Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Give it Up!

How much time do you spend trying to change other people? How is that working for you? These two questions are rhetorical because I know the answer to both questions. “Too much” answers the first and “It is not” takes care of the second. From personal experience with myself and with others, I know. If you have not given up on the temptation to play God then I hope you will take my advice and give it up. If you have already seen the light then I want to give you some insight you might find valuable.

Giving it up and carrying with you an attitude and heart of resentment toward the one you cannot change will not work. You have to let go of the resentment and replace it with respect. The difference between resentment and respect is important to recognize and explore. Resentment is a reaction to your failure. Respect is a response to your values. The former continues to judge. The latter becomes the product of personal alignment and integrity. Resentment destroys. Respect develops.

I offer this counsel to you because it can be the difference maker. Resentment is a form of manipulation. It is the environment you create because of your frustration with not being able to get your way. Respect is your recognition of the other person as being distinctive and responsible. Respect is not agreement. Respect is acceptance. There is a difference.

So, make the choice today to become a champion for the people in your world and not their critic. “Who are you to judge the servant of another?” Your responsibility in this life is to lead through love. I have that on good authority. Trust me, it takes a lot of pressure off of the relationships you have in this life, beginning with you. Do well, my friends.

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