Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Be Extravagant!

Recently, I have experienced the receiving side of extravagance. It has been something I have received throughout my life but this time I have experienced it through my granddaughter. She is headed to Kenya this summer to work with orphans who are hearing impaired. She has achieved a level of mastery in signing and so she believes she is on a mission she was born to experience. The only problem is money. It is going to be an expensive summer for someone who is still a college student. And, that is where this story of extravagance begins.

She sent letters out to about seventy-five families asking them to consider supporting her on this mission. She really asked for their partnership in prayer but she clearly noted she needed their help in getting to Kenya and back. Most of the people are people who have known her since she was born. Many are clients of mine who have become friends and who have heard about Savannah through me. Almost immediately, the support began to arrive. It is hard to explain what it has meant to her to receive such extravagant expressions of love and support. It has changed her life.

Today, I got to spend the entire day with my grandson. It doesn't happen often. At fifteen, he has a lot going on and, for most of it, a grandfather would not fit. Today was different. I had the opportunity to enjoy taking him into my world some. I was also able to gift him, not only with my time, but with things he never expected. There clearly was expense involved. Most people would call it extravagant and they would be right. The impact on my grandson and the impact upon me really can't be put into word. I loved it.

My message is this, be extravagant to someone. Do something they could not possibly expect. Make it special. It will change their lives and it will transform you. Think about it. You have a God who has been extravagant upon you. Think about the ways He provides. Think about His love, His forgiveness, and His companionship. I hope you are experiencing His extravagance. Believe me, it is there for you. He is there for you. Do well, my friends.

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