Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tears of Surprise

I was encouraged to watch a video clip sent to me by my friend Kim. In fact, I am going to encourage you to watch the same clip if you haven't already. The clip is from Britain's version of American's Got Talent. It is the performance of a 47 year old woman who, upon first glance, does not appear to belong on the program. None of the judges thought so. The audience didn't seem to think so. And, I have to confess, I thought she seemed a little out of her element. And then, she began to sing.

How long has it been since you have been totally surprised by something? I mean blown away, off the chart, you can't believe it kind of surprised. Well, that is where I found myself when I watched this woman sing. I was sitting by myself in front of my computer, I found myself tearing up. I really found myself getting emotional about this performance. I have spent some time thinking about it, and there really was an uplifting surprise for me in those tears.

This 47 year old woman who lived alone with her cat in a small English village marched onto a stage of skeptics and had the courage to do something no one believed in but her. What had taken her so long? How much discouragement had she received? I don't know. The point is there she was. All by herself. No family. No friends. Just her and her dream. I loved it.

So, the tears came to my eyes because of the courage of this woman and because of the journey she represented. They also came to my eyes because of the impact she had on everyone who heard her sing. The audience went crazy. The judges became emotional themselves. Even Simon was overwhelmed. I was touched by the impact that we as people can still have upon one another. Even though we may begin jaded and prejudiced, we can be changed. It just took someone with the guts, the gift, and the grace to make it happen.

This woman's performance has no doubt been seen by millions of people. Perhaps unknowingly, she has moved the world. I wish it happened more often. Maybe I need to encourage it more in others. Maybe I need to make it happen more myself, on purpose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He shows up in the most unexpected places. Surprised by Joy. Love you Brother. - the Brooker