celebration is healthier than having to endure them. Having people to embrace and having something to celebrate would also seem to be a signal of a life well done. But, what about people who have lost loved ones and what about others who have challenging work lives? What about others who deal with the darkness of holiday depression? I think they are important questions that need to be engaged.

Whatever your life reality is, it is yours to live. Holidays can give you the opportunity to pause and reflect. If you have lost someone you loved, as painful as it is, take time to reflect on the love you shared. Many, if not most, never get to experience intimacy in this life. Celebrating memories is a significant part of life's rhythms. Remembering is vital to living.

If work is challenging or even threatened, then holidays give us the time to breathe and think about our possibilities. We can't change things over which we have no control, however, we always have the power to choose how we will respond. It is not easy. It is not fun. It may seem impossible. It might cause you to seek out counsel or even charity. Which brings us back to the relationship question. What kind of community have you built for yourself?

So, holidays represent a significant dynamic in our lives. Whatever they mean to you, let them work for you. Take time to take your emotional and relational pulse. Seize the opportunity to embrace someone present or the memory of someone past. Don't miss the rhythm. These holidays create music you really need to hear. My prayer is that you will have a healthy and a joy filled holiday season even through tears. Do well, my friends.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Avoiding the Funk

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. The holidays represent a significant paradox. Holidays represent happiness for some and frustration for others. This week Allen suggests several ways to make the most of the season.

  • Begin with the end from the beginning...Remember the energy you began with and make it live.
  • Block and Discipline... Enjoy the celebrations but commit time to getting the important things done.
  • Bring Joy to the is a joyful season. Choose to bring that joy to each moment of this last month. Remember and rejoice.
  • Be Aware...You cannot afford to waste almost two months. There is a lot of waste during this time of the year. Don't be part of robbing yourself of what you want to achieve. Stay aware.
  • Believe Again...It is easy to become cynical in life. People can do that to you. At the same time , people are our lives. They are our love. We cannot live without them even when we don't think we can live with them.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Stance of Faith

I am finishing a wonderful weekend of spiritual renewal with a community of people I love. We have spent three days of almost non-stop praise, prayer, and contemplation. We have also enjoyed a guest speaker who gave us alot to think about. He challenged us to adopt a "stance of faith". He asked us to commit to "groaning", not "whining". He asked us to commit to "playing", not "watching". And finally, he asked us to "hope" and not "despair".

He suggested that to groan about the reality of suffering and pain in this world is altogether appropriate. In fact, the injustice and inhumanity we witness in this world should cause us to shed tears. To groan for the world around us is a healthy expression. To whine for things we don't like or don't agree with is really another thing. Whining is not attractive or helpful. It is more than annoying.

He said to get into the game is where we belong. Playing not watching needs to be our posture. To spectate and criticize is passive and without constructive value. Active commitment creates the kind of creative energy we represent.

And then, he challenged us to accept the hope we have been given. We have a message of hope. Despair is really inconsistent with what we believe. No matter what things look like, we believe. So, hope is our anchor. It is our culture.

I love the stance and I thought about what a difference it would make in my world if it was an experience we all shared together. Imagine it. No more whining! What would it mean to your workplace or your family life if the noise polution of whining disappeared. At the same time, what if it was replaced be genuine concern and a practical love response? What if we really felt the desire to make it easier for those around us?

What if we really had players around us? If everyone in our world was truly engaged and active, what kind of difference would it make? Spectators and critics go away. What if people who regularly play the victim were to disappear in life and work?

And, imagine, living in a culture where hope was the predominant spirit. What if fear did not linger in the air? How different would things be if the negative were replaced by the positive?

Well, I can dream can't I? I believe the stance of faith is to love, serve, and believe. I believe it is the culture we were meant to live. I also believe it takes the power of an ever present God and the faith response of committed people to create it. It is my hope for us all. Do well, my friends!

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Spirit of Thanksgiving

Welcome to Tappe Talk a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week is our season of Thanksgiving. Clearly we have a lot to be thankful for. Allen suggests a few things to think about this week:
  • Who do you depend upon for the life you live?
  • What do you do and say to encourage them everyday?
  • How much time do you spend criticizing the very people you need?
  • How do you recognize and reward them for what they do for you?
  • How much do you take them for granted?
  • How do you celebrate them?
  • Who do you love? And, do they know it? Really?

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Caveat Emptor

Disclosure is a big thing in our business culture these days so I decided I needed to put a "caveat" on my blog. "Caveat Emptor" is a well worn Latin expression that simply means
"buyer beware". In this case, I am not actually selling you anything tangible. What I am selling you, however, is new thought. I am challenging you to think. I am selling you the vision of personal power and the freedom to choose. I am clearly challenging you to continue to learn and grow as a human being. So, I think it is important that you are given a "caveat" as you read this or any blog I have or ever will write.

If you choose to accept this mission, you will encounter challenges to your success. To borrow a word from Steven Pressfield, you will face "resistance" in your journey toward the creation of anything within you that resembles growth, development, or health. He wrote a little book of philosophy years ago entitled The War of Art if you are interested in exploring his thoughts a little more deeply. Simply put, if you are creating anything new in you or around you, look out!

Recently, I have been reminded of how important this warning is because if you are expecting to have smooth sailing in the creative process it simply is not going to happen. You will face discouragement from within and from without. It will come in forms and from places where you least expect it. It will target your weakest link and it will try to exploit it to its fullest. Don't be surprised by the resistance. It is part of your process.

So, if you are going to get hammered, why even start down that road? It really is a good question. The answer is the alternative is far worse. Choosing to learn and grow and create new and fresh life and thought is choosing to live. Choosing to embrace your status quo and vegetate on thoughts as you have always thought them is choosing to die a slow death before you ever die. Choosing life is better than choosing death except in the most extreme and exceptional circumstances and even that would be a creation all of its own. Thank you, heroes! Thank you, Jesus!

Living life on purpose every day is a choice. It is a choice that will create immediate attention in your world and you should not be surprised by the challenges you will face. Choosing to create something new in life is risky. You might fail. Or, you might succeed and it could change everything. So, the caveat is yours. My encouragement is for you to take the challenge. And, continuing in the spirit of my friend Nick, do well my friends!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Keep the Bar High!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Expectations, even of yourself, are often times unmet. This week Allen shares with us a few suggestions on keeping the bar high.
  1. Think something new every day!
  2. Expect to live a miracle every day!
  3. Get accountable every day, really!
  4. Choose to stay out of ruts.
  5. Give something away.
  6. Treat yourself well.
  7. Encourage your team.
  8. Listen and learn.
  9. Begin again.
  10. Choose to lead.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "tappe talk" and then subscribe

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"It Is What It Is"

I had some pictures taken this week. I needed some high resolution shots because of marketing material being produced. After we had worked through several different poses and a few wardrobe changes, we moved to a computer and looked at the results. The photographer was a master at his work and he helped me select a few poses he thought were the most striking as if that is an appropriate description of any picture where I am the subject. After we had agreed on what we both considered to be the best, he said he could do some editing work. It is amazing what can be fixed on a computer. The "airbrush" is fully capable of fixing all of your blemishes. The problem is that the result will be something other than you. In fact, you probably could be convicted of false advertising. As we discussed lines and wrinkles and spots and bumps, I finally said "It is what it is. Let's just go with it."

Accepting reality is an ever present challenge. I am not talking about things we are fully capable of changing. I am referring to things we do not have the power to change. How do you manage things you cannot change? Managing things you have no power to change may be one of the most significant challenges we face in life. Aging is one of those changes. I was facing that challenge with my photographs. You can airbrush, stretch, tuck, and hide. In the end, you are getting older and your body is leading the way. Accepting you for who you are is essential to confidently engaging this life. Doing it with grace and style must become your goal.

Accepting the reality that you have no ability to control the choices others make is another of those challenges. Living life in the midst of choices made by others, being impacted yet not being able to change them, requires disciplined response. What we can't change we have to learn to effectively and positively manage if we are going to experience the blessing and the positive affect of community.

Coming to grips with the limitations of your humanity is another of those "necessary" interferences in life. Failure, mistakes, miscues, confusion, and weakness are all realities we have to face. To the degree we do not have a healthy relationship with our reality as human beings, guilt, disappointment, and denial become our unnecessary companions.

There really is nothing pessimistic about being a realist. I do believe, however, it is important to stay positive as a realist. Life is what it is today. Don't run from it. Embrace and engage it. It works better that way. Do well, my friends.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Mystery of Substance

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. What things do you represent to the world as having value? How valid is your presentation? Hernando De Soto suggests that the basis of our present economic crisis lies in a "capital" presentation that had no value. What other value presentations can be made without substance. Here are a few areas where Allen believes we can focus on establishing and assuring "substance" as a basis for what we present as a value to the world in which we live:
  1. Friendship-- What really makes friendship a reality?
  2. Communication-- What conncetion have you really made and how?
  3. Serving-- What service do our customer's really experience?
  4. Learning-- What have you learned lately and how?
  5. Love-- Who have you loved and what does it mean?
  6. Faith-- Who and what do you believe in and why?

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Almost, But Not Quite"

What happens when you almost make something happen but not quite? How do you get over and through not making it across the finish line when you are right there and you can see it but you run out of time and resources before you can get it done? Having just gone through the closing of a business in which I was a partner, I have it clearly in the forefront of my mind. We had a great game plan. We had great support and acceptance in the marketplace. I had a great working partner. We had good people working for us. We were recognized and celebrated for our achievements. It was all right there but we ran out of money and time. Now what?

Maybe you experience it in your job as a manager or even in something you are trying to get accomplished on a more personal level. Wherever and whenever the disappointment of apparent failure comes, what do you do? To begin with, you don't accept the finality of thought that the word failure suggests. You continue to stay in process. Maybe a business venture cannot continue, or maybe you have to readjust your expectations on a production level, or maybe you have to reshape plans you have for yourself personally. The key is to stay in the game. Don't quit. The game is not over while you are still above ground.

Further, be sure to maximize your investment of time and money in whatever your situation is by taking the time to learn as much as you possibly can from your disappointment. We have learned that this is not the economy or time to be under capitalized and/or undermanned. At the same time, we have been validated on so many levels about what went well. It seems important to me, even vital, to gain as much insight as you can from wherever you have been in order to be better prepared for wherever you are going.

It is also important for you to reconfirm and possibly reframe your team. We all work with and mutually depend upon others for our success. Who is still standing with you? Who still believes in who you are and in what you represent? Unfortunately, there may be those who won't choose to stay with you. Let them choose. Accept and respect their choices. They have their own lives to live and their own dreams to pursue. But, recognize and celebrate those who stand with you. Refining and redefining is a big part of the process of achievement and success.

Staying humble is a constant in learning and growing. If you don't learn it here, you will be forced to learn it there. When something doesn't work the way you have planned then accept the fact that maybe your plan was flawed. I don't mean give up on what you know to be true. I simply mean to stay open to the reality that being human carries the baggage of fallibility. You might not have it right or maybe what you know to be right needs a different context, time or environment.

There is so much more to be said and, over time, I will take the time to say it either through this vehicle or others. But, for now, don't give up. Don't ever, ever, ever, give up! It was powerful when it was first said and it remains powerful today. Keep your head up. Keep moving forward. Listen and learn. Stay humble. Do well, my friends.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bouncing Back!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. After five years of working at creating and building an organization, this past week Allen has worked at closing it down. It is easy to quit when things go south on you. It is easy to get down and depressed. This week Allen discusses bouncing forward and not back to where we were.

  1. Stay thankful! (positive)
  2. Seek counsel! (learn)
  3. Stay active! (energy)
  4. Guard your mind! (think)
  5. Lighten up! (play)
  6. Stay in the Present! (breathe)
  7. Believe in yourself (center)
  8. Create and celebrate wins! (momentum)

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Right Choices?

I once heard of an executive who said that he simply wanted his people to do the "right" thing. While that seems on the surface to be a positive thought, in reality, it can be paralyzing. The "right" thing according to whom? What might be clear to an executive might not be so clear to an employee attempting to apply that mandate to his given situation. What does making the "right" choice mean?

It begins with agreement about rightness. What values will govern any situation faced? Values need to be more than corporate statements placed on a wall. They need to be the guiding principles for fitness training in companies. They need to be written on the hearts of the people.

So, organizations need to create agreement and provide development in that agreement for their people. But, what about the people themselves? What about you and me? How do we make "right" choices every day? It really works the same way. We need to create agreement within ourselves about what is right. As important as it is for companies to have their value systems in place, it is even more important for you and me to have ours in place. We face choices every day that depend upon that clarity. If we don't have them in place, then we have a hard time ever choosing. If we are not learning about their application as we make choices, if we are not learning and becoming more fit through our failures in the process,, then we will find ourselves increasingly paralyzed in the face of life choices.

I personally love the simple filter of Jesus for "rightness". As people, who we are or what we do will never qualify as rightness. But, love will. Love the Lord your God, love your neighbor as yourself, and love one another as I have loved you. Choices made through that filter will always be right even if the results don't seem that way. Do well, my friends.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Maximizing My Investment

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Five years ago Allen and his business partner created an extension and a bit of a laboratory for Purposed Performance. This venture that was created became one of the premier real estate services in the DFW area. This past week we brought to a close the organization that has been invested whole hearted in for five years. This week Allen spends time sharing some of the things he learned in the process.
  1. Never be afraid to invest yourself in something good.
  2. Choose partners wisely.
  3. Don't underestimate the cost
  4. Expect the unexpected.
  5. Stay humble.
  6. Stay focused and committed.
  7. Believe in people.
  8. Know going in that you will learn significant things in the process.
  9. Stay thankful.
  10. Know when it is time to turn the page.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Everyday Miracles

Everyday really is a miracle. Think about it. Every breath you take is a miracle in and of itself. Everything you see is a miracle. Having eyes that provide insight into the world itself is a miracle. What we call natural is really not natural at all. The expression “natural” childbirth is really pretty ridiculous. If you have ever witnessed the birth of a child, you could never think in terms of it being natural. It is an “out of this world” experience from beginning to end.

How about all of the “coincidental” things we experience in this life? What qualifies as coincidence? What if they aren’t coincidental at all? What if they are meetings that have been intended from the very beginning? If you think about it, relationally speaking, our story is not coincidental or chance based. We were born in a particular place, at a recorded time, to specific people. Our life entry suggests purpose and intent. Coincidence and chance simply do not qualify as an adequate explanation for who and where we are. Neither does it qualify for our intersections in life. Our chance meetings simply do not qualify as chance.

Bruce Wilkinson wrote a book a number of years ago called The Prayer of Jabez. The book captured the imagination of the world because of three short Biblical verses that celebrated the spirit of prayer. People all over the world were awakened to the reality of a supernatural heritage from which we can draw. Jabez looked to his God as One who could “expand his territory” and who would provide him blessings beyond his ability to imagine. All he needed to do was ask in faith.

Wilkinson has now written a sequel to his expose on Jabez entitled, You Were Born for This. In this book, he suggests that the prayer of Jabez actually ushers us into an every relationship to the world of “miracles”. His suggestion is that every single day we can look forward to living in the midst of the supernatural. He describes God as being One who is actively moving in His world and who is inviting those who believe to join with Him on a providential journey.

It is ultimately all about life perspective. We get to choose. Are we living a life of coincidences? Or, are we living a life that provides the potential for miracles everyday? While you can argue against the reality of a heritage and a calling that is a miracle from beginning to end, I am not really sure why you would want to. Think about it. Do well, my friends.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Beware of Dependency

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. There are many forms of dependency. The ring of dependency is the ring of insecurity and bondage. But, it also the ring of human beings who are trying to make it through life. Allen shares a few thoughts this week for his fello strugglers.

  1. Looking to the approval of others for self opinion
  2. Looking for means of escape when things hurt or begin to get tough
  3. Looking for life to change in order for you to find happiness or success
  4. Looking for things to stay the same in order to protect your fear, ignorance, and/or prejudice
  5. Looking for the world to make sense or be fair
  6. Looking for "success" as a validation of you and of your work

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009


It seems that "destiny" is an ever elusive and mysterious discussion. People are searching for something they aren't. They tend to believe they are not some place they need to be. Destiny is a life long, never ending pursuit. For most, it is a discovery, or a treasure hunt of sorts, kind of like the "holy grail". But, what if it is not a pursuit at all? What if it is a process we are birthed into and not a pursuit or discovery at all?

I believe we have been created, purposed, and birthed into our destiny. Our story begins with a Creator. We begin with a relationship of "first cause" set in motion by a relationship between two other created beings. Sometimes prompted through love other times driven through lust, two people combine to give birth. We are birthed into a relationshp with a mother and a father. They may not hang around long. They may not be good at being who we need them to be. But, we begin in relationship. And, that is our destiny. Relationships.

We experience them in family. We experience them through friends. We engage them in the marketplace. We create community in living. We create fellowship in love. We live in a world of people. They are our destiny. The people in our world. Our destiny is all around us.

Destiny is where we live. It is not some place we aren't. It is not something we aren't. It is our today. It is the people we meet today. Our destiny is to learn to love and to be loved. We are created by a Creator who loves. We are destined to discover the meaning of love through this life. It is all about relationships. In the words of Darth Vadar, "It is your destiny." Do well, my friends.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Not?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Too much of the time, people are asking "why?". What is posed as a question is actually a statement of disagreement or criticism. This week Allen adds one word to the question "Why Not?"
  1. Why not begin again?
  2. Why not forgive?
  3. Why not learn something new?
  4. Why not change something?
  5. Why not create something?
  6. Why not believe?

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What If?

What if you lost your job? What if your career went away? What if you lost your friends? What if you lost your family? What if you lost all that you have, but you? What would you have? Now, I know the idea of losing everything is not a pleasant one. In fact, it is more than not pleasant. It is clearly depressing. However, it does cause you to stop and think. How is your relationship with you?

While our relationship with others is clearly important, your relationship with you is even more important. In fact, you are the only person in the world you can know will not go away. I mean when you go away it is all over anyway. So, how positive and healthy is your relationship with you?

Begin with how you talk to yourself. You can know about the health of a relationship by listening to how people talk to one another. The same can be said for your relationship with you. Would you want to hang around with people who talk to you the way you talk to you? Most people I meet are their own worse enemy. I find myself talking pretty lousy to myself sometimes. The interesting thing is that you can control the way you treat you. You can't control or change others but you can manage your relationship with yourself.

How about the way you treat you? How much rest and sleep do you give you? What are you putting into your body? How much weight are you lugging around? How supportive of your heart are you? How flexible are you helping yourself to be? How strong are you? How about your environment?

Here is the point. It is time to get serious about your relationship with yourself. You are going to be hanging around you for a long time. So, here are some suggestions. Start talking positively to yourself. Build yourself up. Make sure your environment is healthy for you. Clean it up if you need to. Eat less, probably. Don't make yourself carry around more than you need. Exercise your body. Strengthen and create greater flexibility for yourself. Work at giving yourself a chance to sleep well. Turn off the computer or television earlier. Prepare to sleep. You need it. Breathe deeply more.

Loving yourself is a prerequisite to loving anyone else. My Coach tells me to "love God first and then love my neighbor as I love myself." I emphasized that last part for you. By loving yourself more, you will actually be investing in your relationship with all of those important people in your life. It really makes sense when you think about it. Do well, my friends!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fierce Leadership

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Leadership is not easy. This week, Allen spends some time discussing why we should take a more passionate approach to leadership.
  1. It is our destiny
  2. It is our responsibility
  3. Its is our opportunity
  4. It is our role to play
  5. It is our integrity
  6. It is our fulfillment and our joy

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Changing Seasons

The seasons are changing. Fall is falling. You can feel it in the air. Things are getting cooler and precious rain is falling. I love it. However, it won't be long before Winter will be blowing in and it is not a pretty thing in Texas. At least, not in Dallas/Ft. Worth. Our snow is ice and it can get brutally cold. Of course, people in Montana would not have much sympathy for us nor would those living in Michigan, Minnesota, or Alaska. It is all relative. However, even when Winter comes we know that the relief Spring is just aroung the corner and the birds will sing. For awhile at least, and then the blast of Summer's heat will be felt. We will begin to look for some place cooler to go or we will look for water to soothe our sense of burn alongside some beach. And then, Fall saves us again. Somehow, nature knows just what we need.

I think life has its seasons, too. Sometimes it is so hot we don't think we will survive. We can't breathe. It feels that was for many of us right now. Then, we will feel some welcomed relief. Things will ease. And, I think that is where we get confused. Somehow, when relief comes our way, we think it is going to stay that way. We believe that we will stay in the glory days of Spring and we throw caution to the wind. Life is good. And then, summer's blistering heat hits us between the eyes. We have to quit being surprised by the changing season's of life. Life, like nature's seasons, will change and we may not like the experience. So, what do we do? I think we invite them. I think we should learn from the wisdom change brings.

Think about it. In the midst of this brutal season of life, what have we learned. People are getting actively out of debt and they plan to stay that way. Others are realizing that life is more than a job. Still others are gaining new understanding of continued education. Learning is becoming a lifestyle for people who had otherwise become stale and tired. Without the extreme discomfort of this season, it would never have happened. It is like there was a need for change and it came our way at just the right time.

I think we need to realize life is dynamic. Like the seasons He created, God knows how life needs to turn. His timing is always just right. It really is good to believe and trust that Someone knows and understands. I think He can handle it. Do well, my friends.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What Do You Know?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. So, what do you really know? It seems that most people grew up thinking that working harder was always the answer. Allen shares with us this week a few things on his list he really believes he knows.
  1. Relationships are everything
  2. That winning is not everything.
  3. Tomorrow is a not a promise.
  4. Learning is a lifestyle.
  5. Motivation is personal responsibility.
  6. Being a professional is more than a claim.
  7. Acquaintances and friends are not the same.
  8. Integrity is key to life success.
  9. Love is a choice.
  10. God is real and personal.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Long Does It Take?

I am involved in a several things presently that are creative ventures. One of them has been a work in progress for the past ten years. I have to confess that while it has been at work in my mind that long, it has too often gotten very little prioritized attention from me. The other is a collaborative effort that has been in motion for about three years, and it has gotten a lot of attention from those partnering with me. And, then, there is one that has received a lot of my attention recently and has been building for most of this decade.

All three of these projects seem to be getting significant levels of traction at this time, and yet often I find myself frustrated by the process. I don't know if you can relate. It just seems like it takes a long time to make things happen. To say that I stuggle with impatience would be an understatement, but I wonder if there isn't more involved. I wonder if my expectations about what it takes to create something of real value isn't just a little off.

I have been reminded before that it takes a diamond a number of years under great pressure to become the final product people die to discover and possess. The pearl is a marvel that resides in a most unusual context for a long time before the friction of its surroundings shapes it into the wonder it finally becomes. A butterfly with all of its beauty and grace doesn't begin that way. It seems to lie dormant in an ungraceful, not beautiful state for a period of time before it emerges with all of its glory. And on and on we could go reflecting on the wonders of the world. They all have one thing in common. They all take time. They all are shaped by forces without and within.

Maybe you have heard the anecdotal story of Michelangelo's creation of "The David". As the story goes, when asked how he created such a glorious piece of art, Michelangelo suggested that his job was simply to release The David from the bondage of the stone. Robert Fritz, in his work Your Life as Art, says that while it makes a wonderful story, it is simply not true. Michelangelo is known to have worked for years on The David through sketches and prototypes before he ultimately sculpted the treasure many of us know and love.

So, what is the point? The point I am making in reminder to myself is that it is undisciplined arrogance and immaturity to expect something of any real value to happen over night. It takes time. And, it takes the elements of creative tension to ever hope to bring them about. If I am going to be a part of creating something special, I have to regard it as a work first. Then, a work of discipline. Then, a work of symphony. Then, a work of love. So, that is my message to me. Maybe you need it too. Do well, my friends.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Doing The Hard Things

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Do you ever get caught putting things off until the last minute? Has some unknown interference come along and kept you from completing the task you have put off? This week Allen spends some time explaining the disciplines we need to address those conflicts.
  • Is it really important?
  • What am I afraid of?
  • Do I think there will be a better time?
  • Who am I waiting on?
  • What if I just let it go?
"STUCK MODE" mantra
  1. It is important!
  2. There is nothing to fear!
  3. Now is the time!
  4. It is my job!
  5. I am committed!

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