Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"It's Time!"

The celebrations are over. The inauguration is done. We have a new President, and he has gotten to work. His mantra is change. He already has some new things in place. Change has happened. You don't have to like him or his politics, but you do need to recognize that he has begun to make things happen. How about you? Your celebrations are over - Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah and New Years. The inauguration for the beginning of '09 has happened. The ball has dropped. So, have you begun to put your plans in place for this new year? It's still January. It's not too late, but it is time to get started. If you wait, you will soon be hearing Christmas music again.

Let me tell you about some things I have done to put change in motion for my new year. Maybe it will stimulate you to put some new things in motion for yourself. To begin with, I am convinced I want to hear more from God this year. I want to spend more time listening and less time talking, although I want to pray more this year as well. I have started in the beginning with Genesis, and I am reading it again for the first time. I am reading it as though it is a letter directly to me from God. It is amazing to me just how many things I have never seen or heard before. I want to begin and end each day in His Word. There is an incredible blessing involved in waking up to Him and in going to sleep with Him. You might give it a try.

Physically speaking, I am working on my speed and flexibility. I have slipped into a rut with my workout efforts. I get the bare minimum done cardiovascular but that's not enough. I am convinced that my performance in life is enhanced by my personal sense of health and well being. I am diversifying my workouts with racquetball, tennis, stretching, push ups, and ab work. I remain committed to a three day per week regimen, but I am pushing toward a fourth day.

Relationally speaking, I am paying more attention to those I love. It is so easy to miss opportunities to be there for them. I am committed to becoming more creative in my support for all of them. I have to begin with them and where they are. I want to make effective contact with family and friends everyday.

Professionally speaking, it's all about connectivity. I am working hard to reconnect with my world. In many cases, it's about making connection for the first time. New contacts should be made everyday. I need to be alive and awake to new opportunity.

So, how about you? Have you launched into this new year with passion and purpose? It's not too late. Let this be your launching pad. Get started. Change some things. It really is time!

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