Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When Is the Right Time?

Timing is everything. I have heard that undisputed wisdom all of my life. And, while I don't argue the fact that timing can play an important role in our lives, I just wonder if too much emphasis can be placed upon moments over which we have very little control. I mean how do we ever really know when we are in the midst of the "right" time? It just seems we can find ourselves waiting and watching for just the right time while a lot of time is being lost.

What if the "right" time is anytime you create? What if the "right" time is when we decide it is time to pray, to move, to act, to perform, to love, to apologize, to praise, or to rest? I am afraid we might be allowing ourselves to underestimate the significant role we play in this life. We have been given the ultimate power and privilege as human beings. We have been given the power to choose. And, no one can take that away from us unless we choose to give them that power.

I remember the first time I was introduced to Viktor Frankl's story. The Holocaust. That whole tragedy of human history has been documented so many different ways. However, there was something significant for me learning about Frankl's response to that time in his life. He had no control over what was happening to him. His family had been ripped from his life. Yet, he maintained the conviction that no one could make him a victim as long as he chose not to be. The Holocaust was his time. And, yet it was one time among many in Frankl's life. Every time he chose to exercise his power to choose; it was his time.

I think that is the answer. The right time is when we choose. Timing is everything because our power to choose is everything. So, I think we should exercise that power more often. I know I need to. I need to make the choice to live with more purpose in this life. How about you? Remember, timing is everything!

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1 comment:

Charlie Morgan said...

D=S-M a phenomenal mathmatical equation. Should be taught in every school on a regular basis--perhaps not in math class, however.