Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This week I had a small traffic accident. Actually, a young woman backed into my car while we were waiting in line for a snow cone. There was no real harm done. The young woman who hit me was gracious and anxious to make things right. I appreciated her spirit and I was also grateful for the fact that everyone was well. It turned out she was new to our community and trying to get a new life started with her children.

So, what a coincidence? A young woman happens to run into a father of three daughters who is particularly sensitive to grandchildren. As a result of our encounter, no matter how frustrating, I have a new friend. We were actually able to bring our families together. Hopefully, we will be able to help her settle into this new life chapter.

I just don't believe in coincidences. Things like I experienced can just as easily be seen as purposed opportunity. I know I have missed a lot of opportunities in my life because I was not looking for them. Realizing that lack of intention or strategy does not create coincidence is a purposed philosophy.

Pay attention this week. Things will happen you will not expect. Look for opportunity instead of inconvenience. You might just find a new friend. It might just back into you. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stay Awake!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. It has been sometime since I have said anything about our human tendency to sleepwalk. In my blog this week, I have written about the philosophical delusion of coincidence. It is so easy to declare things to be coincidental that carry real potential, if not, purpose. So, I want to challenge you this week to stay intentionally awake.
  • Pray about it!
  • Imagine it!
  • Think about it!
  • Affirm it!

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This week marks the beginning of the second half of the calendar year. It began for many of us with a day of worship and then many of us launched into the week with a holiday. It was "Independence Day", July 4th. It happens every year. This year, I want to give it new and more personal meaning. In fact, I want it to be contemporary to my life and to my year. I want to move into the second half of this year "free" from many things I allowed to influence me negatively in the first half. Maybe you will want to join me.

I want to be free of the discussion of what might be happening in this economy. I am sick of hearing all of the pundits giving their rendition of when things are going to change. They have missed it over and over again. It is as if we are supposed to stay in a holding pattern of some sort until they get it right. It is depressing and I am through with the discussion. I choose to embrace what I have as the context in which I have the freedom to create. Any discussion otherwise is a waste of time.

I want to be free of depressing and negative talk about how bad things are. It has really become an epidemic. Washington, health care, unemployment, education, yesterday, today and on and on it seems to go. It is time to declare freedom over pessimistic reflections. It is time to be thankful for what I have been given. Think about it. Do you agree?

I want to be free of the fear of not having it right. I am being constantly told I don't have the right "number" in place in order to enjoy retiring in my future. I am hearing constantly that the prospects for tomorrow are bleak. It seems there is no hope. I have awakened a few nights sweating over the threat of it all. I am through with it. My hope is built on something else entirely and it is not based on man made projections.

So, I am sure you have gotten the point. I want to live a revolutionary second half of 2011 built in hope and optimism. I want to claim the freedom I have been given to choose. I want to create energy and opportunity for myself and for others. I am free. We have even been given a holiday to prove it. What do you think? Do well, my friends!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Welcome to Tappe Talk a Purposed Connection podcast by the Tappe Group. This country has been built upon revolution. Actively changing things we see are not working for us is our heritage. I want to challenge you with a few things I believe that I believe need to be included even if I am the only revolutionary involved. This is your official invitation to join me.

  1. I intend to think for myself.
  2. I Intend to be focused upon what I can do.
  3. I intend to help people choose.
  4. I intend to eliminate ruts in my life.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Making an impression is not an option. You will make one. You are making one. Is it the impression you intend to make? Being certain of your answer to that question is the key to any success you might hope to achieve. You never have a second chance to make a first impression so the one you are making had best be with great intention.

Knowing the people in your world is critical to making the impression you need to make. Impressions are the product of the vision of another. What they see and hear is what matters. Make sure you are choosing a language that will connect, language with which they are familiar.

Begin with others. Leadership is influence. Your influence will ultimately be a product of the impression you make. Communication is the product of both verbal and non-verbal efforts. Impressions are the product of communication. You are constantly communicating a message. Are you well representing yourself?

Relationships can never be taken for granted. They have to be created. What you are communicating is fundamental to the creation you are experiencing. Have you made the connections you need to and want to make in this life? Purposed connection requires preparation and performance.

Children make impressions that are, for the most part, unintentional. As adults we have to take responsibility for the life we are creating. If you want new people in your life and you want to make an intentional connection with them then make the impression you intend to make. Dress to connect. Speak to connect. Listen to connect. Begin with them. Find the verbal and non-verbal language that works and engage it. The impression you make is the place to begin. Be impressive. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dress to Communicate

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Studies show that the vast majority of what we communicate is non-verbal in nature. In this podcast I want to discuss the role of dress, "what you choose to wear", and the part it plays in what you communicate.
  1. Dress for Yourself...
  2. Dress to Connect...
  3. Dress to Impress...
  4. Dress to Respect...
  5. Dress on Purpose...

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week Allen spends time on what he believes will be necessary for us in this new beginning:
  • Give thanks for opportunity!
  • Choose to do something now!
  • Get connected and stay connected!
  • Learn something!
  • Make others better!

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

To comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Don't Wait!

Don't wait for life to happen to you. Don't wait for opportunity to come your way. Just don't wait. Passivity is a failed strategy in today's world. Taking action is the most important choice you could make for yourself. So, what is stopping you?

Fear is probably the most apparent answer. You are afraid of what you have not experienced. You are afraid of failure. You may be afraid of success particularly if it is going to require change. You might be afraid of looking foolish which might be a cousin of failure but it is really a little different.

You don't believe in yourself might be another answer. You might be stuck in a funk frustrated by what you haven't done. Maybe you can't let go of what you could or maybe should have done. You may have lost confidence in yourself because people have let you down or even let you go.

I don't know what it might be for you but here are somethings I do know. You do not have to be a victim of fear. Whatever it is, engage it. Face it. Fear is a mind production. Connect with your faith. Perfect love casts out fear if you believe it and trust it. Think good things. Stay away from depressive thinking. Stay away from depressive people. Get positive and move forward.

Believe in yourself. Don't give up on yourself. If you give up on you then you really are stuck. The truth is the best is still before you. New is waiting for you. The past is past and it is gone. Don't allow what you cannot change to dictate your life. Keep your head up and your eyes open. Opportunity is waiting for you if you are looking for it.

So, don't wait. Go find it. Choose to be active. Reject passivity. You need to choose to begin again every single day. What you are waiting for has already to come. It is the present. Seize it. Do well, my friends.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where Does It All Begin?

If it all begins with me, it ends with me. If it begins with God, then it ends with Him. If communication begins with me, it will produce confusion. If it begins with God, it will create relationship. If love begins with me, it will have strings attached. If it begins with God, it will be unconditional. If life begins with me, it will be terminal. If it begins with God, it will be eternal. If life performance is my production, it will result in failure. If it is God's production, it will be filled with grace. If it all begins with me, it will be fearful. If it begins with God, it will be filled with joy. If it all begins with me, it means bondage. If it begins with God, it celebrates freedom.

Where you believe it all begins makes a big difference in your world view. It is a choice you have the power to make. So, what would cause a person to not begin with God? It is a choice. So, why choose a vision of life limited by you, fraught with confusion, where love is conditional, where life has no hope beyond what you experience, graceless, insecure, and punishing.

As for me and my house, we choose to believe He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. We choose to watch and listen for His lead. We choose His unconditional and understanding love. We choose to "imagine" all that eternity with Him means. We choose His gift of grace with all of the security and joy it represents. And, we embrace our freedom to choose how we will respond to this life. No one can take that away.

To me it is a no brainer. You get to choose. Seriously, check it out. There is no better deal to be found on this earth. Seize it. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

How do we begin?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. So, where do you begin, Allen approaches this question this week with practical disciplines:
  1. Begin each day by sleeping well the night before.
  2. Wake up on purpose.
  3. Begin with the really important things.
  4. Get accountable.
  5. Make someone else successful
  6. Prepare and practice
  7. Create new credentials
  8. Manage up
  9. Recognize success
  10. Examine and adjust

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Hang On to the Moments

I realize today is Memorial Day and it is a day set aside for honoring our military men and women and I am thankful for the the thoughtfulness of this country. It is particularly important for the families of those serving this country to realize their national sacrifice is recognized and appreciated.

At the same time, I believe it is a day to stop and remember period. Reflection is a good thing particularly when you are thinking thankfully about all of those people who have made sacrifices in their lives for you. Today, I am thankful for Bonnie and Fred Tappe. My parents supported everything I ever tried to do. They were always in the stands cheering. I am thankful for Bill Boyar. I can still see him sitting in the stands, by himself, watching me play tennis on a day when it was sleeting, windy, and cold. He was always there for me and I miss him.

I am thankful for all of the teachers and coaches who sacrificed so much for me. Cal Hopkins was there early in the morning and late at night working on my tennis game. Many opportunities have come my way in life because of his contribution. Charles Williams explained God's love for my life. He was also there to stand with us on our wedding day.

I am grateful for friends who have loved and supported me when it wasn't easy. I am thankful for children who have loved me when it really wasn't easy. I am thankful to friends who are always there with an encouraging word of support and counsel. I am mindful for two brothers who love me and who are always there whenever I need them. Now, I have three grandchildren who provide their own brand of support and I have another one who will be here in just a few day. I can't wait to meet her.

I remember so many wonderful people. I remember the sacrifices they have made. I particularly remember a strawberry blonde beauty I met when I was sixteen. Actually, I first met her in the third grade. We have now spent over forty years of our lives loving each other. She has sacrificed her life for me. I look forward to spending forever with her.

So, today is Memorial Day. What are you remembering? Who are you remembering? Don't let the moments slip away. Hang on to them. They will be gone before you know it. Hang on to them as long as you can. Do well, my friends.

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Here is the truth. If you continue to do what you have always done while the context you're faceing sis significantly changing and expect to somehow get the same result, now that really is insanity.

  1. Changed context requires and adjusted response.
  2. Changes in others requires recognized adjustment.
  3. Changes in information requires informed adjustment.
  4. Changes in economy requires a wise an inclusive response.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Who Said?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week Allen's blog will be a reflection upon "positive" psychology through the eyes and mind of Martin Selgman and his new book, flourish. This week he shares with you some insights he has experienced this week.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Day of Honor

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Today is Mother's Day. Today as a nation, we pause to recognize and celebrate our mothers. This week Allen spends time recognizing lessons to be learned from this day with regard to giving honor to whom honor is due.

  • Remember
  • Recognize
  • Rehearse
  • Relate
  • Resist
  • Return

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why Is It So Hard To Be Where You Are?

Staying present is not an easy thing to do. Staying in the moment is even harder. I think it is important to know yourself well enough to understand the challenge. Relationships depend upon it. Maximizing the opportunities of life require it. Unfortunately, it is not natural for you to pay attention. It is something you have to do on purpose. If you don't approach life with intention it will not happen. You have too many things working against it. Think about it.

To begin with, your mind is constantly working. Some of us are more cognitively active than others, but physically speaking your mind can out race your capacity for paying attention. Some suggest your mind has the capacity for listening at the rate of up to 750 words per minute while as a human being you only have the capacity for listening up to about 250 words per minute. There is obviously a lot of room for mental and emotional wandering.

Secondly, life is happening. The world is swirling around you, and it is demanding your attention. Even when you are alone, you are not without distraction. Staying focused upon one thought or upon one thing is more than problematic. Life will cry out for your attention.

So, what is the answer? To begin with, it important for you to recognize the problem. Then, you have to practice the discipline. Meditation is a discipline. It is something you have to learn. Begin by purposing a few seconds at a time. Get intentionally focused. Do it outside of your work life. Some of us are trained for professional focus, but we cannot translate it into our personal lives. Begin when it doesn't really seem to matter.

Becoming more focused in life, can change your life. It might even save your life. Begin with driving time. Pay attention. Quit texting. Quit talking. Focus upon what your are doing. Focus upon who and where you are. Translate it into your relationships in life. Listen actively. You can do it. So can I. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How Ready are You?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Take a deep breath, and ask yourself this question, "Are you ready to live this day?" Here are a few thoughts for this week:
  • Be aware
  • Be alert
  • Be active
  • Be amazed
  • Be approachable

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Know Yourself

Life is all about relationships. For the most part, I believe people are conscious of how important relationship to people is to their quality of life but how about the relationship they have with themselves? How good a friend are you to yourself? How well do you treat you? I believe many, if not most, people live unconscious of even having an active relationship with themselves. On the surface it might sound a little funny but the truth is the kind relationship you have with you will determine the kind of relationship you will know with others.

I embrace a faith in the God who said, "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And, love your neighbor as you love yourself." Two things are vital to me in this direction for life. To begin with, I am not God. It is just as important to know yourself for what you aren't as for what you are. I know I am not God. I believe their is one God who is holy and who is love. I believe in the explanation Jesus represented in that regard. As a result, I do not believe life begins with me. I believe it begins with Him.

Secondly, I believe I have to love myself before I can ever really love others. I begin with a love for God and then I move to others, through the the love He directs me to have for myself. And, that brings me to the kind of relationship I have with me. The way I treat myself is a direct reflection upon my recognition and love of God and it is the defining reality as to my respect and love for others. I believe the same is true for you.

So, spend some time thinking about it this week. I hope you have already taken time to listen to my podcast. It is entitled, Take Care of Yourself. Begin with your opinion of you. You will have to face the reality of your opinion of God. Then, you will be ready to build healthier relationship with others. It is a great time to begin again. Think Easter! Do well, my friends!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Take Care of Yourself

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. This week Allen's focus is upon "relational" examination. This week he challenges you to examine yourself relationally.
  1. How objective are you about you?
  2. How do you define you?
  3. How committed are you to you?
  4. How aware of you, are you?

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stay Ahead of the Game

There is something about staying on top of things that just makes life easier. Somehow, life seems to just look better when you are not playing from behind. It seems to me, however, it is more natural to be playing catch up. For some, procrastination is a lifestyle. Putting things off is a way of life. For others, it just seems to happen. I believe there are reasons why for staying ahead of the game you need to keep in mind. I know I do.

To begin with, you never know when life is going to happen to you. I mean there is a difference between making excuses and having to manage life conditions. When you are behind and life brings its challenges it compounds everything. If, however, you have things thought through and preparation has been made challenges don't look so big.

It is also possible that new opportunity might be waiting for you. If you are behind, it can complicate taking advantage of those opportunities. When you need clarity and freedom you don't need to be dealing with confusion and bondage.

Take some time and think ahead a few weeks. I am not talking about losing sight of living today. I am just suggesting that taking a good look at tomorrow might allow you to get some things done today that will make tomorrow easier. Keeping things less frantic by providing a little wider margin for yourself makes sense. Choose to stay ahead of the game. Do well, my friends.

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group.To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribeTo comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Managing Failure

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Acceptance is an interesting word. It actually represents the presence of a vulnerable condition. Acceptance means you are moving forward with reason outside of yourself. For instance to say, "I accept that to be true," doesn't necessarily mean it is true. It just means you have made the choice to accept it as truth for yourself because of something you have been told or read. Many things we accept as truth simply deserve more investigation.

For instance, just because a person wants to engage your services doesn't necessarily make that person a good customer. They might, in fact, be someone you need to avoid. I have a friend who was held responsible for what his customer did through the services he provided. He really did not know the person. He just accepted him as the customer he represented himself to be. He later discovered the man to be a criminal. I have found many people who have customers that have become their worst nightmares.

Many have belief systems that are built upon things accepted as truth. They have usually come from some relationship of authority. It could parents. It could be from well meaning friends. It could be from some charlatan. The reality is we are responsible for the things we choose to believe. There are no "grandchildren" of God.

Acceptance needs to be grounded in reason that is both personal and trustworthy. Rather than making a person cynical, acceptance well established creates greater confidence and conviction. Relationships deepen and faith grows. An insufficient foundation will always create a faulty structure.

Choose to believe what you believe because of what you have discovered to be true. Be careful about becoming satisfied in your discovery. Truth is never something to be owned or possessed. It is something to grow in and share. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Choose Carefully

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. The purpose of this podcast is to challenge you to take greater responsibility for what you choose to accept.
  1. Take Responsibility for Things You Believe...
  2. Think for Yourself...
  3. Keep Learning...
  4. Stay Humble...

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Be Extravagant!

Recently, I have experienced the receiving side of extravagance. It has been something I have received throughout my life but this time I have experienced it through my granddaughter. She is headed to Kenya this summer to work with orphans who are hearing impaired. She has achieved a level of mastery in signing and so she believes she is on a mission she was born to experience. The only problem is money. It is going to be an expensive summer for someone who is still a college student. And, that is where this story of extravagance begins.

She sent letters out to about seventy-five families asking them to consider supporting her on this mission. She really asked for their partnership in prayer but she clearly noted she needed their help in getting to Kenya and back. Most of the people are people who have known her since she was born. Many are clients of mine who have become friends and who have heard about Savannah through me. Almost immediately, the support began to arrive. It is hard to explain what it has meant to her to receive such extravagant expressions of love and support. It has changed her life.

Today, I got to spend the entire day with my grandson. It doesn't happen often. At fifteen, he has a lot going on and, for most of it, a grandfather would not fit. Today was different. I had the opportunity to enjoy taking him into my world some. I was also able to gift him, not only with my time, but with things he never expected. There clearly was expense involved. Most people would call it extravagant and they would be right. The impact on my grandson and the impact upon me really can't be put into word. I loved it.

My message is this, be extravagant to someone. Do something they could not possibly expect. Make it special. It will change their lives and it will transform you. Think about it. You have a God who has been extravagant upon you. Think about the ways He provides. Think about His love, His forgiveness, and His companionship. I hope you are experiencing His extravagance. Believe me, it is there for you. He is there for you. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Make Somebody's Day

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. There is a human tendency to be self-centered. In fact, it is human nature. So, when you get outside of yourself, it is really counter cultural. Allen shares a few thoughts this week on how the world changes for you when you get outside of yourself long enough to make someone's day.
  1. It Defeats Depression
  2. It Makes a Difference
  3. It Changes Life Rhythms
  4. It is Fun!

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Play Ball!

Opening day is just around the corner. Pre-season is coming to an end. America's national pastime is about to begin a new season. My grandson is reaching for his ball and bat. He has his batting helmet on and his batting gloves in hand. There is something fresh and unique about this time of the year. The cold days of winter are over and the dog days of summer have yet to begin. Spring time is here.

Seeds are being planted and new growth is anticipated. Nature is dependable and consistent. Farmers depend upon it for the results they hope to achieve. We depend upon it as well. While there might be unexpected tragedy, they put there plans into action with confidence and consistence. It is what they do and it is time.

I really believe we should follow their lead. It is time to begin, again. It is time for seeds to be planted. Confidence should be felt. Great expectations should characterize our vision. We should feel some childlike excitement. We need to get our equipment ready because the season is about to begin. The chill of winter is past. The dog days have yet to come. Maybe they won't.

I hope you are ready. It would be a shame to miss such a unique opportunity. You will never be able to get this time back. The time is now. Seize it. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

It Is Time!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. We have had a lot of things to distract us but a sense of freshness is in the air. So, here are a few suggestions for going forward...
  • Get Your Mind Right.
  • Reconnect
  • Check Your Credentials
  • Ask More. Talk Less.
  • Reinvent Yourself.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't Stretch To Far!

Today, I went out to play softball with a few guys from the church I attend. They are all younger than I am. I know it is probably not smart but I am doing it anyway. During practice, I stretched out to catch a ball and I lost my balance and fell. I made the play but I paid the price. The bloody knee does not hurt nearly as badly as what might be a cracked rib. While I am nursing my wounds, I am thinking about what I might have learned.

The truth is I stretched beyond my ability to perform. I found myself off balance and I fell. Life is like that. Staying centered and not reaching beyond yourself is critical to living a healthy and successful life. Take note of the fact that I am not saying don't stretch. I am just saying don't over reach and lose your sense of balance.

Knowing who you are and what your capacity is keeps you prepared to live a responsive life. Tying to impress others will not serve you well. Neither will allowing others to define you. Being at peace with where you are in life provides you with great freedom. You are free to be who you are, right where you are, because you are.

So, keep your feet on the ground and live the life you have been given to live. Stay thankful for the life you are prepared to live. It is enough and you are enough. Be aware of those who would tell you otherwise. They probably would enjoy watching you fall. I hope I am learning it. Do well, my friends

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. It seems that we spend too much time dissatisfied about who we are and about what we are doing. As a result, we are unable to do either of them really well. Life is entirely too short to spend any more time in the throws of dissatisfaction and indecision. It is time for a break out. It is Time to begin again.
  • Get Clarity About Who and Why You Are...
  • Get Committed To A Plan...
  • Get Accountable to Your commitment to You...
  • Get Determined to Continue Learning and Growing...

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Representing Yourself

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Wrap your mind around this thought: "How you represent you is a presentation that must be worthy of who you are." Allen shares a few thoughts for you to keep in mind as you continue to travel through life.
  • The world only knows you through what you represent yourself to be.
  • Without your explanation, they will have to define you for themselves.
  • You were purposed for this life.
  • Choose to take your place.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Give it Up!

How much time do you spend trying to change other people? How is that working for you? These two questions are rhetorical because I know the answer to both questions. “Too much” answers the first and “It is not” takes care of the second. From personal experience with myself and with others, I know. If you have not given up on the temptation to play God then I hope you will take my advice and give it up. If you have already seen the light then I want to give you some insight you might find valuable.

Giving it up and carrying with you an attitude and heart of resentment toward the one you cannot change will not work. You have to let go of the resentment and replace it with respect. The difference between resentment and respect is important to recognize and explore. Resentment is a reaction to your failure. Respect is a response to your values. The former continues to judge. The latter becomes the product of personal alignment and integrity. Resentment destroys. Respect develops.

I offer this counsel to you because it can be the difference maker. Resentment is a form of manipulation. It is the environment you create because of your frustration with not being able to get your way. Respect is your recognition of the other person as being distinctive and responsible. Respect is not agreement. Respect is acceptance. There is a difference.

So, make the choice today to become a champion for the people in your world and not their critic. “Who are you to judge the servant of another?” Your responsibility in this life is to lead through love. I have that on good authority. Trust me, it takes a lot of pressure off of the relationships you have in this life, beginning with you. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Do You Feel?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. There are some questions yo need to be careful about asking particulary whe you are talking to yourself. "How do you feel?" is one of those questions. You simply cannot afford to let feelings define you. Here are some thoughts you may want to consider:
  1. Choose not let how you feel determine who you are or how you are.
  2. Don't wait on feelings for your personal motivation.
  3. Don't let the opinions of others define you.
  4. Stay informed and in tune with yourself.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who is On Your Team?

How many people do you depend upon for your success every day? Who are they? How are they doing? What kind of contribution are you making in their lives? Remember, you depend upon them for your success. You are living in a time when people are overwhelmed and increasingly disengaged. Your attitude about others will greatly influence, if not dictate, the quality of your own life. Here are some life questions for you to consider?

Does your life revolve around you or around them? It is an important question. Is your customer really first or is it your employees? Is it your spouse first or you first? Your answer to these questions will be responsible for whatever life result you are currently experiencing. To the degree your point of beginning is off, to that degree, you will experience a corresponding measure of disappointment and depression.

How dependent are you in life? The independent spirit may be killing you. It has come into vogue to use the word "interdependent". I understand the thought. I just think it is an attempt to avoid reality. You are a dependent person. You are dependent upon God for breath and life and you are dependent upon others for the relationships you need to create a positive context for living. They clearly need you but you don't choose for them. You choose for you.

What kind of influence do you have upon the lives of others? It is your responsibility. It might be your greatest responsibility. So, what kind of priority does it represent? The truth is you do have influence. The question is are you having the kind of influence that will bring the best out in others. You will experience the result. Are you pleased with your life experience?

Life is about your relationship with others. It certainly revolves around your philosophy about you. Were you created for you or were you created for others? Deep, huh? If you believe you were created for a glorified and glorifying relationship with God then others will be the object of your focus because they are His. If you believe you were created for you and for getting all you can get out of life and from others then your focus will be you. You choose. Your answer is critical. Do well, my friends.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Alignment is a buzz word being heard and used in the corporate community these days. What happens if you are mis-aligned? Here are some thoughts for you about your own alignment.
  • Are your priorities clear?
  • Are your expectations of others clear and confirmed?
  • How much time do you spend trying to change and choose for others?
  • How much time do you spend trying to do it all yourself?

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who do you think you are?

Whenever someone asks this question, there is usually a reason. Someone is acting like they don't know. Or, at least, their actions are producing that opinion. Not knowing who you are, creates the kind of behavior that is trying to prove something or explain something. So, do you know? If you say you do, my suggestion is you are probably still trying to figure it out. Our knowing will always reflect insight into just how secure we are. Think about these questions.

Do you do what you do because of who you are?


Do you do what you do in order to establish who you are?

If you spend your life trying to prove yourself, you will probably never make it, there will always be more to prove. You will always be challenged by others who are trying desperately to establish themselves. Life spirals toward increasing insecurity. To the degree you have clarity about who you are, to that degree you will live out of a sense of purpose and meaning. You will do what you do because of who you are not in order for you to be who you are. Life flows with greater clarity and security.

Everyone faces the challenge. I decided a long time ago that I was going to leave it to the God who created me and who brought the answer to this world in the Person and Message of Jesus. His message explains me. Not through what I do (religion) or don't do (morality) but because of who I believe Him to be and who He is making me to be. I know it is a matter of faith. I am good with that. Do well, my friends.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How Are You Doing?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. One month down and eleven to go. The question is, "Is it going the way you intended for it to go?" Allen share a few things you might want to think through before you get any deeper into 2011.
  1. Don't let the unexpected define your year.
  2. Don't let resistance depress you.
  3. Don't let success mislead you.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What's So Super About The Super Bowl?

I live in Arlington, Texas. Contrary to continued references to Dallas, the Super Bowl this year is in Arlington. It is a big deal. It is purported to be the biggest party in the world. I can't believe that is what makes it super. I know it is supposed to bring in over 100,000 people into Cowboy Stadium which means Jerry thinks it is super. Millions of dollars will be made by a select few and only a select few will be able to personally experience it. So, what really makes it super?

I don't think it has to do with dollars or attendance. I think it has to do with excellence. Two teams on different sides of the ball who have earned the right to establish themselves as the best football team in the world. What makes the game super is what it represents. It represents a collision of super. The best competing against the best. We love it.

I don't particularly love what it is doing to Arlington. I do, however, love excellence showcased. This year I was fortunate enough to be in New York City for the U.S. Open. The best tennis players in the world displaying skills very few will ever achieve. The Texas Rangers brought the World Series to Arlington. It has been a great twelve months for Arlington.

So, when you are enjoy the game and all of the food that goes with it, look for the real show. It will be seen in the little things done to perfection. It will be in the coaching pulling it all together. It will be seen in risks taken and routes run. You will see it in the Packers and in the Steelers. As you watch them, think about your own pursuits in life. Think about the things you do and how you do them. Then go out and change your game. Establish yourself as someone people love to see in action. You are in your own Super Bowl. Go for it ! Do well my friends.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What's Your Game?

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. So, What is your game? Allen shares a few thoughts with us this week about stepping on your stage.
  1. Play like the world is watching because it is
  2. Choose to be the best you can be
  3. Be Impressive
  4. Look for opportunity
  5. Play for an encore

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creating Performance Freedom

Creative performance requires freedom. It requires relaxation. Anxiety and stress militate against creativity. The question is how prepared are you to perform? Think about it.

Performance takes many forms. Daily living represents one level of performance. Shakespeare got it right. The world is a stage and you are one of the players. How prepared are you each day to live? The purpose and confidence you feel each day is a reflection of the preparation you have made for living it. What you think each day is a product of how well you have prepared.

Relationship with the world around you requires far more preparation than you realize. There is not one single person in your world who thinks like you, who looks like you, or who believes like you. Harmony requires preparation. Asking and listening is required. Not easy. Not even natural.

Selling is a daily preparation. Some make it a professional expression. Both require great preparation. Presentation is everything. People choose based upon what they see and hear. How often do you wing it? Life is not something to waste. Neither is opportunity.

You might want to reconsider how much time you spend preparing. Life and work may require more than you have been giving. Give yourself a break. Set yourself free. Gift yourself with the confidence you need. Do well, my friends.

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group.To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribeTo comment on this blog, click on the COMMENTS link located directly below. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Preparation and Freedom

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. How prepared are you to live this week? As you anticipate what you have before you, how much time and effort have you put into making it happen? This week Allen shares a few thoughts on how preparation creates freedom you need to perform.
  1. How prepared are you for the presentation you have to make?
  2. How much time do you devote to preparation?
  3. How efficient is your presentation?
  4. How fresh and relevant is your presentation?

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Give it Time

Take it to the next level. Move up a notch. Both thoughts express the same desire. Improvement. Development. The aspiration is fairly common. The accomplishment is not so common. It is not easy to change the status quo. It is far more natural to leave things the way they are. There are many, if not most, who never achieve what they envision for themselves. There are reasons why and they can be alleviated.

To begin with, clarity is never achieved. There are general thoughts but no specific direction. The cost has not been counted nor considered. In order to begin the process, take time to get real. A wish is never a plan.

Commitment has to be made. Growth will never begin until consistency of change has been experienced. Because most people work overtime to avoid change, extra measures have to be taken in order to make it happen. Ask for help. Invite accountability.

Patience in the process is essential. Real and healthy growth requires time. It is easy to give up before you really give it a chance. Instead of giving up, give it time. Allow yourself to find a pace that works for you and stick with it.

So, don't give up on your dreams. Begin again. It is within your power. It is, however, a choice you have to make. So, make the choice and then make it happen. Do well, my friends!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stay Committed!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. So, how did last week go for you? Did you get back to the gym? Did you have to fight the tendency to quit? Doing what you have committed to yourself to do is exceptional. For those of us who didn't fair quite so well, it si time right now to begin again. Here are a few thoughts to help stay in gear.

  1. Prepare the night before
  2. Dress for it.
  3. Keep it Fun
  4. Change your position
  5. Invest in someone
Listen to this episode

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Get Ready!

It is 2011. The second decade of the 21st century has begun. Whether you like it or not, it is time. It is not too late to get ready. Unfortunately, it will happen with or without your readiness. There is a big difference between being ready and not being ready when it begins to roll. Think about it.

If you are not ready you will begin, behind. From the very beginning, you will be playing catch up. It is not that you won't be able to catch up. It is just that you will be getting off to a bad start. Further, the new year starts happening to you before you happen to it. An unintentional beginning puts you in a victim's position from the very beginning. Not good.

So, what is the answer? Get ready! Make the choice to live this new year on purpose. Don't let it happen to you. The unexpected will be your greatest challenge so get ready. Getting ready for the unknown means staying clear about who you are, why you are, and where you place your confidence. Maintaining clarity will be the key. Make plans to keep your mind right.

I know new year's resolutions represent disappointment to many. The key is to make plans now to keep your resolutions alive. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Be realistic.
2. Get accountable.
3. Stay flexible.
4. Be patient.
5. Keep it fresh and fun.

So, happy new year! I pray it will be your best ever. I hope you make it your intention. Choose to begin again. I know I am. Do well, my friends.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stay Strong!

Welcome to Tappe Talk, a Purposed Connection podcast by The Tappe Group. Well, the first week is over. Now we will see who keeps showing up at the gym. So, Allen shares some things to think about as you move into this second week of 2011.

Choose Again.
Don't Lead With Your Feelings.
Re-Connect With Your Feelings.
Re-Connect With Your Reason Why.
Find a Partner.
Create Ways to Celebrate.

To have this weekly podcast automatically upload to your mp3 player visit the iTunes Store and Power Search "Tappe talk" and then subscribe.

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