Sunday, January 30, 2011

What's Your Game?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. So, What is your game? Allen shares a few thoughts with us this week about stepping on your stage.
  1. Play like the world is watching because it is
  2. Choose to be the best you can be
  3. Be Impressive
  4. Look for opportunity
  5. Play for an encore

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creating Performance Freedom

Creative performance requires freedom. It requires relaxation. Anxiety and stress militate against creativity. The question is how prepared are you to perform? Think about it.

Performance takes many forms. Daily living represents one level of performance. Shakespeare got it right. The world is a stage and you are one of the players. How prepared are you each day to live? The purpose and confidence you feel each day is a reflection of the preparation you have made for living it. What you think each day is a product of how well you have prepared.

Relationship with the world around you requires far more preparation than you realize. There is not one single person in your world who thinks like you, who looks like you, or who believes like you. Harmony requires preparation. Asking and listening is required. Not easy. Not even natural.

Selling is a daily preparation. Some make it a professional expression. Both require great preparation. Presentation is everything. People choose based upon what they see and hear. How often do you wing it? Life is not something to waste. Neither is opportunity.

You might want to reconsider how much time you spend preparing. Life and work may require more than you have been giving. Give yourself a break. Set yourself free. Gift yourself with the confidence you need. Do well, my friends.

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group.To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribeTo comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Preparation and Freedom

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. How prepared are you to live this week? As you anticipate what you have before you, how much time and effort have you put into making it happen? This week Allen shares a few thoughts on how preparation creates freedom you need to perform.
  1. How prepared are you for the presentation you have to make?
  2. How much time do you devote to preparation?
  3. How efficient is your presentation?
  4. How fresh and relevant is your presentation?

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

To comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Give it Time

Take it to the next level. Move up a notch. Both thoughts express the same desire. Improvement. Development. The aspiration is fairly common. The accomplishment is not so common. It is not easy to change the status quo. It is far more natural to leave things the way they are. There are many, if not most, who never achieve what they envision for themselves. There are reasons why and they can be alleviated.

To begin with, clarity is never achieved. There are general thoughts but no specific direction. The cost has not been counted nor considered. In order to begin the process, take time to get real. A wish is never a plan.

Commitment has to be made. Growth will never begin until consistency of change has been experienced. Because most people work overtime to avoid change, extra measures have to be taken in order to make it happen. Ask for help. Invite accountability.

Patience in the process is essential. Real and healthy growth requires time. It is easy to give up before you really give it a chance. Instead of giving up, give it time. Allow yourself to find a pace that works for you and stick with it.

So, don't give up on your dreams. Begin again. It is within your power. It is, however, a choice you have to make. So, make the choice and then make it happen. Do well, my friends!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stay Committed!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. So, how did last week go for you? Did you get back to the gym? Did you have to fight the tendency to quit? Doing what you have committed to yourself to do is exceptional. For those of us who didn't fair quite so well, it si time right now to begin again. Here are a few thoughts to help stay in gear.

  1. Prepare the night before
  2. Dress for it.
  3. Keep it Fun
  4. Change your position
  5. Invest in someone
Listen to this episode

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Get Ready!

It is 2011. The second decade of the 21st century has begun. Whether you like it or not, it is time. It is not too late to get ready. Unfortunately, it will happen with or without your readiness. There is a big difference between being ready and not being ready when it begins to roll. Think about it.

If you are not ready you will begin, behind. From the very beginning, you will be playing catch up. It is not that you won't be able to catch up. It is just that you will be getting off to a bad start. Further, the new year starts happening to you before you happen to it. An unintentional beginning puts you in a victim's position from the very beginning. Not good.

So, what is the answer? Get ready! Make the choice to live this new year on purpose. Don't let it happen to you. The unexpected will be your greatest challenge so get ready. Getting ready for the unknown means staying clear about who you are, why you are, and where you place your confidence. Maintaining clarity will be the key. Make plans to keep your mind right.

I know new year's resolutions represent disappointment to many. The key is to make plans now to keep your resolutions alive. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Be realistic.
2. Get accountable.
3. Stay flexible.
4. Be patient.
5. Keep it fresh and fun.

So, happy new year! I pray it will be your best ever. I hope you make it your intention. Choose to begin again. I know I am. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stay Strong!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Well, the first week is over. Now we will see who keeps showing up at the gym. So, Allen shares some things to think about as you move into this second week of 2011.

Choose Again.
Don't Lead With Your Feelings.
Re-Connect With Your Feelings.
Re-Connect With Your Reason Why.
Find a Partner.
Create Ways to Celebrate.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

To comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Interferences Are Coming!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This is one thing about which I am sure. you will face interferences this year. The question is what do you intend to do about it.
  1. Your plans will collide with the plans of others.
  2. Others will not be in full support of your plans.
  3. Time will be limited.
  4. You will not feel like doing the things you know you need to do.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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