Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'll Do It Later

"I'll do it later" is short for "it probably isn't going to happen". At least that's the way it is at my house. I have two grandchildren who live with us and it's a common refrain when it comes to doing something they really don't want to do. Or, when they are in the midst of doing something they don't particularly want to stop doing. And then, there are those rare situations, I feel sure, when they really intend to get it done but they just forget. Barbara, my sweet wife, is sure that they really intend to do it all of the time but we see the glass from two different perspectives in this case. By the way, I know she is right most of the time but I still hate it.

I hate for people who live or work with me to put off things until later because I know what it means too often. However, I am quickly realizing that my impatience in this matter doesn't really extend to me. I mean I really do work hard at getting the things done, even hard things by most standards. However, I have learned about me that hard things for others are not necessarily hard things for me and vice versa. So, I should find no solace in doing things other people won't get done. Rather, I need to spend some time thinking about things I am putting off. Interestingly enough, I think my reason for not getting things done falls into the same three categories as my grandchildren.

First, there are those things I just don't want to do. I am not going to go public with what those things are but trust me there are too many of them. I don't feel like doing them so I naturally find reasons not to get them done. Then, there is the matter of being too busy to get them done. The first and the second reasons really can support one another. And then, there is the much more honorably sounding "good intentions" reason. It really is easiest to hide behind this one. But, I really hate it when others do it. Come to think about it, I probably hate it in others because of how I feel about it in myself. I really hate it when I psychologize myself.
There is another issue for me at this stage in my life. If I really intend to do something, I better do it when I am thinking about it or chances are better than even that I will forget that I ever thought it. It is that going into a room and forgetting what brought you there thing. It seems to be happening with greater frequency these days.

So, here is the reality. If my life is going to move forward, deeper, or higher, whatever going to the next level really means, then I am going to need to get serious about doing things I know I need to do whether I feel like it or not. I am going to need to stop doing some things in order to start doing other, more important things. And, I need to act on my good intentions while they are part of my conscious mind or they will become part of the volumes of great intentions I have had. Maybe you can relate. If so, make it your new year's resolution. I don't mind if you borrow it. Do well, my friends and have a happy and purposed new year!

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