Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stay Ahead of the Game

There is something about staying on top of things that just makes life easier. Somehow, life seems to just look better when you are not playing from behind. It seems to me, however, it is more natural to be playing catch up. For some, procrastination is a lifestyle. Putting things off is a way of life. For others, it just seems to happen. I believe there are reasons why for staying ahead of the game you need to keep in mind. I know I do.

To begin with, you never know when life is going to happen to you. I mean there is a difference between making excuses and having to manage life conditions. When you are behind and life brings its challenges it compounds everything. If, however, you have things thought through and preparation has been made challenges don't look so big.

It is also possible that new opportunity might be waiting for you. If you are behind, it can complicate taking advantage of those opportunities. When you need clarity and freedom you don't need to be dealing with confusion and bondage.

Take some time and think ahead a few weeks. I am not talking about losing sight of living today. I am just suggesting that taking a good look at tomorrow might allow you to get some things done today that will make tomorrow easier. Keeping things less frantic by providing a little wider margin for yourself makes sense. Choose to stay ahead of the game. Do well, my friends.

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